
Tuesday 19 June 2012

A Post of Random Awesomeness..

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Within Temptation ~ What Have You Done Now?
Will Young ~ Leave Right Now
Roy Orbison ~ Walk On
Guns N Roses ~ Knockin on Heavens Door
Shakira ~ Sombra De Ti
Selena ~ Amor Prohibibo
Jimmy Durante ~ As Time Goes By
Neil Diamond ~ Evermore
Frank Sinatra ~ Cherry Pies Ought To Be You
Kelly Rowland ~ Daylight
Keith Urban ~ Tu Compania
Stone Temple Pilots ~ Plush
Mr. Buble ~ Crazy Love
Audioslave ~ Out of Exile
Rosemary Clooney ~ You'll Never Know

Today's blog posting is brought to you by a jumble of random awesome images I have found on my daily internet visits..I often just save images and hope to use them in my writing as inspiration or on here. I was looking through the most recent ones this morning and thought it a shame, that they were sat in a file looking So here they are....

First up is a very beautiful cake..and obviously I would make a veganised version..but I thought it very peaceful and could picture myself sat in one of the chairs...

Beach Cake
Next up is a that I would like to pass on to the little ones in my life..obviously when they are old enough to actually take its meaning in..I think them very wise words indeed..

Wise words, eh?
I found this very ring via you know I have a 'mermaid thing' for me this is perfect..

Next..I read this quote and it rang a bell inside me regarding my health

Have I mentioned I'm stubborn??? lol
When I found the next image I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of doing this before!Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most brilliant..don't you think?

Frozen Fruit Skewers - just add champagne!
Always a good time to have champagne right? lol
Next up is a great shot of some But its not the feet so much as what the feet and ankles are I love ankle bracelets and toe I smiled a lot when I first saw this image...

Up next is a quote which I feel very strongly me trust is something precious..and for me..once it's broken there is no going

I recently found a new music love...the very talented and very awesome Miss Tina Dico..she is a singer-songwriter from Denmark and her studio recordings don't even compare to her live performances. Amazing. So here is a link to one of my favourite songs...please take the time to watch it? She's worth the effort...

Tina Dico ~ Let's Get Lost Live

These horses are magical..I would love to know where they are situated. I picture my pal J and I visiting and taking many photos with these lovely haunting sculpture horses..

Haunting..alive..awesome..fantastic work..
When I first saw this necklace I loved it..I love the whole meaning that comes with it. It's maybe a little fancy..oh it isn't, I love it just as it What do you think??

Not too shabby huh? I love symbolic jewellery..and I love it's a twofer lol

Well it wouldn't be me if I didn't have a tattoo in here somewhere eh? lol When I found this image I was bowled over by it..just need it now! lol One day when I am much better..but one day!

Awesome eh? lol
And last but by no means least...and I always like to end these kind of posts with a smile or a this made me laugh out loud..

Smart cookie that Opportunist eh? lol
As ever thanks for stopping by..and I hope that your Tuesday is a splendid one...


NB: As always I take absolutely no credit for theses images..all were found online..if they are your images..please email me and I would be happy to alter the posting and give credit where it is so very much due or if you wish remove them. But thank you to those who did create them.. ~R~