
Saturday 23 June 2012

The Lempicka Cafe ~ Lunch with Mum

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Slash ft Lemmy ~ Doctor Alibi
Caro Emerald ~ On A Night Like This
Rod Stewart ~ The Way You Look Tonight
Sara Sant'Ambrogio ~ The Swan (Cello)
The Union ~ Easy Street
Nicola Benedetti ~ Lark Ascending (Violin)
Them Crooked Vultures ~ Bandoliers
Dido ~ Don't Leave Home
Def Leppard ~ When Love & Hate Collide
Shakira ~ Si Te Vas
Astaire & Rogers ~ Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
Count Basie ~ Splanky
Duffy ~ Stepping Stone
Madeleine Peyroux ~ Blue Alert

Yesterday I enjoyed four whole hours with my's a rarity..believe me. ML had a meeting in the afternoon so we hitched a ride to the historic town where the offices are situated and then set off to hopefully have a nice lunch somewhere and spend the afternoon pootling around the shops. Two seconds after getting out of the car...the rain started..and when I say rain..I mean seriously hard downpour type of rain. And as you all know I love the rain..but even I was shocked by how much there was. lol. In the space of four hours I got drenched to the skin 6 times..marvellous. Anyway.....

ML had suggested a couple of places to eat but as The Lempicka Cafe was the nearest to us as the rain started we decided that it looked just 'perfect' for It was a small establishment with eight tables but as you stepped inside it was like being transported to another world. Rain forgotten..pain forgotten..within seconds as we chose a table to settle at.
Now..I am not the biggest lover of the colour pink..never have if you had asked me if I could find sitting in a pink cafe..peaceful..I would've laughed. But I did find myself feeling very relaxed and happy there. Every wall was like the telling of various fairy tales as every inch had been hand/custom painted...everywhere you looked there was something new to find..Mum being the artist sat and explained all the techniques that had been used to achieve this wonderful mural. I didn't even mind the pink! lol. There were chandeliers hanging which provided good lighting..the place was lovely.

The spot above our table..I love Paris so the Eiffel Tower really spoke to me..
I wish I could've taken a photo of the whole room for you..
but new phone gremlins prevented this.
So to the If I said there was a lot of choice for us vegan would be a lie. There wasn't so I chose the only thing on the menu I could have. lol. Which was a Panini ( I did have a choice of white or granary panini though!) with Roasted Vegetables and Hummus with a side salad. My Mum who is trying to make good choices asked for the Lempicka Salad..which wasn't on the menu but when I ordered the food they were only too happy to accommodate her. We were both very good and ordered instead of frothy coffees of various kinds. Get us! Eh? lol

Granary Panini with Hummus & Roasted Veggies with Side Salad
with Wormsley Dressing on the side.
I know the panini looks huge but it was just regular size..the plate was quite the knife and fork they gave me to eat my salad with was was like eating a meal on a tea plate with a shovel and a fork!! lol. Ah well..

Close up on the Panini..please forgive the photos..
they were taken on my phone and I haven't mastered
The granary panini roll was delicious..the hummus was a regular homemade hummus..the Roasted Vegetables were perfectly cooked and succulent..and the usual mix of red onions, yellow and red peppers, courgettes and aubergine. Delicious...

Close up on the Side Salad...there really is dressing in that pot
but it was clear..I didn't use it but I did dip..and it was sweet
like a 90/10 % vinegar to oil mix
My side salad was mixed leaves, sliced cucumber, halved cherry tomatoes, grated carrot, chopped mixed peppers, pinto beans and cubed beetroot...and six nacho chips. And sadly I forgot to ask for no onion on my salad (pet peeve and total hated food item..raw onion! Yuck!) so there were a few very tiny pieces of chopped red onion. But enough to make me grimace each time I bit into one..but it was my bad and no reflection on their food.

The Lempicka Salad sans turkey, cheese, ham and any other poor animal
My Mum enjoyed every part of her salad even though it filled her up..well that and the sparkling mineral water. lol. So on her plate were mixed leaves, sliced cucumber, halved cherry tomatoes, marinated olives, chopped mixed peppers, red onions, grated carrots, beetroot, cous cous and celery & apple salad. On the side was a freshly baked slice of fresh that it was still warm and There was also a piece of butter to spread on it but she didn't have that. As you can see Mum matched in with the walls quite her splendid pink

So after our meals were eaten and greatly enjoyed we then decided to play rain tag and spent the afternoon running from shop to coffee house to shop..until it was time for home. lol. I wished I had felt better and there were a few scary moments...but I guess that's to be

So now I am away to spend some much needed family time with ML, my sister and the little ones...followed by an Art Gallery Opening..then meeting up with friends for St & Sz's joint birthday celebrations this evening. Busy or what? lol

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Saturday is a wonderfully chaotic as mine...
