
Monday 30 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Veggie & Chive Stuffed Globe Courgettes (vegan & gluten-free)

Rocket & Roses Holiday Play List:

Tina Dico ~ If I'd Sinned
KORN ft Amy Lee ~ Freak On A Leash (Live)
Anna Calvi ~ Fire
Billy Ocean ~ Caribbean Queen
Joan Jett ~ Good Music
Ed Sheeran ~ Wake Me Up
The Veronicas ~ This Love
Clare Teal ~ Messing With Fire
Hope & Russell ~ Am I In Love?
Metallica ~ The Unforgiven
The Animals ~ Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Phil Colins ~ True Colours
Gregory Porter ~ Water Under Bridges
Pearl Jam ~ Breath

Stuffed vegetables. I confess at one point in my life I would inwardly groan at the thought of eating yet another stuffed bell pepper. Stuffed marrow brings up images of my Mum devouring slices of the tasteless veg with a meaty filling..yuck! So my experiences weren't the best starting point. Then I started to experiment with different veggies. My first attempt at stuffing and baking onions was simply a nightmare of over cooked filling and crunchy under cooked onion and my earlier attempts at stuffing aubergines were quite frankly a disaster. Not not good at all. And for those reasons I withdrew from the stuffed veggie cooking method.

It was ML who tempted me back to try a stuffed veggie one last time. I did nothing to help and was reluctantly agreeable to sitting down to try the results of an afternoons cooking. OK so ML knows me well because I was tempted in with the beany filling that was on offer but my hopes for enjoying it stuffed into courgette boats wasn't that high. Courgette...similar to a marrow...yep that was going to be one tasteless evening meal. I was very certain of this fact. 

Now I can admit when I am wrong...easily. And blimey how very wrong I was to have judged this very simple dish on my previous experiences. The courgette boats were tender/crisp and full of delicate flavour that held on to the stuffing flavours really well. I was bowled over by every mouthful and by the end of the meal I was wishing that there was leftovers for lunch the next day. And that, my friend. is how they get you I hadn't tried stuffing a round courgette until earlier this year. It wasn't that hard and looked very pleasing to the eye so whenever I find them on offer I have to buy some. Told ya...addicted. lol. 

This filling came about from various leftovers I had in the fridge when I was doing a holiday clear out the day before we left for our holidays. (Which we are on right now and yes..the Lake District is still as beautiful as ever...see the Holiday Postcard of the Day after the recipe) Leftover brown jasmine rice, sweetcorn, herbs, bell peppers, tomato know that kinda thing. It smelt divine as I cooked off the filling in a skillet and the taste was perfectly savoury with that little hint of sweetness from the veggies and savoury edge from the fresh chives and rice. I ate mine for dinner that night and enjoyed every bite and yes...once again I was disappointed that there wasn't going to be Right back to the holidays....and tomorrow is that first posting for SUMA Wholefoods...

Rocket & Roses Veggie & Chive Stuffed Globe Courgettes

Rocket & Roses Veggie & Chive Stuffed Globe Courgettes     Serves 1-2
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

2 globe courgettes, tops removed and flesh removed, leaving a thin shell

1 tsp coconut oil
1 baby leek, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, micro-grated
1/2 of the courgette flesh, chopped
1/2 orange bell pepper, finely chopped
1 tbsp tomato paste
5 fresh chive leaves, finely chopped
heaped 1/4 cup sweetcorn
1/2 cup cooked brown rice 
generous amounts of freshly cracked black pepper

Preheat the oven to 350'F/180'C/GM 4 and place the courgette shells into a small baking dish. Set to one side. 

In a small skillet gently heat the oil and saute the leeks and garlic until beginning to soften. Then add the remaining ingredients and cook until the leeks are soft. Approx 5 minutes. 

Spoon the filling into the courgette shells and pack the filling down tightly and then mound the remaining filling on top. Gently press the courgette lids back on top. They won't close completely and you don't want them too. 

Place in the hot oven and bake until the courgette shells are tender/crisp. Serve...


Holiday Post Card of the Day:  

Derwent Water, Lake District. We enjoyed a boat tour of the waters. 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Monday has been a great one folks...


NB: This is my creation and I have no problem with you using it or sharing it. I simply ask that you give credit where its due as I always try to...many thanks. Namaste ~R~