
Saturday 14 July 2012

So there was this tune, a book, piece of artwork, a recipe, a truth, a tattoo and a word...

It's Saturday and instead of having our usual riotous family time, we are at home just hanging out together. Doesn't feel like a Saturday but more like a Sunday. So I have the time to write a slightly different type of posting than the normal ones. And of course that meant a certain amount of time staring at my screen...waiting for inspiration...which actually means reading one of the books I'm currently reading, playing around with my Pod, cruising Pins via Pinterest and just generally pootling around. lol. Yep, productive or what? lol. Well actually it was because I decided to incorporate all of these elements into one posting..Tada! lol.  So here goes...

a tune....

The Union ~ Blame It On Tupelo
This track from The Union's album Siren's Song is a great ballsy, bluesy rock tune and when it plays on my Pod I can't help but sing along and smile...and have been known to burst out into spontaneous Well when health permits...

a book....

Red Dragon
My good friend and guest blogger Trustworthy recommended this book to I borrowed a copy from my local library and have been enjoying it very much. A real page turner...thank you T!

piece of artwork....

Rock Chicklets Rule!
This painting/drawing from the Tracy Lizotte Studios I found quite by chance on Pinterest. And it made me smile so much. It reminded me of days gone by..hours spent with my pals as we rocked the air guitars to all the fantastic rock tunes..have to say..still do it to this But a great piece of smiley artwork in my opinion..

a recipe....

Sesame & Broccoli Salad
Today I am craving greenage...and when that happens...(well that's every day because I love all green veggies..except Okra..oooh no! lol) preference is the humble but splendid broccoli or mini trees. I love it raw, steamed, sauteed or roasted...and this salad is food heaven to me. So wish I had a bowl of it right

a truth....! lol
OK..I admit it..I'm a recovering coffee addict...and yesterday I fell spectacularly off the wagon. Big time...massive! I consumed approx *beep* espressos throughout the day..but damn if it didn't taste and feel good. And it's amazing how much better my painkillers work with it. But sadly today I am suffering a caffeine But coffee has been and will always be one of my favourite smells...

a tattoo....

Wow factor or what? Eh?
I think this tattoo is just beautiful. I love the placement..the scroll detail and colour. I would love a piece like this on my back someday....I know, I know!!! When I'm healed...

a word....

A lovely word...
This word just sounds fun...rolls off the tongue with a smile. I love the meaning of it..and the sound of it. And I even loved the Cusack/Beckinsale movie called Serendipity. A happy word. lol.

So there you have Saturday round up of 'stuff' Hope you enjoyed it?

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Saturday is a glorious one....
