
Saturday 28 July 2012

Art: Street Art Beauty

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Tina Dico ~ In The Red Album

As some of you know..I am not the biggest fan of graffiti...I just don't get the whole tagging thing..and if it was to happen to my business or home I would be one seriously pissed annoyed woman. However..a while back I found a photo of a piece of street art that I fell completely for. The talent and emotion that had been poured into it was just stunning.

And so when I stumbled upon five more images I just had to share them with you. I confess I have no idea who the very talented people are, that created these images..but would love to give full credit where it's so rightly please..if you know..speak up please?

Breath taking isn't it?
I love this piece because to me it's very Mucha inspired. I think these guys are just awesome for this creation and would love to see it up close and personal.

Love the sax
Couldn't get this one to show up any better than this..but I love everything about it..especially the sax and the colour. Just great...

Isn't her stare haunting?
I suspect that this is by the same person who created the first street art piece I the style is very similar and the colour. I really wish I knew who the person was...I just love their work. To view the original piece click here...

Bubbles..who doesn't love blowing bubbles..huh? lol
My inner child loves it when bubbles are being played Love it when the little ones get some..always great fun. Also been known to blow some for the Sock and well..just because..and why not eh? lol

This one made me the use of the creeper as hair.
I love the eyes...and the fantastic...a very clever piece. Not sure how I would feel if she was opposite my window..just staring at me..the whole day and night..freaky! lol.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Saturday is a happy one...or at least one that makes you smile at times.
