
Friday 27 December 2013

Melody's Savoury Veggie Breakfast Frittata (vegan, GF & Soy Free)

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Robbie Williams ~ Swings Both Ways Album 

Blimey it's blowing a gale here again today. I have a constant whistling from one of my chimney/fireplaces...and a boing from my basketball hoop. But it's a soundtrack I can deal with...sadly for many Brits this year they spent the holidays flooded no complaints here. I am however, wearing a scarf and thermal socks in the house right now, attractive eh? lol. 

I have been struggling a lot with tofu of late. Not all tofu because I've enjoyed many breakfasts of silken tofu omelettes over the festive period. It's the other kind..the firm kind which has been a royal pain because I've enjoyed experimenting with frittatas and Spanish omelettes over the last couple of years. It's the texture that has me beaten right now..I needed a serious tofu timeout.

I was very happy when I found Melody's website and specifically this recipe. She had found a way of making a frittata using Gram flour/Chickpea flour and I was impressed by the very simply ingredients list. Could gram flour really make this recipe without all the usual additions that tofu frittatas need? Melody's original recipe, which you can see by clicking the link above, called for chard and mushrooms. So i adapted the veggie ingredients to suit my personal tastes and what I had to hand.

The results were glorious. The recipe was easy to put together and it yields 7 slices so is very economical. The texture was firm but not dense as some gram flour dishes can be. The flavours were intensely savoury and had a great herb hit. The fillings were a great flavour and texture combination and have inspired me to test out many others. I ate my first slice for breakfast and enjoyed every single bite. I think it will be some time before I make a tofu based frittata again. Thank you Melody.

Melody's Savoury Veggie Breakfast Frittata

Savoury Veggie Breakfast Frittata (Adapted)    Serves 7-8 
(Original recipe from


1 large red onion, peeled and sliced in quarters
2 cloves of garlic, grated 
1 mini red pepper, finely chopped
3/4 cup of roasted parsnips
3/4 cup of steamed broccoli florets

Dry Ingredients: 

1/2 cup of chickpea flour 
1 tbsp of chia seeds or flax seeds 
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tsp dried thyme 
1 tsp dried oregano 
1/2 sea salt 
1/4 tsp turmeric 

Wet Ingredients: 

3/4 cups filtered water 
1 tbsp lemon juice 
1 tbsp coconut oil 

Heat the oven to 350'F/180'C/GM 4. Line a 9" spring form baking tin with parchment paper and set to one side. 

In a bowl mix together the dry ingredients. In a jug stir together the wet ingredients and then pour into the dry. Stir well until completely smooth and then set to one side to thicken. This batter can also be made the night before. 

In a skillet cook the onion, pepper and garlic in a little oil or steam saute for 10 minutes until the onion has softened. Remove from the heat and leave to cool for a few minutes. 

Add the leftover veggies and the onion mix to the batter and stir well to combine. Then pour into the prepared baking tin and push down and then smooth over the mix. 

Place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes and then remove from the oven. Leave to cool slightly in the pan..approx 1o minutes. Then remove from the pan and cut into slices and serve. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Friday is a lovely one. 


NB: This recipe is not my creation and therefore I take no credit for it. It is the hard work of Melody @ Thank you for such a great recipe...and being an inspiration. ~R~