
Thursday 12 July 2012

Artwork: Klimt Appreciation..

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Bobby McFerrin ~ Circle Song 6
Shania Twain ~ Thank you Baby
Dido ~ White Flag
The Jam ~ Eton Rifles
Nickelback ~ Someone That You're With
Chris Cornell ~ Never Far Away
Fun Lovin' Criminals ~ Up On The Hill
Meshell Ndegercello ~ Don't Take My Kindness for Weakness
Rod Stewart ~ Embraceable You
Enrique Iglesias ~ Escape
Chris Cornell ~ No Such Thing
Kings of Lean ~ Sex On Fire
Kanye West ~ Stronger
Anastasia ~ Sick and Tired

The artwork of Klimt is kinda like either love it or hate it. lol. Well that's how it seems to me anyway..especially in our house anyway. I love his work..ML..doesn't! So when I see prints of his work I have to admire from afar. lol. Although ML did once buy me a small bookmark calender of his prints and I still have one of them today which I use as my main bookmark.

So with this in mind I started a board on my Pinterest with his works and suddenly I thought "Why not blog about Klimt too?!" lol. And so I am these are just a few examples of his large catalogue of work...and are just a few of my favourites. I hope you enjoy them..I do..

Truly beautiful
I find this piece deeply pleasing...peaceful..serene..beautiful...I just love it! lol (Hey I never claimed to be a professional art

Love the use of colour...
The colour in this piece reminds me of Milfori beads that I sometimes use in my jewellery making..

Each time I look at this one..I find something new to look at...
I find myself feeling sleepy when I look at this She just seems so peaceful and at ease..I also love the fabric around her..I love the deep purple.

My dreams...
Highly emotive piece for me...stuff of my dreams....

Their faces captivate me...
I am always drawn to their expressions..I wonder what they were talking about or thinking...

The cascade of hair and the placement of her
body enchant me...
What is not to love about this painting?....

A Klimt tattoo...
Now what Art posting would it be, without a tattoo? lol. I really like this piece...

Mixed feelings? Me too!
This is one of those pieces that I love one day..and then don't the next. For two reasons...I sometimes find the expression of the man a little disturbing...and I dislike the animal print cloth..(don't like animal print anything! Yuck..I believe they should stay on the animal etc..) I do love the woman though..and the fact she is a regular woman, perfect in her imperfection.

Not to sound cliche..but I love the flow of this piece..
I love mermaids and this piece to me, brings to mind mermaids after transformation to women. And I would love to be sat on the beach waiting to greet I could ask them all the questions from my

Yes..another Klimt tattoo baby! lol
This tattoo based on the painting above really made me smile when I found it. And I would love to have a similar one day..when I am healed.

And bookmark! lol
This piece is one of my favourites and the bookmark is now laminated and used daily. lol. I love the colours..the shape and flow.

So that was my little romp through a few of my favourite Klimt paintings..I hope you found something to enjoy in them.

No post on Friday as it's a busy day...jewellery making completion, hospital appts and hopefully cuddles with a new little one that was born today...Welcome to the world Ernest! Can't wait to meet you...

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Thursday was a truly lovely one...
