
Monday 17 February 2014

Rocket & Roses Lebanese Spiced Stuffed Marrow with Brown Rice & Puy Lentils

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Bizet's Opera ~ Carmen  

Sometimes you can't beat the old classics in vegetarian cooking. Stuffed marrow is one of my first ever foodie memories as my Mum couldn't wait for marrow season and she would eat it so many different ways. I myself wasn't keen at that young age but I came to love it over the years. I realised I didn't like it much as a side dish..too bland..but pair it with a great stuffing and I am sold. ML had come home with a beautiful small marrow..maybe 16" was resting all alone in the reductions bin in the supermarket. There was nothing wrong with blemishes or squishy parts..just unwanted on their shelves I guess. 

I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it as I had recently made an online order with theasiancookshop and had picked up some new spice blends. One being a Lebanese 7 Spice blend...containing: pepper, cinnamon, pimento, cloves, cumin, fenugreek, caraway, cardamon, ginger, nutmeg, coriander, salt, turmeric, mustard, cornmeal, garlic, chilli, fennel, celery and bayleaf. What a mix, eh? I couldn't wait to use it in a dish and I wanted it to be the star.

Yesterday we had friends joining us for lunch and ML took over my kitchen for the day. However, as I was cooking my breakfast, I threw together this recipe. I just allowed my instinct to take over and went with it. I started by scrubbing the marrow and then slicing it in half lengthwise. With a grapefruit spoon I cut away the flesh of the marrow and then dumped it into the food processor. I left about 3/4" of flesh on the skin. From there the recipe flowed as I chopped and threw ingredients into the processor. I sauteed and mixed and filled until I had two very stuffed marrow halves and then off they went into the hot oven. The aroma almost killed ML as the Lebanese spice blend was quite potent but I was forgiven quickly as I had previously agreed to fish pie being made in my kitchen. lol. 

As ML, Stripe and Saz sat down to eat fish pie (strange people) I sat down with my slice of stuffed marrow and felt quite pleased with the results. The marrow was succulent..the stuffing wasn't overpowered by the spice as it had blended very nicely into the veggies. The rice and lentils were pleasing to the palate. Combining them together made for a very indulgent lunch and it felt like something special. I hope you give this one a try...

Rocket & Roses Lebanese Spiced Marrow with Brown Rice & Puy Lentils

Rocket & Roses Lebanese Spiced Marrow with Brown Rice & Puy Lentils
(Original Recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

1 medium marrow, scrubbed and sliced in half length ways

1 medium red onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1 large garlic clove, peeled and roughly chopped
1" piece of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
1 heaped tsp Lebanese 7 Spice blend

1 dsp coconut oil
1 red chilli, finely chopped
1 large orange bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped

250g cooked brown rice 
125g cooked Puy lentils

Preheat the oven to 350'F/180'C/GM 4 and place the marrow into a baking dish that allows the pieces to comfortably sit side by side. 

Using a small sharp knife or spoon, cut around the inside of the marrow (3/4" inside) and then cut across the gap and then scoop out the flesh and place it into the bowl of a food processor. Once all the flesh is out, set the baking dish to one side. 

To the flesh add the red onion, garlic and ginger, then blend until you have a watery paste. Heat the coconut oil in a skillet and then add the paste and then add the red chilli. Saute until the paste has thickened and the liquid has dissipated. Add the Lebanese spice and stir well to ensure the even distribution of the spice. Allow it to warm through and then remove from the heat and then place in a large bowl. 

To the paste add the orange pepper, brown rice and Puy lentils and season with Himalayan salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Then using a spoon pack the stuffing into the hollow of the down and then add another layer and press down well. Then add another layer and start the mounding with the spoon. Press down gently with your fingers and tidy it up. Cover loosely with tin foil to avoid crispy rice and lentils and place in the preheated oven. 

Cook for 40 minutes and then remove from the oven and test the skin of the marrow. If the marrow is juicy and a knife easily slips into is done. Remove the lid completely and then return to the oven for ten minutes more. Remove from the oven and allow to sit for 5 minutes before serving. Then serve...

Update: The flavours are even more beautiful the next day. This recipe is most definitely a keeper and can't wait to make it for my pals. ~R~


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your week starts well...I'll be back tomorrow with a cookbook review and a recipe is included.
