
Saturday 28 December 2013

Isa & Terry's Chestnut & Lentil Pate

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Soundgarden ~ Taree
The Union ~ Siren's Song
Orianthi ~ Fire
Jem ~ On Top Of The World
Deep Dish ~ Flashdance 
Beth Rowley ~ Sweet Hours
Beth Hart ~ I'll Take Care Of You
Missy Higgins ~ All In My Head
Auf Der Maur ~ I Need I Want I Will
Faith No More ~ Ricochet
The Dodge Brothers ~ Churchhouse Blues
Mike Patton ~ Che Notte!
Jackson Browne ~ The Naked Ride Home
Nerina Pallot ~ Geek Love 

Can't silence be deafening? I've just had the most splendid day with my little nieces. I was just starting to make veggie lasagna for lunch when they arrived and in minutes they were strapped into their aprons and 'helping'. We had so much fun...and they only ate about half of the fillings and I was so happy when Noo decided to start munching on raw broccoli and then decided to try orange and yellow peppers. She even had a side salad of them with her pasta. Happy, happy Auntie! It was an all round great day and I only wish my poor sister was getting some more sleep because she looked shattered. But they are now all gone and the house is silent once more...till next Saturday. So today's recipe...

I really enjoy a good pate and actively collect new recipes and create my own all the time. They are so versatile and I use them for sandwich fillings, toast toppers, jacket potato fillers, dips and also served inside salad veggies as a canape. I was flicking through my copy of Veganomican and this recipe caught my eye because I had two packets of vacuum packed chestnuts that were just on their sell by date. I always like a great pate in a tub in the fridge over the festive period so I have as little as possible to make. After all of the rich festive foods I enjoy a simple slice of toast with a spread of pate.  I have made one adaption to Isa's and Terry's original recipe...I used 2 tbsp garlic infused oil & 2 tbsp rapeseed/canola oil instead of their 1/4 cup of grapeseed. I just prefer the mellow garlic flavouring...and to be honest I forgot to add the fresh garlic to the cooking

The hardest part of this recipe is being patient whilst the lentils Then it's simply a matter of throwing everything in the processor and letting it do its magic. 

The pate is deeply satisfying and surprisingly light. No one ingredient overpowers the others and the flavour is rounded by the wholesome lentils and chestnuts. I've enjoyed it used as a canape, on toast and with salad in a sandwich. All were delicious...

Chestnut & Lentil Pate in Mini Pepper Boats

Chestnut & Lentil Pate (Adapted) Makes 2 cups of pate
(Recipe from Veganomican/Moskowitz/Romero)

1lb whole cooked chestnuts
1/2 cup french/puy lentils, rinsed and drained
2 1/3 cups of water for cooking lentils 
1/2 cup water for processing 
2 tbsp garlic infused oil
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
1/4 tsp low sodium salt
2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

In a small saucepan add the lentils and water, bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes until lentils are tender. Drain well and then place in a processor with the chestnuts and blend a little. Then add the 1/2 cup of water and process until smooth. Add the oils, salt and parsley and blend again until smooth. If the mixture seems too thick add a little more water. It should be thicker than the consistency of hummus, by not by much. 

Place in a airtight container and store in the fridge until ready to use. 

Gratuitous foodie close up shot...cute little boats, eh? lol


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your DAY has been a fantastic one....


NB: This is not my recipe so therefore I take no credit for it's creation. I merely adapted the very excellent recipe by Terry Hope Romero and Isa Chandra Moskowitz and send thanks to them for the great cookbooks. ~R~