
Monday 23 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Chinese 5 Spice Scented Spring Vegetables

Rocket & Roses Kitchen Play List:

Gin Wigmore ~ Holy Smoke Album 

How was your weekend? Mine was once again busy but packed full of time with those I love dear. However, no we are trying to get ourselves ready for a family holiday starting at the end of this week. ML's brother and his family are over from South Africa and we are all meeting up at the Lake District thanks to ML's parents. It will be a lovely week of adventures and family time which ML gets very little of, so you can imagine the excitement in R & R HQ this week. It will be the first time meeting our youngest nephew and the second time (for me) meeting his older brother. We have a busy week ahead of us before we can relax and enjoy ourselves. I have a big deadline to meet and ML has a last minute work trip to Glasgow...argh!..the two days before we are due to leave. But I am sure by Friday lunchtime we will have the car packed up and will be setting off with smiles on our faces. Now if we could just get our car to stop breaking down....*expletive therapy* 

And today's recipe. I once again found myself in the Indie Store over in the city and so grabbed a basketful of veggies that I can't get where I currently live. Ong Choi and various varieties of aubergine/eggplant was stashed in my basket. As I am facing a hectic week ahead I wanted a dish that would last a few days and be nutritious and mainly delicious. I could've made a large container of salad but I wasn't feeling the salad love today. I wanted my lunchtime meal to be something that made me sit down and enjoy it's diverse flavours and textures. My usual lunches tend to be buckwheat noodle based whether its hot vegetable packed brothy soup or cold noodles in a salad with a creamy nut dressing. 

I chose vegetables that came to hand from my fridge and stocks. I knew I wanted that unique flavour that only Chinese 5 Spice can bring to a dish. I wanted many differing textures from the veggies and beans. I also wanted a comforting depth that only new potatoes can bring..for me anyway. My broth had to been savoury but with a hit of heat from fresh ginger and chilli and a slight sourness that the juice of a large lime would provide. And you know what? That is exactly what I got from this mix...the dish was a pleasure to eat and made me smile. The aroma pleased me and the vegetables more than pleased my tum as they weren't a heavy mix. Looks like my lunches are sorted for the next few days. Right...back to the kitchen! 

Rocket & Roses Chinese 5 Spice Scented Spring Vegetables

R&R Chinese 5 Spice Scented Spring Vegetables   Serves 4
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

1.5 litres of hot low sodium veggie stock 
1 1/2 tsp Chinese 5 Spice 

1 onion, peeled halved and sliced
3 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced 
1" piece fresh ginger, peeled and micro grated
1 large hot red chilli, sliced into rounds and seeds left in (de-seed if you wish)

1 med/large carrot, peeled and cut into 1.5" matchsticks
3 medium new potatoes, unpeeled, halved and sliced
1 med kholrabi, peeled and cubed

5 large broccoli florets, cut into bite size pieces, stalks chopped and set to one side
large bunch of Ong Choi, rinsed well and cut into 2" pieces (or use a green leafy of your choice) 
large handful of frozen edamame beans
1 14oz tin of aducki beans, rinsed and drained
juice of 1 large lime 
freshly grated black pepper

Heat your stock and add in the 5 Spice blend and stir well. Pour into a large saucepan and add the onions, garlic, ginger and chilli. Bring to a gentle boil and leave to simmer, covered, for 5 minutes. Add in the carrots, potatoes and kholrabi and stir well. Bring the stock up to a boil again, cover and simmer for 8 minutes. Stir in the fresh lime juice and then add the broccoli florets, edamame and ong choi to the pan. Season well with freshly cracked black pepper and then stir well. Once again bring the heat up and cook for 4 minutes and then add in the aducki beans. Bring it almost back to the boil..long enough for the aducki beans to have warmed through. Test for seasoning...adjust to your taste. I didn't need any further seasoning. Serve the veggies hot with a little hot broth to sit over. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Monday has been a kind one...


NB: This is my creation and I have no problem with you using it or sharing it as long as you give credit where it's due. As I always try too...many thanks. Namaste. ~R~