
Friday 29 June 2012

Guest Blogger: Trustworthy's Almost Ultimate Gig

Well, hey! First I'd love to thank Red for inviting me to deliver my fantasy meal for this Friday. A little about me before we go on, if that's ok? I'm a gluten-intolerant vegan, a pommy migrant to this scorched land down under, and a hopeless romantic lol! I'm also a music freak, with fairly eclectic tastes...which has inspired my theme for this post. It's my almost-ultimate gig this Fantasy Friday evening...most of the artists I never got to see, along with favourites I have seen, all on the same bill. I say almost-ultimate – I have been told to limit the amount of artists, as they know I could make this gig a real bum-number!

Flaming Guitar of the Almost Ultimate Gig
So, this afternoon and early evening, my significant other and I would be getting ready to go to this gig-of gigs...a true dream...whilst I prepared an easy dipping starter to be enjoyed as one or the other of us rushed back and forth between various rooms as we got ready. And being a hot country, I am sure we would need to take breaks to avoid getting too flustered...

Middle Eastern Avocado Dip and Tahini & Yoghurt Dressing

This would've been made this morning, and chilled in the (super-efficient, natch) fridge, and removed and served when we got hungry after lunch. I love avocados...the texture and creaminess, with their fresh flavour and being so full of Good Stuff...I once ate an entire bowl of guacamole I'd made with three whole avo's and a couple of Aussie Roma tomatoes. And, you know, corn chips, lol.

So, now it's getting to mid-arvo, the sun has kept things rather warm and now it's time to begin the next course, whilst the better half is doing their make-up. I'll do mine after ^_^ …

Spanish Omelette with Roasted Red Pepper-Almond Sauce
This is a very filling and energy-packed dish, takes a fair bit of work but the long oven duration will allow some QT with my partner...but also allows me to talk about my playlist! Which I shall after I've made the salad to crisp in the fridge. The photo shows a green leaf salad, of which I would prefer to use a bucketload of kale, chopped with some rocket, balsamic vinegar, Himalayan sea salt, and maybe something crispy to top it off when it comes back out.

So, the playlist. This will be playing whilst we were just about to leave, wiggling around for the first few, eating the main dish during the quiet bits, then continuing in the car or on the train (with dual earpods, natch ^_^) on the way to the festival of fantasy.
This is a fantastic cooking song! I love the driving rhythm and retro electronics. And Alison Goldfrapp – oh, what a beauty. Her...ahem..Horseplay at certain gigs was a wonder :-)
BJH are a prog band, from the 70s, and they are a favourite of my dad's. We (that is, my dad and I) actually saw them in the UK a few years back, in a tiny little venue in the quaintly-named Milton Keynes. The acoustics were a dream and we even met them afterwards.

Kings Cross - Every Sentimental Moment
I lived in Chelmsford , Essex for a while and worked with the guy who eventually became the guitarist for this band. Alas, their famously bonkers gigs I have never seen – though you can catch their Ben Nevis gig (yep, that one!) here << >> so, enjoy!
These Seattle grungers were like Zeppelin with growlier guitars and more attitude. I saw them once supporting GN'R and I remember Kim Thayil leaving his guitar screaming on top of the amps as they left the stage.
I loved both JD and New Order, and I also remember as a boy hearing Love Will Tear Us Apart on the radio and thinking he was singing the same tune as Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport in the chorus! But Ian Curtis was a beautiful and troubled man, and I posthumously fell in love with him.
Another outfit from Seattle, though these guys were far from grungy. Most of them went on to form Pearl Jam, but it was singer Andrew Wood's haunting vocal on this track that managed – and still manages – to send shivers down the spine. At one time I was a Christian and felt that I'd love to perform this in church.

Kurts pained and strained voice on this track from the Unplugged session – in heavy rotation on MTV in 1994 – gets me every time, especially considering a few months later it was all over.
This is the most beautiful cover version I've ever heard. The video clip is heartbreaking. I would've loved to have seen one of his shows, back in the day. An incredible performer with an equally amazing life; a real survivor, emotionally and physically. And indeed spiritually.

Like Mr Cash, Mr Mojorisin' too was pained and challenged throughout his all too short life...and unfortunately he succumbed. I am in love with this man, and his ideals and poetry, and would have been stood in awe at his...sorry, their!...most memorable concerts.

This song starts a collection of songs on the second side (remember when records had sides!?!) of JA's second album about the lead singer's friend, Xiola Blue, that died. I chose this one because of the most amazing solo by Dave Navarro – definitely in my top ten.

My dad sat me down when I was five or six years old and played me Led Zeppelin IV the whole way through, and I listened to every note with intensity. I was amazed, and hooked, and never looked back. I realised very much later that of course John Bonham had died only in the year or so before, and I always wondered whether my dad felt the same way about that as I did when Kurt Cobain took his own life.

So, enough of dead people! Lol! I really am quite fun to be around, honest! This band was introduced to me only very recently, and I immediately fell in lust with this bluesy, sexy groove and the singer's Plant/Cornell-like voice. A genuine play-it-loud song, hot wiggling in the kitchen, cooking like a goodun to this one is a must :-)

The frontman of this band went to my school and lives in my hometown...I was always convinced he stole my musical ideas! Their appeal to me is they can go from a spacey Pink Floyd-at-their-most-psychadelic mesh-of-synths-and-sounds kind of band, to a full-on thrash metal...often in the one song!

Now, I have seen this band a fair amount of times. Each show has been different but each has been fantastic. All of their songs have meaning for me...I've been into them since I was small. And they are headlining tonight and will be playing all of my favourites :-)

And we are ready! The Spanish omelette is too, and we eat it with the kale salad, talking excitedly about the wonderful night of truly fantastic entertainment ahead, then leave the dishes for the washing up fairy and head out into the warm night to the gig of the century...

So, from that incredible gig, my SO and I would definitely be hungry for something sweet, so these little babies would have been made the previous morning, too...and chilling in the green, super-efficient fridge for just this moment. Succulent, rich, and...dare I say playful...there's nothing like a hot drink, sweet dessert, and an awesome cuddle on the couch, talking about the superb music we'd just experienced.
Late Night Dessert
Chocolate Lover's Pudding with Raspberries

Personally I would not use the raspberries...fruiting up a chocolate dessert?! Some would say sacrilege lol ;-)

Thanks for spending the time with me today...if you like it I may return...should Red let me lol ;-) T

Note from Red...Thank you for doing such a great job Trustworthy..I've loved reading and listening to all the songs from the Almost Ultimate Gig..well all apart from Joy And great choices on the food guys would have had the best evening all round, eh? lol
I hope that you will come back and do a regular spot for me...

Thanks ~R~

Thursday 28 June 2012

Music from the Movies of Nora Ephron..

It was a sad moment when the news of the death of Nora Ephron reached R & R HQ this week.

The late great Nora Ephron
I have owned and watched some of her movies for the longest time and still watch them over and over again to this day. They are part of my 'feel good' batch of movies that when things are getting on top of me..I know I can press play and be taken away from life for a little while...and that time can refuel me and give me the strength to get through the next batch of Urgh! lol. So I scrapped my original idea for today's blog and decided that ML's idea of writing a tribute blog to Ephron using the music from my favourite movies..was a by far better one!

So Ms Ephron..this posting is to celebrate your life...and your work..thank you for many hours of 'happy' in my past..and many many more in my this heart you won't be forgotten.

Amazing Grace ~ Meryl Streep
There aren't many words that are needed regarding Silkwood..such an amazing movie....

It Had To Be You ~ Harry Connick Jr
Oh Wow..where do I start with this movie?? lol. I have loved it from the first moment I watched it. I love the characters..all of them. I love the back drop of NYC...I love the humour and the vunerability in the word play. Of course there is 'that' I've actually eaten there but the food certainly didn't have that effect on me! lol The song I chose for this film has special significance to ML & I as it's 'our' song and we danced to it when we got hitched. I will still be watching this I own it on VHS, DVD and have the soundtrack on CD..until the day I die. Love it!

Make Someone Happy ~ Jimmy Durante
Fell for this movie when I first saw it at the movies...big time. Then was gifted the VHS..then bought the DVD..and I have the soundtrack I think of this film and I get a huge grin on my face..all the characters are great and acted so well. The whole fate theme is interesting to me. And I adore the soundtrack to this this is why and am going to link a couple more from the OST... A Kiss To Build A Dream On ~ Louis Armstrong Great tune... Stardust ~ Nat King Cole Haunting lyric and beautiful melody..and the great Nat King Cole.  In The Wee Small Hours of Morning ~ Carly Simon  Deeply emotional tune...and finally...Back in the Saddle Again ~ Gene Autry for smiles I get when Tom Hanks character attempts to ask someone out for a simple Told you I loved this soundtrack..

Feels Like Home ~ Bonnie Raitt
I confess to only watching this movie once..but I enjoyed it. And for me this song is one of my most favourite songs of all time..

Dreams ~ The Cranberries
Ephron, Ryan and Hanks slay me once again in this movie. I loved the original it's based on, The Shop Around the Corner...and because of that it took me some time before I sat and watched it. My friends Michael & Tim..having cooked an awesome Eggplant Parmesan for  me, for dinner, were so stunned that I hadn't seen it..they insisted we watch it whilst eating dessert. Oh how they cried at the And as the titles rolled I knew that I would buying the DVD the next Which I did..and the soundtrack is great..but this song will always be the one I remember the most. And once again..great all.  

Georgia On My Mind ~ Ray Charles
Now for the cast list alone I wanted to watch this movie...then I found out it was an Ephron movie and it was set in stone I would watch I know it didn't get a great reception from the critics..but I thought they were way too harsh. I like this movie because it is about real family situations..ok the hollywood version..but still a real family dynamic. I think it was all acted very well..and although there wasn't a great soundtrack it did have the very talented Mr Ray Charles singing Georgia On My Mind.

Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic ~ The Police
As a child I loved the TV series Bewitched so was quite happy when it was announced there was to be a movie. And ok it won't be remembered for being a great movie..but it was very entertaining in a very light hearted way. Kidman pulled the nose wiggle off perfectly. Ferrell was great as the self-involved fading actor..Caine was excellent as the father. And the soundtrack was very cool..and of course this song had to be part of the movie eh? It's a wonderfully obvious choice..and one of my favourite songs..

A Bushel and a Peck ~ Doris Day
OK confession time..I haven't seen this movie...yet..although it is on our LoveFilm list. Friends I know who have seen it have enjoyed it. So no doubt I will too..but when checking out the OST I saw that Doris Day's song was I had to include it..especially as it was Nora Ephron's last movie.

So there we have it. A great collection of feel good the wonderful Nora Ephron...thank you for the smiles lady...

Tomorrow my guest host for the blog takes over..and he is slaving over the posting this Trustworthy is a good friend of mine from Brisbane Australia and is a committed vegan it should be fun. lol. I know you folks will be gentle with

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Thursday is a good one...mine will be cupcake Chocolate at that!! lol


Wednesday 27 June 2012

Always Remember.....

R & R HQ Play List:

Texas ~ Put Your Arms Around Me
Buena Vista Social Club ~ Chan Chan
Maxim Vengerov ~ Beethoven:Violin Sonata #5 Op. 24 Spring
Thunder ~ Move On (Live)
Una Mao Carlisle ~ Hangover Blues
Evanescence ~ The Other Side
Shakira ~ Did It Again
Clare Teal ~ Teach Me Tonight
Shakin' Stevens ~ Turning Away
The Animals ~ How You've Changed
Harry Connick Jr ~ Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
Billy Joel ~ Piano Man
Dido ~ White Flag
Julia Mcinally ~ Sallianne

It would be safe to say that this week is being a complete bitch pain. So I again bring you a posting that is based around one image and once again one I found on Pinterest. Please forgive me? Tomorrow will be a music based posting..and then on Friday I have a guest host for the Fantasy Friday spot. From tomorrow I shall be up to my elbows in making cupcakes for my pals Civil Partnership Celebration that is happening this Sunday. So wish me luck, eh? lol

Not entirely sure if I believe in the final comment...but I do believe in first four...and try and live accordingly. Not always easy..I try anew each day.

Thanks for stopping by and sticking with me...I hope your Wednesday is being very excellent to you?


Tuesday 26 June 2012


I'm afraid I've had a rather bad night today I will be keeping it very simple by posting a poster that I found via my Pinterest pages. It had quite an effect on me on a few levels and I know there will some of you out that there this will happen to also.

Simply and
Please forgive me for such a brief posting..and hopefully tomorrow I will be back to near normal folks...

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Tuesday is an amazing one for you...


Monday 25 June 2012

Art Gallery Outing: Happily Never After by Kate Jordan & Steve Elliot

Car Play List: Depeche Mode ~ Greatest Hits Vol 1

Saturday was one busy day..we had the pleasure of family time with my sister, my brother and the gang of little ones. All of whom where on great form and a lot of fun..then after a shorter than normal family time, we were hopping into the car to pick up my Mum and then head off over to the city to attend a exhibition opening at the Studio Eleven Gallery in the Old Fruit Markets area of the city. Then after that, it was back home to change and get ready to meet our gang of friends to celebrate St & Sz's joint birthday..which was a fantastic evening..and I, strawberry daiquiris and mojitos..first time I had drunk alcohol in a long It's a modern day miracle that I was even conscious yesterday..but I swear I did not have an hangover..who knew? lol Anyway...a great day and evening was had...

Back to the Art..

We arrived at the studio and found a parking space almost outside..and as we got out of the car we saw that the wall next to the gallery had a rather fun mural..and here are a couple of shots of it..I thought it passed on a good message in a very fun

Good positive fruit messages eh? And fun too!
I loved this mural so much..I think I may have spent longer looking at this then at some of the art on Ah's all art!

"Lemons smell fizzy" love it!
So onto the exhibition which was called Happily Never Kate Jordan & Steve Elliot...this was our invitation...

The opening of Happy Never After?

on Saturday 23rd June 2012,

2pm - 4pm Refreshments available.

A joint exhibition by daring contemporary artists focusing on their passion for the whimsical and fantastical characters found in childhood memories with dark sinister undertones! This exhibition brings together an exciting young contemporary artist Kate Jordan alongside mature artist Steve Elliot whose work is normally recognized in “festivals” where he makes fantasy figures for processional events. Here however Steve shows his skill and imagination as a person working with drawing and etching alongside the obsessive and intricate paintings and prints of Kate.

Studio Eleven Gallery

How could we not go? So we talked to my Mum and she was very quickly on board. And a few days later we found ourselves at the Studio Eleven Gallery. Now it's quite a small gallery..two long once there are a handful of people in there you are quickly bumping But the space is white washed and clean and it's peaceful. And I hope to be a regular attendee for upcoming exhibits. We were greeted by open faced friendly staff who offered us a choice of cold drinks and I enjoyed an Elderflower sparkling water as I pootled around the exhibits.

NB: The following photos were taken by ML via a phone. I didn't take my camera because I didn't think for one second they would allow cameras in..but when ML asked..they happily agreed to us taking some shots. Typical, eh? Sheesh. So they are not the best..and some of the angles are a little strange..but if you want to check out Kate's work click for her website.

It was really difficult to find out the names for each piece so I can only give you a brief description of the piece..but here goes..and I'm only sorry the photos don't show up any of the detail and the hidden elements of each piece..such a shame..

Alice in Wonderland seemed to feature
a lot in the colour pieces....
ML's favourite piece..loved the dancing couples..

This piece was popular with all three of us
and it wasn't a surprise to find Kate had some
design history..My Mum loved the detailing
on this and the techniques used.
I loved the dramatic edge to this piece..and spent some
time taking in every piece of detailing.
The black detailing with the intense red hair
made this piece stand out.
But for me personally I greatly enjoyed the black and white pieces..I could have stood for hours memorising every detail..and once again..I'm sorry you don't get to enjoy the detailing..

This piece wasn't on display but in a stand
with other wrapped pieces but I enjoyed it a lot.
This woman looked both beautiful and regal..but with
an edge that you didn't know what she would do next..
The detailing in this piece was superb..but once again is
lost..I'm sorry..but I found it pleasing.
Being completely honest..I could see the talent and the time that had gone into the works of Steve Elliot..and my Mum enjoyed his work a lot..ML too..but for didn't grab me like Kate's did. We were very divided in our opinions of their work. Me..I would love to own a couple of the black & white pieces by Kate..Mum not so much. She appreciated the techniques and talent and gave her plenty of artistic fuel...but wouldn't want to own any. ML didn't offer opinions either way. And I have to say the only  piece by Steve that I liked..I liked because I knew the Sci Fi geeks in my life would appreciate it...and that was this piece...

Robot by Steve Elliot...
Cutie of a robot eh? lol...
We were there for probably 45 minutes all told..but it was a lovely 45 minutes and we all enjoyed the experience. I would happily go to another exhibit there and would very much like to see more of Kate's work.

Really am sorry about the time I'm taking the know..just in case.

Thanks for stopping by...and I hope your Monday is being kind to you??


Saturday 23 June 2012

The Lempicka Cafe ~ Lunch with Mum

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Slash ft Lemmy ~ Doctor Alibi
Caro Emerald ~ On A Night Like This
Rod Stewart ~ The Way You Look Tonight
Sara Sant'Ambrogio ~ The Swan (Cello)
The Union ~ Easy Street
Nicola Benedetti ~ Lark Ascending (Violin)
Them Crooked Vultures ~ Bandoliers
Dido ~ Don't Leave Home
Def Leppard ~ When Love & Hate Collide
Shakira ~ Si Te Vas
Astaire & Rogers ~ Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
Count Basie ~ Splanky
Duffy ~ Stepping Stone
Madeleine Peyroux ~ Blue Alert

Yesterday I enjoyed four whole hours with my's a rarity..believe me. ML had a meeting in the afternoon so we hitched a ride to the historic town where the offices are situated and then set off to hopefully have a nice lunch somewhere and spend the afternoon pootling around the shops. Two seconds after getting out of the car...the rain started..and when I say rain..I mean seriously hard downpour type of rain. And as you all know I love the rain..but even I was shocked by how much there was. lol. In the space of four hours I got drenched to the skin 6 times..marvellous. Anyway.....

ML had suggested a couple of places to eat but as The Lempicka Cafe was the nearest to us as the rain started we decided that it looked just 'perfect' for It was a small establishment with eight tables but as you stepped inside it was like being transported to another world. Rain forgotten..pain forgotten..within seconds as we chose a table to settle at.
Now..I am not the biggest lover of the colour pink..never have if you had asked me if I could find sitting in a pink cafe..peaceful..I would've laughed. But I did find myself feeling very relaxed and happy there. Every wall was like the telling of various fairy tales as every inch had been hand/custom painted...everywhere you looked there was something new to find..Mum being the artist sat and explained all the techniques that had been used to achieve this wonderful mural. I didn't even mind the pink! lol. There were chandeliers hanging which provided good lighting..the place was lovely.

The spot above our table..I love Paris so the Eiffel Tower really spoke to me..
I wish I could've taken a photo of the whole room for you..
but new phone gremlins prevented this.
So to the If I said there was a lot of choice for us vegan would be a lie. There wasn't so I chose the only thing on the menu I could have. lol. Which was a Panini ( I did have a choice of white or granary panini though!) with Roasted Vegetables and Hummus with a side salad. My Mum who is trying to make good choices asked for the Lempicka Salad..which wasn't on the menu but when I ordered the food they were only too happy to accommodate her. We were both very good and ordered instead of frothy coffees of various kinds. Get us! Eh? lol

Granary Panini with Hummus & Roasted Veggies with Side Salad
with Wormsley Dressing on the side.
I know the panini looks huge but it was just regular size..the plate was quite the knife and fork they gave me to eat my salad with was was like eating a meal on a tea plate with a shovel and a fork!! lol. Ah well..

Close up on the Panini..please forgive the photos..
they were taken on my phone and I haven't mastered
The granary panini roll was delicious..the hummus was a regular homemade hummus..the Roasted Vegetables were perfectly cooked and succulent..and the usual mix of red onions, yellow and red peppers, courgettes and aubergine. Delicious...

Close up on the Side Salad...there really is dressing in that pot
but it was clear..I didn't use it but I did dip..and it was sweet
like a 90/10 % vinegar to oil mix
My side salad was mixed leaves, sliced cucumber, halved cherry tomatoes, grated carrot, chopped mixed peppers, pinto beans and cubed beetroot...and six nacho chips. And sadly I forgot to ask for no onion on my salad (pet peeve and total hated food item..raw onion! Yuck!) so there were a few very tiny pieces of chopped red onion. But enough to make me grimace each time I bit into one..but it was my bad and no reflection on their food.

The Lempicka Salad sans turkey, cheese, ham and any other poor animal
My Mum enjoyed every part of her salad even though it filled her up..well that and the sparkling mineral water. lol. So on her plate were mixed leaves, sliced cucumber, halved cherry tomatoes, marinated olives, chopped mixed peppers, red onions, grated carrots, beetroot, cous cous and celery & apple salad. On the side was a freshly baked slice of fresh that it was still warm and There was also a piece of butter to spread on it but she didn't have that. As you can see Mum matched in with the walls quite her splendid pink

So after our meals were eaten and greatly enjoyed we then decided to play rain tag and spent the afternoon running from shop to coffee house to shop..until it was time for home. lol. I wished I had felt better and there were a few scary moments...but I guess that's to be

So now I am away to spend some much needed family time with ML, my sister and the little ones...followed by an Art Gallery Opening..then meeting up with friends for St & Sz's joint birthday celebrations this evening. Busy or what? lol

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Saturday is a wonderfully chaotic as mine...


Friday 22 June 2012

Fantasy Friday: Picnic in the Rain

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Nelly & Tim McGraw ~ Over and Over
Idil Biret ~ Chopin: Nocturne#2 in E Flat. Op.9/2 CT 109
Eurythmics ~ Sweet Dreams
Pat Benetar ~ Promises In The Dark
Neil Diamond ~ What#s It Gonna Be
Natalie Clein ~ Brahms: Cello Sonata #1 in E minor,Op.38-1
Justin Timberlake ~ FutureSex/LovesSound
Natalie Clein ~ Schubert:Arpeggione Sonate in A Minor
Evanesence ~ Lithium
Nickelback ~ Cowboy Hat
Franz List Chamber Orch ~ Bach:Orchestral Suite #3 in D
Madison Avenue ~ Edible French Chic
Ocean Colour Scene ~ The Circle
Caro Emerald ~ You Don't Love Me
The Quireboys ~ Hey You
Black Robot ~ Shake A Leg

Fantasy Friday..sheesh..they come around so quick. But that's a good thing right? Because that means it's the weekend...wehoo! lol. But then I look out the window and it's pouring with rain and it's not so much a wehoo as a hoo. lol. Anyway reminding myself that I am one of those weird rain loving folks (although even I am getting a little fed up with it now!) I decide to work with the rain and factor it into my fantasy Friday theme.

So today I am catering for a Picnic in the Rain..nope..not a car picnic by the sea..although they can be fun. I'm thinking sat under massive tree in Normanby Park on camping chairs. The tree sheltering us from the rain, enough to get comfy and eat our lunch whilst watching and enjoying the rain around us. (Told you I liked the wet stuff!! I find it calming when it isn't coming through my old house's various roofs and other places..URGH! Anyway!Ahem!)

Normanby Park ~ Picture it raining..and a rain loving
freak camped out under one ot the trees with a picnic! lol
As it's raining and it will no doubt be cold the first selection would be a soup that could be enjoyed from one the fantastic soup flasks you can pick up quite cheaply now. The soup of choice would be...

Rocket and Roses Root Veggie & Thyme Soup
This soup is a good all rounder and keeps really well in a soup will warm the cockles of your heart and your extremities too! lol. It's comfort in a bowl..great for sipping whilst rain watching.

Colleen's Panini with Roasted Veggies & Lemon-Basil Pesto
This fantastic panini recipe is one of the many fabulous recipes from the kitchen of Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. I have made this many times and it works well with GF bread if you are GF no can still enjoy this. I make the roasted veggies a day before so assembly is really easy on the day. And they keep well and don't get soggy like some sandwiches can. And they are just as delicious cold as they are straight from the griddle.

So drinks for this affair would be for ever..water! Don't I know how to have fun, eh? lol. But I would also have with me hot water to make herbal teas or coffees. Desserts would most likely be fruit of some kind..but after the soup and Panini I'm not sure we'd have

So there you have it..the picnic in the rain..under a magnificent old tree for shelter. After the picnic I would probably pull out my current reading book and enjoy some quiet time hidden under the tree..just lovely! lol.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Friday is less rainy and full of sunshine for you..


Thursday 21 June 2012

Spiced Lentil & Butternut Soup/Stew

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Those Crooked Vultures ~ No One Loves Me & Neither Do I
The Puppini Sisters ~ Crazy In Love
Shakira ~ Que Me Quedes Tu
Carole King ~ Oh No Not My Baby
Alannah Myles ~ Lies and Rumours
Sheryl Crow ~ Long Gone Lonesome Blues
Martina McBride ~ Be That Way
Jace Everett ~ A Little Less Lonely
Simply Red ~ Model
Def Leppard ~ Bringing On The Heartbreak
KT Tunstall ~ Push That Knot Away
Rolling Stone ~ Start Me Up
The Blow ~ Dred Indian Blues
Newton Faulkner ~ Dream Catch Me
Little Big Town ~ Fine Line
Sub Sub ~ Ain't No Love (Ain't no use)

Oh yes..this is indeed a real recipe blog posting! At last..but alas I didn't make it..the hard work of chopping things and throwing them into the slow cooker was all ML's. lol. However, it's real food and a I am happy.

This soup is one that gets made quite often here..for the simple reason that it's the only cooked food I can eat when feeling..yuck. And I have managed to eat it this an improvement eh? I can't remember where I found this recipe as it's now just a printed off recipe in one of my many folders of random recipes..but if it's yours or you do know where it originated then please..just email me..and I'll make the amendments.

I love this soup/stew (I can never decide because it's kinda because it is very simple..I love Butternut and the spice comes from the fabulous blend that is Garam Masala..couldn't live without this spice. Makes me smile to just smell it in its when this soup is cooking I am in aroma heaven. lol.

Spiced Lentil & Butternut Soup/Stew
I take no credit for the recipes creation....
but thank you to whoever did!! ~R~
Spiced Lentil & Butternut Soup/Stew
Serves 4-5

1 cup of dried lentils (we use brown or continental lentils)
2 1/2 cups butternut, cubed (3/4 inch)
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped carrot
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tsp garam masala
4 cups of low salt veggie stock or water

Rinse and drain the lentils. In a medium slow cooker place the lentils, squash, onion, carrot, celery. Sprinkle garlic and garam masala over vegetables...Pour over the broth/water.

Cover and cook on Low for 8 - 9 hours or on High for 4 - 4 1/2 hours. Adjust taste. And serve..Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Thursday is a good one...

~R~ *doing my happy dance because I wrote a foodie post again..* lol

Wednesday 20 June 2012

A Wordless Wednesday: Sculpture ~ Dragon

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Adele ~ Crazy for You
Marvin Gaye ~ What's Going On
Soul 11 Soul ~ Back To Life
Nickelback ~ Too Bad
Ella Fitzgerald ~ I Love Paris
American Dog ~ Give the dog a bone
The Kinks ~ Victoria
Idil Biret ~ Chopin Nocturne#7 In C Sharp Minor, Op.21/1
Sara Sant'Ambrogio ~ Duet from Lakme
Rod Stewart ~ The Nearness of You
Keith Urban ~ Stupid Boy
Frank Sinatra ~ Softly As I Leave You
The Dandy Warhols ~ Bohemian Like You
Bon Jovi ~ Blame It On The Love of Rock & Roll
Placido Domingo ~ Lehar: Das Land Des Lachelns
Billie Holiday ~ Them There Eyes

Dragon ~ Yard Sculpture

Thanks for stopping by..hope your Wednesday is being good to you?


Tuesday 19 June 2012

A Post of Random Awesomeness..

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Within Temptation ~ What Have You Done Now?
Will Young ~ Leave Right Now
Roy Orbison ~ Walk On
Guns N Roses ~ Knockin on Heavens Door
Shakira ~ Sombra De Ti
Selena ~ Amor Prohibibo
Jimmy Durante ~ As Time Goes By
Neil Diamond ~ Evermore
Frank Sinatra ~ Cherry Pies Ought To Be You
Kelly Rowland ~ Daylight
Keith Urban ~ Tu Compania
Stone Temple Pilots ~ Plush
Mr. Buble ~ Crazy Love
Audioslave ~ Out of Exile
Rosemary Clooney ~ You'll Never Know

Today's blog posting is brought to you by a jumble of random awesome images I have found on my daily internet visits..I often just save images and hope to use them in my writing as inspiration or on here. I was looking through the most recent ones this morning and thought it a shame, that they were sat in a file looking So here they are....

First up is a very beautiful cake..and obviously I would make a veganised version..but I thought it very peaceful and could picture myself sat in one of the chairs...

Beach Cake
Next up is a that I would like to pass on to the little ones in my life..obviously when they are old enough to actually take its meaning in..I think them very wise words indeed..

Wise words, eh?
I found this very ring via you know I have a 'mermaid thing' for me this is perfect..

Next..I read this quote and it rang a bell inside me regarding my health

Have I mentioned I'm stubborn??? lol
When I found the next image I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of doing this before!Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most brilliant..don't you think?

Frozen Fruit Skewers - just add champagne!
Always a good time to have champagne right? lol
Next up is a great shot of some But its not the feet so much as what the feet and ankles are I love ankle bracelets and toe I smiled a lot when I first saw this image...

Up next is a quote which I feel very strongly me trust is something precious..and for me..once it's broken there is no going

I recently found a new music love...the very talented and very awesome Miss Tina Dico..she is a singer-songwriter from Denmark and her studio recordings don't even compare to her live performances. Amazing. So here is a link to one of my favourite songs...please take the time to watch it? She's worth the effort...

Tina Dico ~ Let's Get Lost Live

These horses are magical..I would love to know where they are situated. I picture my pal J and I visiting and taking many photos with these lovely haunting sculpture horses..

Haunting..alive..awesome..fantastic work..
When I first saw this necklace I loved it..I love the whole meaning that comes with it. It's maybe a little fancy..oh it isn't, I love it just as it What do you think??

Not too shabby huh? I love symbolic jewellery..and I love it's a twofer lol

Well it wouldn't be me if I didn't have a tattoo in here somewhere eh? lol When I found this image I was bowled over by it..just need it now! lol One day when I am much better..but one day!

Awesome eh? lol
And last but by no means least...and I always like to end these kind of posts with a smile or a this made me laugh out loud..

Smart cookie that Opportunist eh? lol
As ever thanks for stopping by..and I hope that your Tuesday is a splendid one...


NB: As always I take absolutely no credit for theses images..all were found online..if they are your images..please email me and I would be happy to alter the posting and give credit where it is so very much due or if you wish remove them. But thank you to those who did create them.. ~R~