
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Why Complicate Life..and other stuff...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Xtina ~ Walk Away
Crowded House ~ Mean to Me
Brandi Carlile ~ Looking Out
John Denver ~ My Sweet Lady
Bon Jovi ~ Bed of Roses
The Zutons ~ Confusion
Skin ~ Back Door Man
Nicola Benedetti ~ Schubert: Ave Maria
Robert Palmer ~ I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
Frank Sinatra ~ You Don't Remind Me
Thunder ~ I Love You More Than Rock n Roll
PCD ~ Wait A Minute
Audioslave ~ Jewel of the Summertime
Tina Dico ~ Warm Sand

I know, I know, I's another Poster/Quote post today. I can almost hear the collective Please forgive me? lol But this one is necessary as we are very busy this afternoon and so I am pushed for time. So when my sister shared this on her Facebook I loved it and knew in that second that I wanted to share it with you folks. It's worth it...I

Good..isn't it? Ah go on..admit
My creativity seems to be taking a bit of a break right now which is frustrating to say the least. I know it's the side effects of feeling so Yuck..usually I can channel it into my work but this last couple of I'm hoping it isn't a permanent thing..I have had periods like this before and it's always come back. So I am hopeful as ever..

I know that you are awaiting a food posting and I thank you all for your patience. I have been making quite a board of vegan fare on my Pinterest page. But they are other peoples if you wanna check out that board for some great ideas and recipes please click here..For The Love Of Vegan Food On here you will find at least 399 recipes..from healthy to devilish and back again...but please remember to come back to my humble blog

And other news is I got tickets to see a band who I followed 20 years ago...Yikes!!!..and always promised my kid brother we would go see them together if they ever reformed after splitting 18 years ago. (OMG!!! Feeling so ancient right And they did/have..for the Download festival last month...and are now doing a one time only tour in December and we got tickets to go to the wonderful Nottingham Rock City venue. They are the Little Angels and they are touring with another very excellent rock band Skin. So here are links to a very excellent song for each of these great British rock bands...

Little Angels ~ Womankind A great ballad selected by my kid brother for the blog today.

Skin ~ House of Love A fabulously raunchy rock song that I have danced to many

Can't tell you how happy I am to be going to this gig..and my brother has promised no matter what I am going..even in a hospital bed! lol. But I am hopeful that I will be feeling a lot better come December..besides I have Nickelback in October to go to (We are hoping to fit in the Leeds LA/Skin gig It's always good to have tickets...isn't it? lol

Right then...busy Thank you for stopping by and please remember to come I hope your Tuesday is being kind to you...


Monday 30 July 2012

Late Monday Smiles..

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Meredith Brooks ~ Blurring The Edges Album

Well it's Monday again..and I can't believe we are at the end of the July already. Doesn't seem like five minutes since Christmas and now people are already talking about the coming Christmas. lol. Which is fine with me..I'm just a little stunned at how the time is passing so quickly. Could it be now I've reached 40 that I notice it more? lol.

Things have been a little Arghhh in the R & R HQ for the last few weeks and it's easy to hide away and get through every day, not wanting to bother others with my know?

This little quote made me smile alot this afternoon...and made me think of two friends.

Firstly Trustworthy who is the guest host for this blog as he always makes me laugh even when things are looking really bleak or I am struggling to find my hope...and even when something has made me crazy cross..he manages to break through and make me smile. So thank you lovely man.

The second person is my lovely pen pal/friend H...she never gives up on me even when I haven't written in a while. And last night was a prime example of her kindness and sense of humour. She let me know she was there...then she shared a Christmas moment (as we both have a thing for Christmas and then she shared the most lovely Youtube clip which I am sharing with you today. I sat and watched this and smiled, laughed and Awwww'd my way through it...then I shared it with ML who needed a boost too. So thank you H for not giving up...and thank you for your constant funnies. You rock lovely!

Having people like this in your life..people who refuse to let you be alone...who refuse to let you wallow in the Arggghh moments..who can understand a very precious thing. They are the light...and you should never hold back from telling them how special they thank you..both of you..

So thank you for stopping by and I hope you are having a good Monday...with people who make you smile too!


Saturday 28 July 2012

Art: Street Art Beauty

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Tina Dico ~ In The Red Album

As some of you know..I am not the biggest fan of graffiti...I just don't get the whole tagging thing..and if it was to happen to my business or home I would be one seriously pissed annoyed woman. However..a while back I found a photo of a piece of street art that I fell completely for. The talent and emotion that had been poured into it was just stunning.

And so when I stumbled upon five more images I just had to share them with you. I confess I have no idea who the very talented people are, that created these images..but would love to give full credit where it's so rightly please..if you know..speak up please?

Breath taking isn't it?
I love this piece because to me it's very Mucha inspired. I think these guys are just awesome for this creation and would love to see it up close and personal.

Love the sax
Couldn't get this one to show up any better than this..but I love everything about it..especially the sax and the colour. Just great...

Isn't her stare haunting?
I suspect that this is by the same person who created the first street art piece I the style is very similar and the colour. I really wish I knew who the person was...I just love their work. To view the original piece click here...

Bubbles..who doesn't love blowing bubbles..huh? lol
My inner child loves it when bubbles are being played Love it when the little ones get some..always great fun. Also been known to blow some for the Sock and well..just because..and why not eh? lol

This one made me the use of the creeper as hair.
I love the eyes...and the fantastic...a very clever piece. Not sure how I would feel if she was opposite my window..just staring at me..the whole day and night..freaky! lol.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Saturday is a happy one...or at least one that makes you smile at times.


Thursday 26 July 2012

Wish I Was Here...Sunset Beach..

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Bing Crosby ~ Temptation
Thunder ~ It's All About You
The Zutons ~ Dirty Rat
Billie Holiday ~ You Let Me Down
Stevie Ray Vaughn ~ The House Is A Rockin'
The Eagles ~ Last Good Time in Town
Barclay James Harvest ~ Happy Old World
Nickelback ~ Far Away
Audioslave ~ Drown Me Slowly
Rod Stewart ~ Stay With Me
Nickelback ~ Photograph
K.D Lang ~ Trail of Broken Hearts
Thunder ~ Out of My Head
Gwen Stefani ~ Harajuku Girls

The view from my window is grey is England, eh? It's kinda warm in a fresh way. It's one of the Meh weather days and inside the house it's a quiet day too. I was stupid enough to have a fall getting out of the shower this morning too...which has left me in a lot little pain. I know..I am only 40 not 90!! lol But it is, what it

So...once again I am sat in my chair in the lounge..looking out at the grey skies..and wishing I was somewhere else. Not in a whinging way...I accept my lot. But wouldn't it be nice to sat somewhere else, dealing with all this stuff. And there really is only one place that comes to mind to the beach, waves or sea. I don't mean the mass packed tourist type beaches where there is no room to breathe. I mean the quiet..little known about coves that can be found. Where you can set up and just feel all your muscles unwind...stress flow out of your body..and your mind finally finding some peace... That's the type of beach for me.

Heaven would be here...
Sat around a fire pit on the beach watching the waves...just looking at this photo makes me feel peaceful...

If it was a breezy day a little beach tent like this
would be perfect..
To be laid in the shelter of this beach tent, catching up on all the books I have sitting waiting to be read..what is not to like about that? lol

A very simple truth....
I've always found the sea and water it's a place that I crave to be.

Taking a stroll...watching the sunset
Staying at the beach for as long as I could would be blissful..taking a gentle stroll along the beach watching the sun setting over the water would lol (And not in the Mills & Boon sense of 'walking on the beach'..Yuck! lol) Stretching the legs to a beautiful view.

Moon over the beach....Perfect end..
You would probably have to drag me from the beach at the end of the Kicking and Watching the moon take up it's majestic place in the sky..warmed by the pit fire..caressed by the breeze...soft sand underneath me...I could sit and meditate and just breathe...

...and of course with a cooler filled with fine vegan fare and cool drinks for the day....a beachy play list on the Pod...what a great day that would be?? You're welcome to join

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Thursday has been a good one...


NB: The images on this posting are not my therefore I take no credit for their creation. Images were found on Pinterest. If you know whose work they are please let me know and I will be happy to give credit where it's due. But total thanks to whomever they are..they have made me smile a lot...~Red~

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Some Thoughts and a Laugh...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

The Foundations ~ Build Me Up Buttercup
Dean Martin ~ Goodnight Sweetheart
Cyndi Lauper ~ All Through The Night
Gina Sicilia ~ Addicted
Caro Emerald ~ Absolutely Me
Depeche Mode ~ Get Right With Me
Ella Fitzgerald ~ Someone To Watch Over Me
The Smiths ~ Panic
Prince ~ Let's Go Crazy
Temple of the Dog ~ Four Walled World
Zac Brown Band ~ Bar ft Sonia Leigh
Sensible Pets ~ My Way Home
The Rolling Stones ~ Start Me Up
Europe ~ Settle For Love
Madison Avenue ~ Do You Like What You See?
Europe ~ Roll With You
Blake Shelton ~ The Baby
Dan Balan ~ Chica Bomb

Well the temperatures are high in England and so are the pain levels in R & R we aren't enjoying it as much as we should. However, this is not stopping us from enjoying the simple things in life...ML is reading and sleeping...and I am pretty much doing the same stuff I usually So that's music, writing, staying hopeful I'll cook something soon and taking advantage of the wonderful thing that is Skype..oh and taking the I have not managed to make it into the kitchen properly yet I have nothing foodie to share with you today. I have however, got a wonderful quote/poster I found on Pinterest and a great funny..also found on So forgive me for this poster based posting today..

Image is not mine..found on Pinterest
Now I confess, I have never read any of Fitzgerald's works but a few of them are on my Bucket List of books to read. But today when this popped up on my feed on Pinterest I was instantly drawn in by it.  I re-read it a few times and found that it bolstered up my dwindling hope. It's been a rough couple of weeks health wise..I could easily give up...admit defeat and give in to the overwhelming new pain and wave a white flag. But I know I won't..too stubborn to do But I admit there have been times where I have considered it..when the enormity of the battle that I'm facing becomes too much..too harder climb from where I am. It's easy to believe that this is my life forever...that my life will never improve..that I will never participate in my own life and always just be a spectator. And in all honesty..this morning was one of those times. I couldn't sit on my office chair because it hurt so ended up back in the lounge...(which feels more like a prison these days..Urgh!)

And then I admitted to myself that this was another 'low point' and that it would pass. That my life could be so very much worse than it is. So I got busy with my usual creative inspiration exercises and then this quote/poster found me. I read the words and they reminded me that life isn't planned out..that it can change at any time. It reminded me that it is in my control even when it doesn't feel like it. It made perfect sense of all the emotions and thoughts that were rampaging around in my mind. Fitzgerald's words helped me today..and by sharing this..if it helps just one of you or someone you love then it was worth it.

Whoa..heavy huh? lol OK so after that spot of honesty I feel it's my duty to provide you all with something to leave you smiling...if not this cartoon I found later on Pinterest and it made me laugh so hurt! Dammit..but it was worth

Image not mine..found on take no credit
whatsoever! ~R~
Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Wednesday is being good to you....if not..make it! lol


Tuesday 24 July 2012

Art a La Mum: Copenhagen Little Mermaid

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Dani Wilde ~ Falling
Bobby McFerrin ~ Circle Song 6
Sugarbabes ~ Stronger
P!nk ~ Bad Influence
Pixie Lott ~ Nothing Compares
JET ~ Kings Horses
Santana ~ Primavera
Def Leppard ~ Bringing On The Heartbreak
NIN ~ Reptile
Gina Sicilia ~ Allow Me To Confess
Marvin Gaye ~ Let's Get it On
Alannah Myles ~ Hurry Make Love
Radiohead ~ Creep
INXS ~ Mystify

Today's post is based around another one of my lovely and talented Mum's pieces of artwork. This time the medium was Pen & Ink work and the subject the Little Mermaid bronze in Copenhagen. ML has been to Copenhagen a couple of times through work. Last time, Mum asked for a postcards from ML's work travels, so ML brought back a mermaid one from that trip.

Mum came round for her usual Monday evening visit last night and handed me this lovely pen & ink drawing of the famous mermaid.

Little Mermaid by J.C.Lawtey
I love the colour my Mum chose for this piece.  And I really enjoy the detailing.

Close up on the lovely mermaid...
Below is a photograph of the real version and I read up on the Mermaid when I decided to do this posting. I was shocked by the things that had been done to this statue in the name of fact it disgusted me.

Little Mermaid Copenhagen
To read about the charming Little Mermaid for yourself..please click's a very interesting read. However if you want to read about what has really happened to her over the years click here...I know it's Wiki lol.

A postcard version..but not the one Mum worked from..

We are having good temperatures today and blue I am off to enjoy some of Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Tuesday is a fantastic one....


Monday 23 July 2012

In Respect for the Lovely Old Folks...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:
Compilation Best of the 40's Album
Firstly...a huge thank you to my pal Trustworthy who humbled me with an offer of help with the blog this weekend. Thank you lovely man. Of course now I am craving homemade peanut butter and I know by the weekend I will have caved in and made 

Secondly...I'm back..well..kind of...I'm back with an ML who is off work and nursing a broken wrist. Falling over fresh air will do that to you I'm Poor thing. Rotten luck, eh? Sad to say my health isn't improving but my weekend off has given me a little more Grrrr to keep going. I think I am getting used to the new pain..marvellous. Anyway...I am currently in the process of making the kitchen mine again (after months of ML's but it's rather like a 20 minutes clean..20 minutes sit and talk to Trustworthy for 20 minutes..(oh ok longer but..well..shush! lol) It's a start...I am hoping to be actually trying some small cooking tasks by Thursday...Hopeful...always...

So today's post is taken from a link my youngest cousin shared on our Facebook feed..and as AgeUK is one of the charities that I follow and have mentioned on my blog before...and I have an overwhelming sense of fear at being elderly and without control of my bladder life..I had to share this. It touched my heart deeply....I hope it touches your heart too....

For the chance to read about the great work that AgeUK does please visit their

Thank you for stopping by and I hope your Monday is a good one folks....~R~
The Old Man

NB: This story of the old man is purely fictional and not at all a real situation...the work of a creative mind somewhere....see update at the beginning of the blog ~R~

When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in an Australian country town, it was believed that he had nothing left of any value.

Later, when the nurses were going through his meagre possessions, They found this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital.

One nurse took her copy to Melbourne. The old man's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas editions of magazines around the country and appearing in mags for Mental Health. A slide presentation has also been made based on his simple, but eloquent, poem.

And this old man, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the author of this 'anonymous' poem winging across the Internet. 

Cranky Old Man

What do you see nurses? . . .. . .What do you see?
What are you thinking .. . when you're looking at me?
A cranky old man, . . . . . .not very wise,
Uncertain of habit .. . . . . . . .. with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles his food .. . ... . . and makes no reply.
When you say in a loud voice . .'I do wish you'd try!'
Who seems not to notice . . .the things that you do.
And forever is losing . . . . . .. . . A sock or shoe?
Who, resisting or not . . . ... lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding . . . .The long day to fill?
Is that what you're thinking?. .Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse .you're not looking at me.
I'll tell you who I am . . . . .. As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, .. . . . as I eat at your will.
I'm a small child of Ten . .with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters .. . . .. . who love one another
A young boy of Sixteen . . . .. with wings on his feet
Dreaming that soon now . . .. . . a lover he'll meet.
A groom soon at Twenty . . . heart gives a leap.
Remembering, the vows .. .. .that I promised to keep.
At Twenty-Five, now . . . . .I have young of my own.
Who need me to guide . . . And a secure happy home.
A man of Thirty . .. . . . . My young now grown fast,
Bound to each other . . .. With ties that should last.
At Forty, my young sons .. .have grown and are gone,
But my woman is beside me . . to see I don't mourn.
At Fifty, once more, .. ...Babies play 'round my knee,
Again, we know children . . . . My loved one and me.
Dark days are upon me . . . . My wife is now dead.
I look at the future ... . . . . I shudder with dread.
For my young are all rearing .. . . young of their own.
And I think of the years . . . And the love that I've known.
I'm now an old man . . . . . . .. and nature is cruel.
It's jest to make old age . . . . . . . look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles .. .. . grace and vigour, depart.
There is now a stone . . . where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass . A young man still dwells,
And now and again . . . . . my battered heart swells
I remember the joys . . . . .. . I remember the pain.
And I'm loving and living . . . . . . . life over again.
I think of the years, all too few . . .. gone too fast.
And accept the stark fact . . . that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, people .. . . . .. . . open and see.
Not a cranky old man .
Look closer . . . . see .. .. . .. .... . ME!!

Remember this poem when you next meet an older person who you might brush aside without looking at the young soul within. We will all, one day, be there, too!

PLEASE SHARE THIS POEM (originally by Phyllis McCormack; adapted by Dave Griffith)

The best and most beautiful things of this world can't be seen or touched. They must be felt by the heart!

Very Respectfully,
Scott Sonnon
NB: Image is Mr Sonnon and thank you to him for sharing this....~R~

Sunday 22 July 2012

Guest Host Trustworthy: Warning! This May Contain Nuts!

Trustworthy's Kitchen Play List:
The Prodigy - Run With The Wolves
Led Zep - Fool In The Rain
Barclay James Harvest - Dark Now My Sky
PJ Harvey - This Is Love
Trustworthy and Us - Amorphi
Porcupine Tree - Voyage 34: III
PJ Harvey - The Glorious Land
Ladytron - Ghosts
Bobby Womack - Across 110th Street
Underworld - Spoonman
Steven Wilson - Deform To Form A Star
Tool - Intolerance
Marilyn Manson - Tainted Love
Mogwai - Drunk and Crazy
Kinobe - Slip Into Something More Comfortable

Hi very good friend R is a little occupied this weekend so I offered to fill in...and R very kindly allowed me to :-)
I'm pretty frugal and ever since I moved into this little cottage by the water here in sunny Brighton (the one in Queensland, not Sussex lol!) I started making all my own household stuff...soaps (easier than you think), laundry powders (even easier...grated soap and bicarb lol), and very recently nut milks. But today, I had it in my mind to make some peanut butter.

I already had a 500g bag of raw peanuts in their shells in the cupboard, and my eldest daughter was very keen today to have some roasted peanuts. So, as a reward for her excellent first-ever two-wheeled bike ride, on her brand new bike no less, I bunged the oven on and we got shelling.

Shell mountain
I decided to do half of them roasted and half of them raw, and make a PB from each, with a few roasties left over for H to salt as she pleased (with Himalayan rock salt) and munch on whilst watching a movie.

Raw Peanuts waiting
to be roasted
So, whilst the other half were roasting, I cleaned as well as I could the raw ones, trying to remove as much of the purple skin as possible (quite a task...which I thought halfway through was actually futile lol). I then threw these into a two-litre plastic jug I have very recently modified to accommodate my hand blender to prevent splashback and missiles! I zuzzed them for a few minutes until they began to squish, and take on that creamy consistency. It of course sticks to the bottom of the blender so I naturally had to use a teaspoon to remove it...and it's all lovely and warm and hard to resist temptation to scoff lol! Of course you have to taste it anyway...and I would recommend adding a pinch or two of your favourite salt to your own preference. You can also add canola or sunflower oil to make it a bit less dry, depending on how many kernels you've used and on their oil content.
Raw Peanuts in
the jug...
Once I'd cleaned out the jug and spooned it all into a little glass jar I had handy, the roasties were just about done (the smell is a dead giveaway lol) so it was time to remove them from the oven and let them settle for ten minutes.

Trustworthy's Raw
Peanut Butter
I had a bit of time so tidied up a bit and tried to keep track of H who was flitting in and out all day (can't keep a chick away from a new bike, ay?!) and kept A (my youngest) amused by reheating some gone-soft biscuits and spreading some hazlenut choc spread on them ;-)

Now to shelling the roasties...this was and is very time consuming! Making your own peanut butter may be cheap but it sure is labour intensive lol. However removing the purple husks is much easier when they are roasted, and it's great fun squishing the brittle shells between your fingers and popping out the little kernels. I got orange fingers from the soil!

As promised I kept back a large handful and put them in a little dish for H for when she returned from her adventures. The rest (just over a cup) I zuzzed in the jug and the aroma rising from it was pretty awesome. This time I added a dollop of oil and a large pinch of my pink salt and the result was pretty much perfect.

Trustworthy's Roasted
Peanut Butter
The handful you keep back you could crush up roughly in a pestle and add to the jar and stir round, making probably the best crunchy peanut butter you'd ever taste.

I spread some on some soft almond bites I'd made last night (recipe to be perfected - watch this space!) and a couple of rice cakes with Nuttelex (vegan margarine) and yep, definitely pretty satisfied.

Next time I get a batch of raw, unshelled peanuts, I shall make some cool variations like curry paste and satay sauce. Use your imagination, don't be bound within the box...go for it and experiment :)

Till soon :-)


Thursday 19 July 2012

Sad But True...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

(25 Most Played Play List)

Bing Crosby ~ I Love You Samantha
Ciara ~ Love Sex Magic
The Union ~ Obsession
Dan Balan ~ Chica Bomb
Groove Armada ~ I See You Baby
Kelis ~ Trick Me
LL Cool J & J-Lo ~ Control Myself
Mary J Blige ~ Family Affair
Black Legend ~ You See The Trouble With Me
Deep Dish ~ Flashdance
Kylie Minogue ~ In Your Eyes
Riva ft Dani Minogue ~ Who Do You Love Now?
Sophie Ellis Bextor ~ Murder On The Dance Floor
Gina Sicilia ~ Try Me
Kanye West & Jamie Foxx ~ Gold Digger
Cheryl Cole ~ Parachute
David Guetta ~ Sexy Chick
Katy B ~ Lights On
Kelly Rowland ~ Commander
Maroon 5 ~ Moves Like Jagger
Pitbull ~ I Know You Want Me
Terra Naomi ~ Not Sorry
Adam Lambert ~ Your Entertainment
Bobby McFerrin ~ Don't Worry, Be Happy
Kelly Clarkson ~ What Doesn't Kill You

Can you tell I've had my Dance/Fun Play list going a lot just lately?? lol. Ah well..I enjoy a good dance tune and not afraid to admit it. lol.

Sad but true...
This feels annoying to admit..especially after yesterdays positive posting. But I'm just feeling below par..the pain is relentless and overwhelming. And I need to just take a couple of days to breathe...try to get on top of this pain...and recharge. One of those..."Arggggghhhhhhh!... OK...I can deal now"...breaks. lol.

I promise to be back on Sunday with tales of the weekend and hopefully some foodie stuff.

Once again thank you for hanging in there and coming by every day and checking things out. I promise to be a food based blog again as soon as I physically can...

See you all Sunday...I hope the beginning of your weekend is a great one....


NB: Image not my creation..found during a net I take no credit for it's creation but send thanks out to those who did!

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

U2 ~ Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
The Mama & The Papa's ~ Monday, Monday
Keith Urban ~ Stupid Boy
Suede ~ She's In Fashion
Ciara ~ Love, Sex, Magic
Brandi Carlile ~ The Story
Doris Day ~ Be Prepared
The Cars ~ Drive
INXS ~ Burn For You
Bruce Springsteen ~ For You
Astaire & Rogers ~ A Fine Romance
Bon Jovi ~ It's My Life
Dani Wilde ~ I Don't Even Care
Luke Morley ~ Sacred Cow
Nat King Cole ~ The Very Thought of You
Luke Morley ~ Road To Paradise

I have to share this with I experienced my first completely pain free moment (approx 1 minute but who's counting? lol) in years. So many years that I can't even remember when the last time actually was. And was it the result of painkillers, caffeine or yoga? Nope..certainly was not. They only ever take the sharp edge away from the constant pain...and the first two leave me with horrible side effects...the latter only helps so much these days..and that's only when I am able to do it..not often at all right now.

So what was it? I know you are asking Elation...happiness..laughter...and a mix of all three really. I was talking with my friend via Skype..we had been laughing and relaxing and then suddenly I was hit with a relaxing sensation and felt lifted..and risking some of you rolling your eyes and thinking I have finally lost the plot...white energy surrounding me. Very much like the visualisations in guided meditations that I sometimes do. And then I had a realisation that I was pain free..completely! And then proceeded to cry! Like I said it was such a brief time..but it was mind blowing..and obviously effected me emotionally! (see crying comment! lol) Thankfully, I was with a trusted pal and was free to revel in this moment.

Now obviously my pal and I joked about me seeing the 'light' and then when ML came home that was also the joke too..but I am not ready to go anywhere yet...too stubborn! lol.

Elation, laughter and general relaxing fun...
really is the best medicine..or at least..painkiller!
Am I in pain again right now? Yes unfortunately..but..Hey! One painfree moment folks! That's so's a start, right? lol.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing my news...I hope your Wednesday is being as good to you?


Tuesday 17 July 2012

Sorry..what was the time? Oh what a lovely Pocket Watch!

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

James Morrison ~ Better Man
INXS ~ The Strangest Party
Soul II Soul ~ Back To Life
Caro Emerald ~ A Night Like This
Daniel Varsano ~ Satie: Gnossiennes- 4: Lent
Aerosmith ~ Cryin'
Adele ~ Rumour Has It
Michael Gray ~ The Weekend/Juan Magan & DJ Puku Soundsfm Remix
Shakira ~ Objection (Tango)
Heart ~ Surrender to Me
Anastasia ~ Make For Lovin You
Eurythmics ~ Who's That Girl?
Shakira ~ Octavo Dia
Temple of the Dog ~ Call Me a Dog

My Great, Great Uncle T was a very splendid man and he introduced me to my first pocket watch. And there sprung my love for watches and pocket watches. I have never been precious about the cost of the get very tired of people boasting about their expensive new watch. It's not the cost of the watch or pocket watch that matters to's the feel of it..the look of it..the artwork. Some of my favourites in my collection are £5 specials from a Truly!

I was in my workroom briefly this morning and my pocket watch hangs on one of my inspiration boards and it sparked an idea for today's blog. So I searched online for some splendid examples of this form of artwork...the pocket watch. I hope you enjoy them..but I realise this posting will be completely lost on some of you lovely readers. I ask that you bear with me a little longer as there is the possibility of postings..very soon.

Let's get lol

Nixon HighBall Black (?) Pocket Watch
I love the simplicity of the design of this pocket watch. My preference would always be for silver, white gold and platinum...or stainless steel. lol. The clean lines really appeal to me.

This one is very like my own..perfect for me
My own pocket watch was bought for the simple reason..I fell in love with it. Yes..I really did. And it inspired me for one of my it was a twofer lol.

Retro Silver Sector Pocket Watch
I crave this pocket watch. I look at this and I smile. (I know..little things eh? Anyway..) I like the different shape from the normal pocket watches. It's awesome..can you tell I like this one..?

Skeleton Bronze Horoscope Pocket Watch
I also like the slightly different ones too..but not the tacky ones. This enamel horoscope cover is very impressive...well to me..anyway. lol.

Mechanical Pocket Watch..but Oh so beautiful..'s fancy isn't it..but I love it....

This one I found..and wanted to touch It has that whole tangible appeal to me.

Modern and sleek...
Awesome..there are no other

Steampunk pocket watch
Ahhhhh a vampire pocket lovely...I love the whole Steampunk

Pocket Watch Tattoo..No 1 lol
(Well I had to, no?)
It would not be a posting of mine without some tattoo designs in lol. I love the aged, cracked glass covering of this pocket watch.

Pocket Watch No 2..
Although I don't like gold or brass I do like this design...although would have the pocket watch and chain a different colour myself. I love tattoo blossoms so the two together are good for

Pocket Watch Tattoo No 3...
What a message? I like the placement of this tattoo..the design and the great message...

Heaven?? Bikes and pocket watches combined? I think so...
I was so smiley when I found this little beauty...motorbikes and pocket watches...sheesh..a whole load of happy in one little

So thank you for stopping by and indulging my pocket watches fascination. And I hope you have a great Tuesday...


Monday 16 July 2012

Love, Music and a little Peace.

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Bree Sharp ~ Guttermouth
Blondie ~ Heart of Glass
Joan Jett ~ Crimson & Clover
John Lennon ~ (Just Like) Starting Over
Colbie Calliat ~ Battle
The Lightening Seeds ~ Change
Toni Braxton ~ Breathe Again
Mr. Buble ~ Hold On
Shakira ~ Estoy Aqui
Thunder ~ Dirty Love
Sugarbabes ~ About a Girl
Dani Wilde ~ Abandoned Child
Pat Benatar ~ Treat Me Right
Mr Sinatra ~ The Best Is Yet To Come

Yep..that just about sums it

It's been quite a manic Monday to quote the lovely Bangles. So I confess I am once again using a poster from Pinterest. I've had this one sat in one of my image files for a while waiting for the right time to post it. It's been a hard few days and the one thing that always gets me through is my constant It really is my religion...without it I would be truly lost.

Thanks for stopping by..and I hope your Monday has been magnificent...


Psst..there has been a rumour around R & R HQ that I maybe making back in the kitchen this week!!! Shhhh..don't tell hopeful...

Saturday 14 July 2012

So there was this tune, a book, piece of artwork, a recipe, a truth, a tattoo and a word...

It's Saturday and instead of having our usual riotous family time, we are at home just hanging out together. Doesn't feel like a Saturday but more like a Sunday. So I have the time to write a slightly different type of posting than the normal ones. And of course that meant a certain amount of time staring at my screen...waiting for inspiration...which actually means reading one of the books I'm currently reading, playing around with my Pod, cruising Pins via Pinterest and just generally pootling around. lol. Yep, productive or what? lol. Well actually it was because I decided to incorporate all of these elements into one posting..Tada! lol.  So here goes...

a tune....

The Union ~ Blame It On Tupelo
This track from The Union's album Siren's Song is a great ballsy, bluesy rock tune and when it plays on my Pod I can't help but sing along and smile...and have been known to burst out into spontaneous Well when health permits...

a book....

Red Dragon
My good friend and guest blogger Trustworthy recommended this book to I borrowed a copy from my local library and have been enjoying it very much. A real page turner...thank you T!

piece of artwork....

Rock Chicklets Rule!
This painting/drawing from the Tracy Lizotte Studios I found quite by chance on Pinterest. And it made me smile so much. It reminded me of days gone by..hours spent with my pals as we rocked the air guitars to all the fantastic rock tunes..have to say..still do it to this But a great piece of smiley artwork in my opinion..

a recipe....

Sesame & Broccoli Salad
Today I am craving greenage...and when that happens...(well that's every day because I love all green veggies..except Okra..oooh no! lol) preference is the humble but splendid broccoli or mini trees. I love it raw, steamed, sauteed or roasted...and this salad is food heaven to me. So wish I had a bowl of it right

a truth....! lol
OK..I admit it..I'm a recovering coffee addict...and yesterday I fell spectacularly off the wagon. Big time...massive! I consumed approx *beep* espressos throughout the day..but damn if it didn't taste and feel good. And it's amazing how much better my painkillers work with it. But sadly today I am suffering a caffeine But coffee has been and will always be one of my favourite smells...

a tattoo....

Wow factor or what? Eh?
I think this tattoo is just beautiful. I love the placement..the scroll detail and colour. I would love a piece like this on my back someday....I know, I know!!! When I'm healed...

a word....

A lovely word...
This word just sounds fun...rolls off the tongue with a smile. I love the meaning of it..and the sound of it. And I even loved the Cusack/Beckinsale movie called Serendipity. A happy word. lol.

So there you have Saturday round up of 'stuff' Hope you enjoyed it?

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Saturday is a glorious one....
