
Sunday 16 February 2014

Brunch: Smoked Chipotle Gram Flour Omelette (vegan, gluten & soy free)

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Half Moon Run ~ Dark Eyes Album 

My weeks are suddenly much busier which is a very good thing. This means by the time Sunday rolls around..or spins around..I am ready for the easy Sunday morning experience. Although today I missed out on that as I started creating a new recipe whilst cooking my omelette and then got lost in the process. By the time I got around to sitting down with my omelette it was a little cold so then I had to mess about re-heating it. I would like to say this was an unusual thing but it really isn't because when creativity and inspiration hit you have to give in to it and everything else around you disappears. I now have a newly completed recipe sat roasting in the oven and I hope to bring the results to you this week. However, this did not stop me from enjoying every mouthful of my brunch...

I added a little Chipotle chilli powder to the batter mix and that gave it a more rounded smokey chilli taste. I also added some leftover sweetcorn which smelt delish as it cooked away in the skillet with the other veggies. This omelette was a delight to eat and really fills you up. A great way to start your Sunday...ready for the adventures of the day ahead.

I am letting ML loose in my kitchen today...(yes I am freaking out as we have our good pals Stripe and Saz coming for lunch and ML wanted to give me a break from cooking and try out some ideas that had been floating around the noggin so here I am writing my blog with my apron hung up whilst I hear kitchen noises that aren't coming from my fair hand. *gulp* No really...I am sure it will be fine. lol. To be really honest I do not want to know what is going on in there, as it isn't by any stretch of the imagination, vegan..Urgh. Things we do for love....*wink*

A delicious way to start the day....addicted!

Smoked Chipotle Gram Flour Omelette              Serves 1-2 
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Rose Vegan Kitchen)

For the batter:

1/3 cup chickpea/gram flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp chia seeds 
scant amount of Himalayan salt 
1/4 tsp chipotle chilli powder 

For the veggies

3 spring onions, trimmed and sliced
1/4 cup sweetcorn
1 carrot, peeled and thinly sliced 
1/3 large green bell pepper 
6 Brussels sprouts, trimmed and quartered (or green leafy of choice) 
1/2 tbsp coconut oil

In a small bowl whisk together the batter ingredients and leave to thicken. If it gets too thick whilst the veggies are cooking simply add a little extra water to the mix but no more than a couple of tbsp's and then whisk again. 

In a skillet heat the coconut oil and then add the veggies to the pan. Saute for 2 minutes then cover the skillet and leave to cook for 4 minutes. Checking once to stir and stop any sticking. 

When the veggies have softened then pour the batter over and quickly stir together then even out the veggie to ensure even cooking. Place the lid back on the skillet and leave to cook for 5 minutes. Scoot! 

After the 5 minutes loosen the edges of the omelette with a spatula and then fold over the omelette and serve...


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Sunday is a relaxed one...
