
Monday 30 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Veggie & Chive Stuffed Globe Courgettes (vegan & gluten-free)

Rocket & Roses Holiday Play List:

Tina Dico ~ If I'd Sinned
KORN ft Amy Lee ~ Freak On A Leash (Live)
Anna Calvi ~ Fire
Billy Ocean ~ Caribbean Queen
Joan Jett ~ Good Music
Ed Sheeran ~ Wake Me Up
The Veronicas ~ This Love
Clare Teal ~ Messing With Fire
Hope & Russell ~ Am I In Love?
Metallica ~ The Unforgiven
The Animals ~ Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Phil Colins ~ True Colours
Gregory Porter ~ Water Under Bridges
Pearl Jam ~ Breath

Stuffed vegetables. I confess at one point in my life I would inwardly groan at the thought of eating yet another stuffed bell pepper. Stuffed marrow brings up images of my Mum devouring slices of the tasteless veg with a meaty filling..yuck! So my experiences weren't the best starting point. Then I started to experiment with different veggies. My first attempt at stuffing and baking onions was simply a nightmare of over cooked filling and crunchy under cooked onion and my earlier attempts at stuffing aubergines were quite frankly a disaster. Not not good at all. And for those reasons I withdrew from the stuffed veggie cooking method.

It was ML who tempted me back to try a stuffed veggie one last time. I did nothing to help and was reluctantly agreeable to sitting down to try the results of an afternoons cooking. OK so ML knows me well because I was tempted in with the beany filling that was on offer but my hopes for enjoying it stuffed into courgette boats wasn't that high. Courgette...similar to a marrow...yep that was going to be one tasteless evening meal. I was very certain of this fact. 

Now I can admit when I am wrong...easily. And blimey how very wrong I was to have judged this very simple dish on my previous experiences. The courgette boats were tender/crisp and full of delicate flavour that held on to the stuffing flavours really well. I was bowled over by every mouthful and by the end of the meal I was wishing that there was leftovers for lunch the next day. And that, my friend. is how they get you I hadn't tried stuffing a round courgette until earlier this year. It wasn't that hard and looked very pleasing to the eye so whenever I find them on offer I have to buy some. Told ya...addicted. lol. 

This filling came about from various leftovers I had in the fridge when I was doing a holiday clear out the day before we left for our holidays. (Which we are on right now and yes..the Lake District is still as beautiful as ever...see the Holiday Postcard of the Day after the recipe) Leftover brown jasmine rice, sweetcorn, herbs, bell peppers, tomato know that kinda thing. It smelt divine as I cooked off the filling in a skillet and the taste was perfectly savoury with that little hint of sweetness from the veggies and savoury edge from the fresh chives and rice. I ate mine for dinner that night and enjoyed every bite and yes...once again I was disappointed that there wasn't going to be Right back to the holidays....and tomorrow is that first posting for SUMA Wholefoods...

Rocket & Roses Veggie & Chive Stuffed Globe Courgettes

Rocket & Roses Veggie & Chive Stuffed Globe Courgettes     Serves 1-2
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

2 globe courgettes, tops removed and flesh removed, leaving a thin shell

1 tsp coconut oil
1 baby leek, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, micro-grated
1/2 of the courgette flesh, chopped
1/2 orange bell pepper, finely chopped
1 tbsp tomato paste
5 fresh chive leaves, finely chopped
heaped 1/4 cup sweetcorn
1/2 cup cooked brown rice 
generous amounts of freshly cracked black pepper

Preheat the oven to 350'F/180'C/GM 4 and place the courgette shells into a small baking dish. Set to one side. 

In a small skillet gently heat the oil and saute the leeks and garlic until beginning to soften. Then add the remaining ingredients and cook until the leeks are soft. Approx 5 minutes. 

Spoon the filling into the courgette shells and pack the filling down tightly and then mound the remaining filling on top. Gently press the courgette lids back on top. They won't close completely and you don't want them too. 

Place in the hot oven and bake until the courgette shells are tender/crisp. Serve...


Holiday Post Card of the Day:  

Derwent Water, Lake District. We enjoyed a boat tour of the waters. 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Monday has been a great one folks...


NB: This is my creation and I have no problem with you using it or sharing it. I simply ask that you give credit where its due as I always try to...many thanks. Namaste ~R~  

Saturday 28 June 2014

Red's Cucumber Sushi Bites (vegan & gluten-free)

Rocket & Roses Holiday Play List:

Jose Carerras ~ Dreaming Of You
Foo Fighters ~ Let It Die#
Zac Brown Band ~ Toes
Nickelback ~ Holding On To Heaven
Justin Timberlake ~ (And she said) Take Me Now
Hot Chocolate ~ You Sexy Thing
VAST ~ She Visits Me
Jack Johnson ~ Sexy Plexi 
Megadeth ~ Skin Of My Teeth
Madison Avenue ~ Everything You Need 12"
Orianthi ~ Missing You
The Eagles ~ Take It Easy
Marvin Gaye ~ Come Get To This
Marilyn Manson ~ Personal Jesus 
(you have to love iPod ~R~)

What fun we had making these cucumber sushi bites. I have been watching this new craze for cucumber sushi for a while now and finally decided to have a go at making my own. I liked the idea of them being so simple to make. I enjoyed making vegan sushi recently but the nerve wrecking rolling of the nori rolls gave me a grey hair! One! That's it. lol. I made these towards the end of a long day of recipe testing in the kitchen. I was fortunate to have Ann assisting me for the day so whilst i whipped up the filling for them..she patiently rolled each piece in black sesame seeds. A task that may have pushed the virtue I sadly lack. lol. 

I had some leftover cooked brown jasmine rice and an avocado. My new delivery of Wasabi powder had arrived earlier in the week and the three of them were the base from which I started. Now I feel it only fair to warn you that these look beautiful but are quite messy to eat so make sure you have a little plate at hand....or you could just use your hand as Ann did. I failed in this effort and had to rescue black sesame seeds from..erm...places that black sesame seeds should never go!! The finished dish had many layers of flavour and great textures. I was worried that the flavours would get lost in the potent cucumber flesh but it didn't. The cucumber gave it a refreshing burst whilst you enjoyed the savoury filling, crunch from the fresh veggies and the hit of heat from the chilli. We enjoyed ours and I look forward to making more...

Red's Cucumber Sushi Bites (vegan & gluten-free)

Red's Cucumber Sushi Bites    Makes 6 pieces
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Rose Vegan Kitchen)

1 thick cucumber, peeled and cut into 1.5" slices, seeds removed 
1/4 cup black sesame seeds 

1/2 of avocado, flesh 
1/2 tsp wasabi powder mixed with 3/4 tsp water into a paste
1 heaped 1/4 tsp  micro-grated fresh ginger 
1/3 red Birdseye fresh chilli with seeds, finely chopped
1/4 tsp Braggs or soy/tamari
1/4 tsp toasted sesame oil

1/3 cup cooked brown rice, cold

2 baby sweetcorn, cut lengthways into quarters
18 pieces of finely julienne strips of carrot 
28 pieces of finely julienne strips of mangetout

Sprinkle the black sesame seeds onto a teaplate and carefully roll the prepped cucumber slices in them until a good coating has been achieved. Place each piece gently onto a serving plate/s. Trust's easier this way. lol 

Mash the avocado flesh until almost smooth and then add in the wasabi paste, fresh ginger, chilli, Braggs and sesame oil. Mix well to evenly distribute the ingredients and then set to one side. 

If you haven't already done so, now would be the time to prep the carrots, baby corn and mangetout. Add the cooked brown rice into the avocado mix and then stir well. Spoon the filling into the cored centre of each piece of cucumber. Making sure there is a heaped mound of filling on each one. Take a selection of the prepped veggies and push them carefully down into the centre of the filling. And then pack the filling around the vertical veggies. (I wanted to say erect but ML wouldn't let me...*shaking head* And then serve chilled...


Holiday Post Card Of The Day:

View from Rose Farm...just beautiful, eh?

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are having a great weekend...


NB: This is my creation inspired by many others recipes I've seen. I have no problem with you using it or sharing it. I simply ask you give credit where it's due as I always try to...many thanks. Namaste..~R~



Friday 27 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Happy Holiday Soup (vegan & gluten-free)

Rocket & Roses Kitchen Play List:

Half Moon Run ~ Unofferable
Daisy Chapman ~ Does She Know What I Know?
Half Moon Run ~ Judgement 
Shelby Lynne ~ Where I'm From
Melissa Etheridge ~ Down To One
Kenny Wayne Shepherd ~ Ledbetter Heights 
Brandi Carlile ~ Touching The Ground
NIN ~ Closer
Train ~ To Be Loved
Groove Armarda ~ I See You Baby
Alanis Morrisette ~ Not The Doctor
Styx ~ Babe
The Ting Tings ~ Shut Up And Let Me Go
Nickelback ~ Breathe

You know that moment when you are about to leave for your holiday and you look in your fridge and realise you have so many fresh veggies to use up? Or is that just me? It's not? Phew. Well after a week of recipe creating, testing, re-testing and testing some more...then making final adaptions and then making the many dishes for real...I was still left with a stash of veggie treats. Some went home with my willing foodie victim tester and general helper, Ann. I hear there is going to be Polish Soup in her But I still had some leftover so I had that lovely kitchen moment of stacking all the veggies on the kitchen counter and then I got chopping. And after many additional bits of this and bits of that...I was left with this beautiful, veggie packed soup. The many colours made me smile and the smell was just what I needed after an afternoon of chocolate making. Yep, chocolate recipes a plenty coming up soon. Aren't I good to you all? I can't eat them myself but Ann assures me that they are just great. lol. OK so I tried a couple of bites myself but then hit such a sugar high..well it was just plain scary. Anyway...

We are about to manically pack for our week away with the Clan ML. ML is so giddy with excitement its funny. I shall still be posting during the week and will bring you photos from our day with a foodie post as I am told there is a wifi connection there. *fingers crossed* lol. And Tuesday is the first posting for Suma Wholefoods Blogger Network and I really hope you enjoy the results. 

Just want to take a moment to say a big thank you to Ann for helping me out this week and for taking one for the team with all the chocolate testing yesterday. lol Addict! Right..packing..holidays...must scoot...

Rocket & Roses Happy Holiday Soup (vegan & gluten-free)
Rocket & Roses Happy Holiday Soup   Serves 4
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

3 baby leeks, halved and thickly sliced
1 carrot, peeled and diced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tsp coconut oil
1 courgette, quartered lengthwise and thickly chunked 
7 lg cauliflower florets, cut into bitesize pieces
22 fine green beans, cut into 1" pieces
1 1/4 litres of low sodium thin veggie stock
1 tbsp tomato paste 
2 small sweet potato, chunked
1 tsp dried thyme
3/4 tsp dried oregano 
generous amounts of freshly ground black pepper
1/2 small tin of sweetcorn

Heat the oil, leeks, carrot and garlic in a large soup pan. Cook until softened, stirring often. Add herbs, stock, tomato paste and stir well. Add in the remaining veggies and stir once more. Bring a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the veggies are cooked. Serve...


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Friday is a great one...


NB: This is my creation and I have no problem with you using it or sharing it. I only ask that you give credit where it's due as I always try to. Many thanks...Namaste. ~R~

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Accidental Cashew Chilli Spread on a GF Tortilla with mixed peppers and fresh chives

Rocket & Roses Kitchen Play List:

Rival Sons ~ Before The Fire Album

Whew! Has it been a busy week here at R&R HQ. I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday. I have been recipe creating, testing and cooking...and in some cases re-cooking every day. I am exhausted but in one of the very best ways. I know I might pay for it later but right now I am enjoying the chaos...loving the challenge and revelling in the tiredness. It often happens that whilst testing out my new recipes I get lead astray by other ideas that pop into my mind. Almost always, I have a pad and pen near me to scribble these down for testing out later. But this week I was busy creating a noodle dressing using cashews as the base and at a taste testing stage I was bowled over by results. I stopped the testing there and removed some of the paste and schmeared it on an oatcake...yep...good creamy paste...a schoosh of bite from the fresh lime juice and a delicate sweet heat from the jalapeno pepper slices. It was like having sweet chilli sauce...only a creamy version and without all the added sugars and nastiness. Yep..3 simple ingredients and a blender and you have a delicious spread for crackers, sandwiches, wraps or toast. Marvellous...

Today I enjoyed some spread over a gluten-free tortilla wrap, topped with thin slices of mixed baby bell peppers and sprinkled with freshly cut chives. Not as sweet as you'd think it would be...and the chives provided a good dose of savouriness. So when I sat down at 4pm to eat lunch...(don't ask...busy, I really enjoyed this wrap and just knew you folks out there would too. Quite a sunny happy wrap eh? Right better get back to the kitchen...

Rocket & Roses Accidental Cashew Chilli Spread on GF Tortilla with Mixed Baby Peppers & Fresh Chives

Rocket & Roses Accidental Cashew Chilli Spread   Makes 1 cup
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

1 cup of cashew pieces
juice of one large lime
2 thick slices of jalapeno chilli, jarred variety for the slight sweetness
(mine were in apple cyder vinegar which I can have..but use whatever ones you prefer folks)

Place the cashew pieces in a container and cover with water. Leave to soak for at least 30 minutes. The longer the better. 

Casually drain the cashew pieces and place them into a mini processor or equivalent. Blend until the pieces have broken down into a thick paste. Then pour in the lime juice and the slices of chilli. Blend for a few minutes until you have a smoother paste. Place the cashew mix into a airtight container and store in the fridge until needed. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Wednesday has been a good one...


NB: This is my accidental creation and I have no problem with you using the recipe or sharing it but I simply ask that you give credit where it's due as I always try to...many thanks. Namaste ~R~

Monday 23 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Chinese 5 Spice Scented Spring Vegetables

Rocket & Roses Kitchen Play List:

Gin Wigmore ~ Holy Smoke Album 

How was your weekend? Mine was once again busy but packed full of time with those I love dear. However, no we are trying to get ourselves ready for a family holiday starting at the end of this week. ML's brother and his family are over from South Africa and we are all meeting up at the Lake District thanks to ML's parents. It will be a lovely week of adventures and family time which ML gets very little of, so you can imagine the excitement in R & R HQ this week. It will be the first time meeting our youngest nephew and the second time (for me) meeting his older brother. We have a busy week ahead of us before we can relax and enjoy ourselves. I have a big deadline to meet and ML has a last minute work trip to Glasgow...argh!..the two days before we are due to leave. But I am sure by Friday lunchtime we will have the car packed up and will be setting off with smiles on our faces. Now if we could just get our car to stop breaking down....*expletive therapy* 

And today's recipe. I once again found myself in the Indie Store over in the city and so grabbed a basketful of veggies that I can't get where I currently live. Ong Choi and various varieties of aubergine/eggplant was stashed in my basket. As I am facing a hectic week ahead I wanted a dish that would last a few days and be nutritious and mainly delicious. I could've made a large container of salad but I wasn't feeling the salad love today. I wanted my lunchtime meal to be something that made me sit down and enjoy it's diverse flavours and textures. My usual lunches tend to be buckwheat noodle based whether its hot vegetable packed brothy soup or cold noodles in a salad with a creamy nut dressing. 

I chose vegetables that came to hand from my fridge and stocks. I knew I wanted that unique flavour that only Chinese 5 Spice can bring to a dish. I wanted many differing textures from the veggies and beans. I also wanted a comforting depth that only new potatoes can bring..for me anyway. My broth had to been savoury but with a hit of heat from fresh ginger and chilli and a slight sourness that the juice of a large lime would provide. And you know what? That is exactly what I got from this mix...the dish was a pleasure to eat and made me smile. The aroma pleased me and the vegetables more than pleased my tum as they weren't a heavy mix. Looks like my lunches are sorted for the next few days. Right...back to the kitchen! 

Rocket & Roses Chinese 5 Spice Scented Spring Vegetables

R&R Chinese 5 Spice Scented Spring Vegetables   Serves 4
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

1.5 litres of hot low sodium veggie stock 
1 1/2 tsp Chinese 5 Spice 

1 onion, peeled halved and sliced
3 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced 
1" piece fresh ginger, peeled and micro grated
1 large hot red chilli, sliced into rounds and seeds left in (de-seed if you wish)

1 med/large carrot, peeled and cut into 1.5" matchsticks
3 medium new potatoes, unpeeled, halved and sliced
1 med kholrabi, peeled and cubed

5 large broccoli florets, cut into bite size pieces, stalks chopped and set to one side
large bunch of Ong Choi, rinsed well and cut into 2" pieces (or use a green leafy of your choice) 
large handful of frozen edamame beans
1 14oz tin of aducki beans, rinsed and drained
juice of 1 large lime 
freshly grated black pepper

Heat your stock and add in the 5 Spice blend and stir well. Pour into a large saucepan and add the onions, garlic, ginger and chilli. Bring to a gentle boil and leave to simmer, covered, for 5 minutes. Add in the carrots, potatoes and kholrabi and stir well. Bring the stock up to a boil again, cover and simmer for 8 minutes. Stir in the fresh lime juice and then add the broccoli florets, edamame and ong choi to the pan. Season well with freshly cracked black pepper and then stir well. Once again bring the heat up and cook for 4 minutes and then add in the aducki beans. Bring it almost back to the boil..long enough for the aducki beans to have warmed through. Test for seasoning...adjust to your taste. I didn't need any further seasoning. Serve the veggies hot with a little hot broth to sit over. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Monday has been a kind one...


NB: This is my creation and I have no problem with you using it or sharing it as long as you give credit where it's due. As I always try too...many thanks. Namaste. ~R~



Thursday 19 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Creamy Tomato & Thyme Tart with Almond/Black Pepper Crust (vegan & gluten-free)

Rocket  Roses Kitchen Play List:

The Kinks ~ Sunny Afternoon
Tina Dico ~ Haunted
The Cranberries ~ Sunday
Foo Fighters ~ Statues
The Gossip ~ For Keeps
Lady Antebellum ~ Singing Me Home
Joan Jett ~ You Drive Me Wild 
Jack Johnson ~ Cookie Jar
Natalie Imbruglia ~ Perfectly
Chely Wright ~ Not As In Love
Queen ~ I'm Going Slightly Mad
Muse ~ Time Is Running Out
Clean And Mean Radio ~ I Don't Care, I Love it
Blackberry Smoke ~ Ain't Much Left Of Me

Today I made my first gluten-free pastry/crust. I've made many other offerings from other peoples kitchens but today I wanted to have a go at creating my own. And you know what? I am quite pleased with it even if I do say so myself. I wanted a crust that held together and had a great texture and taste. I didn't want it to be just the case the filling sat in. I already knew what kind of filling I was shooting for as I've been scribbling and re-scribbling about it for a couple of weeks. I'd picked up some beautiful little orange plum cherry tomatoes on Tuesday and knew I wanted them to be the star. And so I found myself stood at my kitchen counter with this little bag of tomatoes...and I got creative. lol. 

The crust came together quite easily as I am now used to the gluten-free making process. So much so when I made wheat flatbreads for Ann at the weekend, the gloopy sticky gluteness of the dough freaked me out. lol. I wanted the crust to have a richness that I've found only comes with adding ground nuts so I chose almonds and that was my real starting point. I didn't want the sweetness of cashews as I knew I would be using coconut oil and that would be all the sweetness I wanted. Once all the ingredients were in the bowl and I was mixing/kneading by hand it came together quite quickly. And pressing the dough out into my pie dish wasn't difficult although I was a little concerned at how dry it felt. But I really didn't need to worry as it pressed out well, baked well and cut well. You could even hold your slice of tart in your hand to eat it if desired. held together that well. The baked crust had all the elements that I wanted. Rich without feeling heavy on the tum, it held together and had a great flavour which complemented the filling well. Phew! First attempt...a success! Can I breathe now? 

I wanted my filling to have a creaminess but I didn't want to use tofu today. I wanted that to come from a beany mix. I had a bag of small shallots so I put them to good use along with a clove of garlic and sauteed them until just soft and finished them off with a little steam from some veggie stock. I blitzed the chosen beans down in a processor and then added hot stock and blended until the beans were fluffed and..yep..creamy! lol. I folded the shallot mix into the beans and then spread it out over the crust. The texture of the shallots in amongst the bean mix worked well. Next up was the tomatoes and fresh thyme. 

The completed tart was delicious. I loved the rich crust with the creamy filling and enjoyed the burst of sweetness from the tomatoes in every bite. That combined with the fresh thyme which rounded out the flavours...tart heaven! OK so I wouldn't eat this every day but it would definitely be one of my High Days and Holidays dishes. A treat indeed...

Rocket & Roses Creamy Tomato & Thyme Tart with Almond Black Pepper Crust (vegan & gluten-free)

R&R Tomato & Thyme Tart with Almond/Black Pepper Crust    Makes 1 10" tart
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

For the crust: 

3/4 cup ground almonds
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
1/4 cup brown rice flour
1 tbsp physillum husk
1 tbsp chia seeds 
1/2 tsp Himalayan sea salt
very generous amount of freshly cracked black pepper
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted 
3-4 tbsp very cold water

For the filling: 

1st layer
1 14oz tin of cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 
4 tbsp hot veggie stock
1 tsp coconut oil - optional
10 small shallots, peeled and finely sliced
1 garlic clove, peeled finely sliced
freshly grated black pepper
sprinkling of fresh thyme leaves

2nd layer
12 orange plum cherry tomatoes, halved
handful of fresh thyme leaves 

Pre-heat the oven to 350'F/180'C/GM 4. Lightly grease a 9-10" pie dish with a little coconut oil. Set to one side. 

In a large bowl combine the dry crust ingredients and mix well. Pour the melted coconut oil into the centre and work through the dry mix until a crumbly texture is achieved. Add in the cold water and using your hands bring the mix together until it hold a solid shape. It will still be slightly crumbly around the edges. Place the crust into the pie dish and slowly press the dough out evenly across the dish and up the sides. When it is an even layer go around the top edge and press into a firm line. Place in the pre-heated oven for 10-15 minutes. It won't go golden brown but you will smell that it's ready. (I hope? lol) Set to one side to cool.

In a skillet heat the oil and gently saute the shallots and garlic until soft. Towards the end spoon a tbsp of the hot stock into the shallots and cover and let them steam in the stock for a minute. Remove from the heat and set to one side.  

In a small processor or blender blend the beans down and add the remaining stock towards the end to make a creamy texture. Stir into the shallot mix and stir well the evenly distribute. Spread the shallot/bean mix over the base of the crust and then add more in layers and smooth over after the last dollop. Sprinkle the fresh thyme leaves over the mix and grate a little freshly cracked black pepper over the top. 

The freshly baked tart
Take the halved tomatoes and place them around the top of the tart in whatever design you fancy. Press them down slightly into the shallot/bean mix. Sprinkle over the remaining fresh thyme leaves. Place in the pre-heated oven for 15-20 minutes...depending on how cooked you like your tomatoes. At the end of the baking time remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before cutting into the tart for serving. 

Proof that the crust cuts well and holds its happy! lol


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Thursday is a good one...


NB: This is my creation. I am very happy for you to use it and share it. I simply ask that you give credit where it's due as I always try to..Many thank. Namaste ~R~ 

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Thai Mixed Vegetable and Tofu Curry (vegan & gluten-free)

Rocket & Roses Kitchen Play List:

Jose Carreras ~ Puccini: La Boheme - O Soave Fanciulla
The Eagles ~ The Girl From Yesterday
VAST ~ Pretty When You Cry
The Ting Tings ~ Traffic Light
Pearl Jam ~ Speed Of Sound
Buckcherry ~ Tired Of You
Paul Weller ~ Pink On White Walls
The Fratellis ~ For The Girl
Tom Jones ~ Sunny Afternoon
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band ~ Trouble Is...
The Eagles ~ I Don't Want To Hear Anymore
Missy Higgings ~ Warm Whispers 
Prince ~ Cream
Becky Hill ~ Last Request (Live)

Leftovers...just great, aren't they? I had leftover mussaman curry paste from the curry I made on Sunday which meant my evening meal last night was relatively easy to throw together. After chopping a few veggies..well with the help of Ann...our meal was simmering away nicely in no time. I also had leftover Thai red rice to accompany the vibrant veggie packed curry. Marvellous. 

We had been for a day at the beach once again although it was a little chilly as the clouds never gave us a moment of sunshine, the simple act of being sat on the beach was enough to make both of us relax for a few hours. I made a rookie mistake and decided against taking my hat as it was so overcast and cloudy...*shaking head in shame*..and now I have very burnt skin on my face and chest. I forgot two things...1. one of my meds makes my skin even more sensitive to the rays and 2. I am porcelain pale and therefore need a body suit to leave the house! Urgh and so today I am smothered in uber moisturiser in the the hope that it eases my skin and stops the dreaded peeling. Next time...I am taking my ginormous floppy hat and be done with it. lol. However this resulting soreness has not taken away from my day at the beach with the lovely Ann. And I am not in any way jealous or envious of her ability to just turn into a bronzed sun goddess at even the slightest bit of sunshine. Nope..I'm not..nuhuh..ok maybe just a LOT little. Anyway...

Today's recipe comes from Linda Majzilk's A Vegan Taste Of Thailand. It shares the same page as the Mussaman Potato & Carrot Curry that I made on Sunday. I had some seasoned and diced tofu pieces in the freezer so I left them to thaw before heading off for the beach. If I'm honest it was team work between myself, Ann and ML as I delegated chopping and stirring to them. lol. If you have the paste ready made like I's a very simple recipe and looks so beautiful as it simmers away and the aroma has your tummy groaning in hunger. The flavours are a delight and I loved the texture from the varying different veggies packed into it. The paste had developed a little more so the curry had a little more heat than Sunday which we both enjoyed. I see this becoming a popular dish indeed...

Thai Mixed Vegetable & Tofu Curry

Thai Mixed Vegetable & Tofu Curry 
(Recipe from A Vegan Taste of Thailand/Majzilk)

8oz/225g firm tofu, diced
6oz/175g carrot, peeled and cut into matchsticks
4oz/100g white cabbage, shredded 
4oz/100g green beans, topped, tailed and cut into 1/2 inch/1cm pieces
4oz/100g red pepper, sliced
4oz/100g cauliflower, cut into tiny florets
4 shallots, peeled and finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1"/2.5cm piece of galangal, finely chopped
2 rounded tbsp mussaman curry paste 
1 tbsp ground nut oil
8 cardamon pods, husked and the seeds separated
4 kaffir lime leaves
1/2 tsp turmeric
black pepper
6 fl oz/175ml vegetable stock 
5 fl oz/150ml coconut milk
1 dsp cornflour
chopped roasted peanuts 

Fry the shallots, garlic and galangal in the oil for 3 minutes, then add the curry paste and turmeric and stir around for a minute. Now add the carrot, cabbage, green beans, red pepper, cauliflower, baby sweetcorn, cardamon seeds, lime leaves and vegetable stock. Season with black pepper and stir well, bring to the boil, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Put in the tofu and continue cooking for about 5 minutes until the veggies are done. Mix the cornflour with the coconut milk until smooth and stir into the curry. Continue cooking for a minute or so until the sauce thickens, then transfer to a warmed serving dish and garnish with chopped peanuts. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Wednesday has been a sunny one...


NB: This is not my recipe and therefore take no credit for it whatsoever. It is the hard work and creation of Linda Majzilk and hers alone. I thank her for a great recipe. ~R~



Monday 16 June 2014

Mussaman Potato & Carrot Curry (vegan & gluten-free)

Rocket & Roses Kitchen Play List:

Plant & Kraus ~ Trampled Rose
Meredith Brooks ~ It Don't Get Better
Shakira ~ You Don't Care About Me
All Saints ~ Black Coffee
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band ~ Born With A Broken Heart
Garbage ~ Push It
Alanis Morrisette ~ You Outta Know (Alternative Take)
The Cranberries ~ Carry On
Natalie Cole ~ I've Got Just About Everything
Zac Brown Band ~ Jolene
R.E.M ~ Losing My Religion
Soundgarden ~ Gun
Beth Hart ~ Take It Easy On Me
Whitesnake ~ Too Many Tears 

How was your weekend? Mine? Oh mine was lovely as I once again spent time with those that I love. Friday night we had our nephew Myles to stay over and he and ML had a marathon lego (Mixels) session and then we settled down to watch Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters. I say we but really Myles crashed into a peaceful sleep just after the opening titles had finished. lol. Saturday morning was a riot as my sister and her girls joined us for brunch and before we knew it they were gone again and off to an all afternoon birthday party. We had visits from our good friends Jane & Steve, Bev and Ella (four legged family) in the afternoon and then Ann joined us to stay for the weekend. It was a busy day! Sunday was easy as ML & Ann left early to do a car boot sale at the local cricket field. I spent the morning in the kitchen creating and cooking various of which is today's post. Ann and I enjoyed it with some Thai red rice and steamed side veggies and I also tested out some Thai flatbread for Ann but as they aren't GF I didn't partake. But apparently they were nice before they cooled because then they turned a little..erm..crunchy! lol. 

Last weekend Ann & I had a take out (OMGosh..yes I know take out!! But the restaurant is a very good place and their food is all cooked from fresh! Sheesh!) thai Massuman curry. Ann's being a meat based one and mine obviously a mixed vegetable one. We were both shocked at how liquid the sauce was but it didn't stop us from enjoying every single mouthful. When it came to making a decision what to cook for us yesterday we both agreed that a mussaman curry would be the way to go. I turned to one of my favourite cook book authors Linda Majzilk. I love her A Vegan Taste Of...series of cookbooks. And yesterday I dived between the covers of her A Vegan Taste Of Thailand

Now I wouldn't normally eat a curry that was based solely around root veggies but occasionally it's a nice treat. It also has taramind puree in it so it's not a perfect meal for my body but again as a one off...and I knew that Ann wouldn't mind taking home the leftovers. Even having to make the curry paste from scratch this isn't a hard recipe to achieve. The paste is a matter of a little prep and then, after the toasting of the seeds, it's a blender moment. The curry itself is one of the easiest I've ever made. And the results are just lovely. The only comparison I made to our takeout curry was that the sauce reduced down a lot and was absorbed into the veggies. We both liked this so it wasn't a problem. The veggies were perfectly cooked, the spices had blended into the coconut and peanut sauce and gave an aromatic spiciness kick to the veggies and had just enough chilli heat that my lips felt it as I ate. I loved this curry and will experiment with the leftover paste with other veggies soon. 

Mussaman Potato & Carrot Curry

Mussaman Potato & Carrot Curry  Serves 4-6
(Recipe from A Vegan Taste of Thailand/Majzilk)

1 1/2 lb /675g new potatoes, diced
1 1/2lb /675g carrots, peeled and diced
2oz/50g roasted peanuts, finely chopped
1 onion, peeled and chopped
2 rounded tbsp mussaman curry paste (recipe below)
1 tbsp groundnut oil
1 tbsp tamarind puree
12fl oz/350ml vegetable stock 
8fl oz/225ml coconut milk
6 kaffir lime leaves
1"/2/5cm stick of cinnamon
8 cardamon pods, husked and seeds separated 
black pepper 
red chilli rings

Mussaman Curry Paste:

2oz/50g red chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 lemon grass stalk, chopped
1 shallot, peeled and chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1"/2/5cm piece of fresh ginger, chopped
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
2 cardamon pods, husked and the seeds separated
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1 dsp lime juice 
2 dsp groundnut oil
black pepper 

Dry fry the cumin, coriander and cardamon seeds and, using a pestle, grind them in a mortar. Blend to a paste with the other paste ingredients. Set to one side. 

For the curry:

Heat the oil and fry the onion until softened. Add the curry paste, potatoes and carrots and stir around for 2 minutes. Dissolve the tamarind puree into the veggie stock and put in the pan with the lime leaves, cinnamon and cardamon seeds. Season with black pepper and stir well, then raise the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Add the coconut milk and peanuts and continue simmering, again stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes until the vegetables are tender and the sauce has reduced. Spoon into a serving dish and garnish with red chilli rings. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Monday has been a kind one...


NB: This is not my recipe so therefore I take no credit for it whatsoever. It is the hard work and creation of Linda Majzlik and hers alone. I thank her for such great recipes in her The Vegan Taste Of...series. ~R~