
Friday 6 June 2014

Rocket & Roses Messy Blueberry Buckwheat Breakfast Pancakes (vegan & gluten-free)

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Mary J Blidge ~ Family Affair
The Rolling Stones ~ Ruby Tuesday 
Zac Brown Band ~ Free
Alanis Morrisette ~ Wake Up
Muse ~ Explorers 
Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa ~ Close To My Fire
The Union ~ Siren's Song
The Eagles ~ King Of Hollywood
KT Tunstall ~ Fade Like A Shadow
Doris Day ~Lets Walk A This Away
Buckcherry ~ Grace (Acoustic)
Mozart: Violin Concerto #3 in G
No Doubt ~ Running

Hurray! We have sunshine this morning and nothing goes better with a bright and sunny morning than a beautiful punnet of plump and delicious Atlantic Blueberries. I love regular blueberries but when it's the Atlantic season I am very happy indeed. They just seem to have a little more sweetness to them. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy them this year having taken refined  and most unrefined sugar out of my life. But I was surprised with a gift of two punnets yesterday by my pal Ann and who I am to turn those little blue berries of goodness. Back in the day I would've just rinsed them and eaten them straight from the colander. This time I decided to try out two recipe ideas I'd had scribbled down...and who am I kidding...a few may have slipped through the recipe net and into my mouth...*innocent whistles*...

The first thing I made was a dessert which I shall post on Monday when I've had time to try it. But the next recipe I made was this blueberry pancake recipe. I wanted to use my buckwheat pancake recipe as a starting thin the batter I added some unsweetened almond milk and to add a little hit of extra sweetness I added a tiny amount of Stevia powder. The batter is just matter of whisking all the ingredients together and using a 1/2 cup measure I added the batter to my cast iron skillet and got flipping. However, I had forgotten how much mess bursting blueberries can the pancakes ended up with a fantastic messy look and as I served mine with some fresh and cooled blueberries I had a great texture and taste contrast between those refreshing pops of flavour and the warm gooey sweetness. And it wasn't overly sweet at all which is always good for me but you could add some Maple or Agave to your batter if you need extra sweetness. Every mouthful was a delight...

For me, this recipe will always be a High Days And Holidays dish because of the sugar content but it will be one I look forward to very much. A great way to start your day for sure...

Rocket & Roses Messy Blueberry Buckwheat Breakfast Pancakes

R&R Messy Blueberry Buckwheat Breakfast Pancakes   Makes 3 x 8" thin pancakes
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

1/2 cup buckwheat flour 
1/2 tsp gluten-free baking powder
1/2 tsp Stevia powder 
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp chia egg 
(1 tbsp chia seeds into 3 tbsp water, shake and leave for 15 minutes. Scoop out 1 tbsp of chia seed gel and store the remaining gel, covered in the fridge)
1/2 cup of blueberries, rinsed and drained well
1/2 tbsp melted coconut oil for skillet
leftover blueberries for scattering over the pancakes, if any are left  

Place the first five ingredients into a medium bowl and whisk until smooth. Add the chia egg and beat into the batter. Fold in the blueberries and leave the batter to 'sit' whilst you ready you skillet. 

Place your skillet over a medium/high heat and then brush the base with a little coconut oil. Using a 1/2 cup measure scoop the batter into the skillet and quickly move the pan around to ensure an even pancake. Leave to cook until bubbles have almost dried out and then loosen the pancake around the edges until you can shake the pancake free. Then toss the pancake over (or flip it with a spatula..I like to live and cook the other side until it is lifting around the edges. Place on a oven proof plate in between two pieces of parchment paper and keep warm in a cooling oven until you have the other two made. 

Fold the pancakes in any shape you fancy and then sprinkle with fresh cold blueberries and then sit in the sun and smile...


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Friday is a great and sunny one....


NB: This recipe is my creation. I have no problem with you using or sharing it but I simply ask that you give credit where its due. As I always try to when testing recipes from Other's Kitchens. Namaste, ~R~