
Wednesday 25 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Accidental Cashew Chilli Spread on a GF Tortilla with mixed peppers and fresh chives

Rocket & Roses Kitchen Play List:

Rival Sons ~ Before The Fire Album

Whew! Has it been a busy week here at R&R HQ. I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday. I have been recipe creating, testing and cooking...and in some cases re-cooking every day. I am exhausted but in one of the very best ways. I know I might pay for it later but right now I am enjoying the chaos...loving the challenge and revelling in the tiredness. It often happens that whilst testing out my new recipes I get lead astray by other ideas that pop into my mind. Almost always, I have a pad and pen near me to scribble these down for testing out later. But this week I was busy creating a noodle dressing using cashews as the base and at a taste testing stage I was bowled over by results. I stopped the testing there and removed some of the paste and schmeared it on an oatcake...yep...good creamy paste...a schoosh of bite from the fresh lime juice and a delicate sweet heat from the jalapeno pepper slices. It was like having sweet chilli sauce...only a creamy version and without all the added sugars and nastiness. Yep..3 simple ingredients and a blender and you have a delicious spread for crackers, sandwiches, wraps or toast. Marvellous...

Today I enjoyed some spread over a gluten-free tortilla wrap, topped with thin slices of mixed baby bell peppers and sprinkled with freshly cut chives. Not as sweet as you'd think it would be...and the chives provided a good dose of savouriness. So when I sat down at 4pm to eat lunch...(don't ask...busy, I really enjoyed this wrap and just knew you folks out there would too. Quite a sunny happy wrap eh? Right better get back to the kitchen...

Rocket & Roses Accidental Cashew Chilli Spread on GF Tortilla with Mixed Baby Peppers & Fresh Chives

Rocket & Roses Accidental Cashew Chilli Spread   Makes 1 cup
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

1 cup of cashew pieces
juice of one large lime
2 thick slices of jalapeno chilli, jarred variety for the slight sweetness
(mine were in apple cyder vinegar which I can have..but use whatever ones you prefer folks)

Place the cashew pieces in a container and cover with water. Leave to soak for at least 30 minutes. The longer the better. 

Casually drain the cashew pieces and place them into a mini processor or equivalent. Blend until the pieces have broken down into a thick paste. Then pour in the lime juice and the slices of chilli. Blend for a few minutes until you have a smoother paste. Place the cashew mix into a airtight container and store in the fridge until needed. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Wednesday has been a good one...


NB: This is my accidental creation and I have no problem with you using the recipe or sharing it but I simply ask that you give credit where it's due as I always try to...many thanks. Namaste ~R~