
Wednesday 4 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Ong Choi Soup (vegan and gluten-free)

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Buckcherry ~ play list on iPod

Ong Choi...I had never heard of this elegant looking leafy until Sunday. I had absolutely no idea what it was or how to cook it but it still had me picking up a bag of it and stashing it in my basket. When I looked it up on the net I was pleasantly surprised to find it was also known as Water Spinach and is used in Chinese cooking. However when searching for recipes I was very disappointed. But I had gained enough information about it to put it to good use. 

Yesterday was a mix of a day because I had the pleasure of the company of my good pal Ann for the day but I also had to go to the hospital. The appointment was painful at times and worryingly not at's strange how you get used to some pain. And the outcome was a result of treatment and being put on complete rest...again. *insert expletive therapy here* And I can't argue with the Doc...I know I have to give in to this order but first I had to make myself some food for the next couple of days. (I know...I know! But nourishing my body is part of resting my body etc, etc.) This morning armed with my basket of veggies I got very busy making savoury pancakes for breakfasts and I scribbled down a quick base for my planned Ong Choi recipe. I placed my stool at my counter and sat down and got chopping.

There is nothing more I love on a very dark and rainy day then a good savoury broth based soup for lunch which is good as I was woken by rain pounding against my bedroom window this morning. And that is where the idea for this soup came from...a portion of that kind of soup served over a portion of brown rice or some buckwheat noodles and I am in foodie heaven. I also had a khlorabi waiting to be used and the other ingredients I always have in my stocks. This soup is very quick to make and that is the beauty of this type of soup for me. And I was overjoyed by the results...beautifully cooked veggies in a heady savoury broth which to be honest I could sit and drink as a hot I see a lot of Ong Choi in my future...

Rocket & Roses Ong Choi Soup

Rocket & Roses Ong Choi Soup   Serves 2
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

1.2 litres low sodium veggie stock, cooled
5 spring onions, trimmed and quartered and cut into 3" lengths
2" piece of fresh ginger, micro grated
2 large garlic cloves, micro grated
1 Red Birds Eye chilli, sliced seeds left in
1 med thick carrot, peeled and cut into a flowers 
1 med Kholrabi, peeled and cut into 1cm cubes (or use Mooli in its place)
18 sugarsnap peas, trimmed and cut in half, diagonally 
2 tbsp Braggs Liquid Animos or Tamari
1/2 tbsp Apple Cyder vinegar
1 tsp dark toasted sesame oil 
200g Ong Choi, rinsed well, trimmed and cut into 3" pieces 

Place all ingredients except the Ong Choi in a medium saucepan and stir well. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cover with the lid. Simmer for 10 minutes. 

Add the Ong Choi into the pan and stir in. Replace the lid and allow to simmer for a further 8 minutes. Remove from the heat. 

To a small portion of cooked brown rice or buckwheat noodles in a soup bowl and cover with the soup. Although eating this soup just as it is, is also delicious. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Wednesday is a good one...


NB: This is an original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen. I am very happy for you to share it but I ask that you please always give credit where it is I always try to! Many thanks..~R~