
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Some Thoughts and a Laugh...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

The Foundations ~ Build Me Up Buttercup
Dean Martin ~ Goodnight Sweetheart
Cyndi Lauper ~ All Through The Night
Gina Sicilia ~ Addicted
Caro Emerald ~ Absolutely Me
Depeche Mode ~ Get Right With Me
Ella Fitzgerald ~ Someone To Watch Over Me
The Smiths ~ Panic
Prince ~ Let's Go Crazy
Temple of the Dog ~ Four Walled World
Zac Brown Band ~ Bar ft Sonia Leigh
Sensible Pets ~ My Way Home
The Rolling Stones ~ Start Me Up
Europe ~ Settle For Love
Madison Avenue ~ Do You Like What You See?
Europe ~ Roll With You
Blake Shelton ~ The Baby
Dan Balan ~ Chica Bomb

Well the temperatures are high in England and so are the pain levels in R & R we aren't enjoying it as much as we should. However, this is not stopping us from enjoying the simple things in life...ML is reading and sleeping...and I am pretty much doing the same stuff I usually So that's music, writing, staying hopeful I'll cook something soon and taking advantage of the wonderful thing that is Skype..oh and taking the I have not managed to make it into the kitchen properly yet I have nothing foodie to share with you today. I have however, got a wonderful quote/poster I found on Pinterest and a great funny..also found on So forgive me for this poster based posting today..

Image is not mine..found on Pinterest
Now I confess, I have never read any of Fitzgerald's works but a few of them are on my Bucket List of books to read. But today when this popped up on my feed on Pinterest I was instantly drawn in by it.  I re-read it a few times and found that it bolstered up my dwindling hope. It's been a rough couple of weeks health wise..I could easily give up...admit defeat and give in to the overwhelming new pain and wave a white flag. But I know I won't..too stubborn to do But I admit there have been times where I have considered it..when the enormity of the battle that I'm facing becomes too much..too harder climb from where I am. It's easy to believe that this is my life forever...that my life will never improve..that I will never participate in my own life and always just be a spectator. And in all honesty..this morning was one of those times. I couldn't sit on my office chair because it hurt so ended up back in the lounge...(which feels more like a prison these days..Urgh!)

And then I admitted to myself that this was another 'low point' and that it would pass. That my life could be so very much worse than it is. So I got busy with my usual creative inspiration exercises and then this quote/poster found me. I read the words and they reminded me that life isn't planned out..that it can change at any time. It reminded me that it is in my control even when it doesn't feel like it. It made perfect sense of all the emotions and thoughts that were rampaging around in my mind. Fitzgerald's words helped me today..and by sharing this..if it helps just one of you or someone you love then it was worth it.

Whoa..heavy huh? lol OK so after that spot of honesty I feel it's my duty to provide you all with something to leave you smiling...if not this cartoon I found later on Pinterest and it made me laugh so hurt! Dammit..but it was worth

Image not mine..found on take no credit
whatsoever! ~R~
Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Wednesday is being good to you....if not..make it! lol
