
Friday 29 June 2012

Guest Blogger: Trustworthy's Almost Ultimate Gig

Well, hey! First I'd love to thank Red for inviting me to deliver my fantasy meal for this Friday. A little about me before we go on, if that's ok? I'm a gluten-intolerant vegan, a pommy migrant to this scorched land down under, and a hopeless romantic lol! I'm also a music freak, with fairly eclectic tastes...which has inspired my theme for this post. It's my almost-ultimate gig this Fantasy Friday evening...most of the artists I never got to see, along with favourites I have seen, all on the same bill. I say almost-ultimate – I have been told to limit the amount of artists, as they know I could make this gig a real bum-number!

Flaming Guitar of the Almost Ultimate Gig
So, this afternoon and early evening, my significant other and I would be getting ready to go to this gig-of gigs...a true dream...whilst I prepared an easy dipping starter to be enjoyed as one or the other of us rushed back and forth between various rooms as we got ready. And being a hot country, I am sure we would need to take breaks to avoid getting too flustered...

Middle Eastern Avocado Dip and Tahini & Yoghurt Dressing

This would've been made this morning, and chilled in the (super-efficient, natch) fridge, and removed and served when we got hungry after lunch. I love avocados...the texture and creaminess, with their fresh flavour and being so full of Good Stuff...I once ate an entire bowl of guacamole I'd made with three whole avo's and a couple of Aussie Roma tomatoes. And, you know, corn chips, lol.

So, now it's getting to mid-arvo, the sun has kept things rather warm and now it's time to begin the next course, whilst the better half is doing their make-up. I'll do mine after ^_^ …

Spanish Omelette with Roasted Red Pepper-Almond Sauce
This is a very filling and energy-packed dish, takes a fair bit of work but the long oven duration will allow some QT with my partner...but also allows me to talk about my playlist! Which I shall after I've made the salad to crisp in the fridge. The photo shows a green leaf salad, of which I would prefer to use a bucketload of kale, chopped with some rocket, balsamic vinegar, Himalayan sea salt, and maybe something crispy to top it off when it comes back out.

So, the playlist. This will be playing whilst we were just about to leave, wiggling around for the first few, eating the main dish during the quiet bits, then continuing in the car or on the train (with dual earpods, natch ^_^) on the way to the festival of fantasy.
This is a fantastic cooking song! I love the driving rhythm and retro electronics. And Alison Goldfrapp – oh, what a beauty. Her...ahem..Horseplay at certain gigs was a wonder :-)
BJH are a prog band, from the 70s, and they are a favourite of my dad's. We (that is, my dad and I) actually saw them in the UK a few years back, in a tiny little venue in the quaintly-named Milton Keynes. The acoustics were a dream and we even met them afterwards.

Kings Cross - Every Sentimental Moment
I lived in Chelmsford , Essex for a while and worked with the guy who eventually became the guitarist for this band. Alas, their famously bonkers gigs I have never seen – though you can catch their Ben Nevis gig (yep, that one!) here << >> so, enjoy!
These Seattle grungers were like Zeppelin with growlier guitars and more attitude. I saw them once supporting GN'R and I remember Kim Thayil leaving his guitar screaming on top of the amps as they left the stage.
I loved both JD and New Order, and I also remember as a boy hearing Love Will Tear Us Apart on the radio and thinking he was singing the same tune as Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport in the chorus! But Ian Curtis was a beautiful and troubled man, and I posthumously fell in love with him.
Another outfit from Seattle, though these guys were far from grungy. Most of them went on to form Pearl Jam, but it was singer Andrew Wood's haunting vocal on this track that managed – and still manages – to send shivers down the spine. At one time I was a Christian and felt that I'd love to perform this in church.

Kurts pained and strained voice on this track from the Unplugged session – in heavy rotation on MTV in 1994 – gets me every time, especially considering a few months later it was all over.
This is the most beautiful cover version I've ever heard. The video clip is heartbreaking. I would've loved to have seen one of his shows, back in the day. An incredible performer with an equally amazing life; a real survivor, emotionally and physically. And indeed spiritually.

Like Mr Cash, Mr Mojorisin' too was pained and challenged throughout his all too short life...and unfortunately he succumbed. I am in love with this man, and his ideals and poetry, and would have been stood in awe at his...sorry, their!...most memorable concerts.

This song starts a collection of songs on the second side (remember when records had sides!?!) of JA's second album about the lead singer's friend, Xiola Blue, that died. I chose this one because of the most amazing solo by Dave Navarro – definitely in my top ten.

My dad sat me down when I was five or six years old and played me Led Zeppelin IV the whole way through, and I listened to every note with intensity. I was amazed, and hooked, and never looked back. I realised very much later that of course John Bonham had died only in the year or so before, and I always wondered whether my dad felt the same way about that as I did when Kurt Cobain took his own life.

So, enough of dead people! Lol! I really am quite fun to be around, honest! This band was introduced to me only very recently, and I immediately fell in lust with this bluesy, sexy groove and the singer's Plant/Cornell-like voice. A genuine play-it-loud song, hot wiggling in the kitchen, cooking like a goodun to this one is a must :-)

The frontman of this band went to my school and lives in my hometown...I was always convinced he stole my musical ideas! Their appeal to me is they can go from a spacey Pink Floyd-at-their-most-psychadelic mesh-of-synths-and-sounds kind of band, to a full-on thrash metal...often in the one song!

Now, I have seen this band a fair amount of times. Each show has been different but each has been fantastic. All of their songs have meaning for me...I've been into them since I was small. And they are headlining tonight and will be playing all of my favourites :-)

And we are ready! The Spanish omelette is too, and we eat it with the kale salad, talking excitedly about the wonderful night of truly fantastic entertainment ahead, then leave the dishes for the washing up fairy and head out into the warm night to the gig of the century...

So, from that incredible gig, my SO and I would definitely be hungry for something sweet, so these little babies would have been made the previous morning, too...and chilling in the green, super-efficient fridge for just this moment. Succulent, rich, and...dare I say playful...there's nothing like a hot drink, sweet dessert, and an awesome cuddle on the couch, talking about the superb music we'd just experienced.
Late Night Dessert
Chocolate Lover's Pudding with Raspberries

Personally I would not use the raspberries...fruiting up a chocolate dessert?! Some would say sacrilege lol ;-)

Thanks for spending the time with me today...if you like it I may return...should Red let me lol ;-) T

Note from Red...Thank you for doing such a great job Trustworthy..I've loved reading and listening to all the songs from the Almost Ultimate Gig..well all apart from Joy And great choices on the food guys would have had the best evening all round, eh? lol
I hope that you will come back and do a regular spot for me...

Thanks ~R~