
Sunday 27 May 2012

National Vegetarian Week: Favourite Recipes

Lounge Play List:

Europe ~ Start From The Dark
Tom Jones ~ You Can Leave Your Hat On
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band ~ Backwater Blues
Bryan Adams ~ Lets Make A Night To Remember
Dani Wilde ~ Red Blooded Woman
Rod Stewart ~ You Belong To Me
Jack Johnson ~ Losing Keys
Gina Sicilia ~ There Lies a Better Day
Caro Emerald ~ That Man
Sam Brown ~ Valentine Moon
Dean Martin ~ Hold Me
Nickelback ~ Shakin' Hands

Favourites...oh boy was this a hard posting to put together..two could I possibly choose???..and I'm not feeling my best today so the very idea of eating or pulling back the memories was very uncomfortable. But I promised you a favourites posting and I

So...I shall start with..


Rocket and Roses White Miso, Garlic and Chickpea Soup
The simplicity of this soup makes this probably my most favourite of soups. It's very quick to tastes delicious and it's light..

Sesame Broccoli Salad

I am a paid up, card carrying member of the Broccoli addicts I love it raw, steamed, sautéed with garlic, made into a lasagne, as a filling for an tofu omelette...but especially in this salad. Can't get enough of this looks great..tastes better and is comfort food for


Rocket and Roses Chestnut & Sprout Pate
Forgive the seasonal But I did create this at Christmas..for Christmas. This pate was a wonder to, intense and just plain yummy. This pate is good for a lunch or in smaller quantities for a starter..and fabulous in a sandwich. A little goes a long way...


Edamame Dip

I do love favourite being a little fat version that uses no oils except for the natural oil in's delicious but I will try almost all variations of long as it's vegan..obviously. lol. But for today I chose the Edamame Dip because it's..well..edamame crammed..always But it's refreshing and clean tasting..and extremely good for you and can be used in many ways..topping, dip, spread, tossed with hot pasta..I could go on but won't. lol.
Noodle Dish

Malaysian Stir fried Noodles with Veggies

I just love a good noodle dish and this one for me is just splendid. Packed with flavour and colour..although my inadequate photo skills haven't been able to show it to A great noodle dish...

Pasta Dish

Creamy Broccoli and Spinach Lasagne

Now my go to pasta dish..for comfort is Wholemeal Spaghetti with Tomato & Garlic Sauce with broccoli florets. Always guaranteed to put a smile back on my But this for when something that little bit more special is called for. The broccoli and spinach bring some colour to this lasagne..wholemeal (or whatever pasta you prefer/need) pasta gives it a texture but it's the creamy sauce that brings all these things together. And surprisingly it's not's just simply delicious. Thanks as always to the vegan guru that is Linda Majzilk for this creation.

Grain Dish

I love grains..especially brown rice, brown basmati, bulgar wheat and quinoa. This dish is just something I threw together at the last minute and everyone loved it. I have made it since many times and using quinoa in place of the bulgar and it works great.

Bean/Pulse Dish

Chana Masala
As well as my card carrying Broccoli Society status..I also have in my wallet my card carrying Chickpea Addicts Society membership. I love the little globes of yumminess. I do love all beans and pulses..haven't met one that I don't like..yet! lol. So trying to choose a favourite beany/pulse is impossible. However..Chana Masala is pretty close to being it. I smile when I eat this that's why it's my choice

Pastry Dish

French Courgette/Zucchini Lattice Flan
I rarely eat pastry but when I do I like wholemeal..although I have got a few GF pastry recipes that I sometimes use now. The pastry in this flan has some cayenne pepper in it so it has a great kick. The filling is simply sliced courgettes in a tomato based sauce. It is simply..beautiful..and delicious. And it's from one of my favourite vegan cookbooks..A Vegan Taste of France by Linda Majzilk..

Tofu Dish

I don't really do oils or frying...but for this dish I make the The onions and potatoes are roasted in oil in the oven until succulent before the tofu mixture is added to make this my very favourite tofu dish. I do love all forms of tofu now..although it was a work in progress. The Red Pepper and Almond sauce is creamy and has a great kick. I serve a slice of this with a simple leafy salad..and I'm one happy woman. Lol.

Honourable Mention Dish

Provencal Eggplant/Aubergine Gratin with Orange Tomato Sauce

Sorry for the fuzzy I wish I could describe to you the smell of this dish when it was cooking..oh This was one of those dishes that I kept reading the recipe and thinking.."Hmm not sure about oranges.." lol. Then one day I just decided to give it a shot..and how pleased were we that I did. It's so tasty..nothing like it. So therefore it deserved the honourable mention.

Brunch Dishes

Tofu Omelette with Broccoli, Garlic & Chorizo filling
I love brunch..and I am definitely a savoury brunch person rather than a stack of sweet pancakes one..which can be nice very occasionally. For me..brunch is all about the tofu scramble...tofu omelettes or potato pancakes..on this photo I have white bread but that is a rare Not the biggest white bread fan. I'm looking forward to the day when I can cook a lovely Sunday brunch again...soon..always This is my favourite's broccoli! lol

Soda Bread with Vegan 'Goats Cheese' and Blistered Vine Tomatoes
This brunch was quite a surprise...but the combination of the balsamic blistered tomatoes with the creamy spread on the fresh baked soda Very filling But delicious and deserved a mention..for that something slightly different.

Dreena's Blueberry and Carob Pancakes
Yep..I did just say that I am not a fan of the sweet brunch options..but these pancakes are the exception to that rule. For one they are simple to make..and they are not anywhere as sweet or heavy as they look. They are just tasty..and the blueberries are great for the that extra pop in your mouth. I made these when ML's folks were visiting and my sister and her little ones were visiting..devoured isn't the


Rocket and Roses Trio of Strawberry Desserts
This little dessert came together after my dipping things in dark chocolate experiment was over. I had been to the local fruit farm and picked a mountain of strawberries and had to get inventive with I found a strawberry sorbet recipe that was superb and easy to make and the rest really of the trio came together easily..after all it is just dipped strawberries...fresh strawberries with softened vanilla soy ice cream..not rocket science. lol. But this or the dipped fruits..would be my choice of dessert.

Sweet Treats

Rocket and Roses Date & Almond Bites and Coconut & Date Bites 

Before being put on 'rest' (making use of the Expletive Therapy lol) I was playing around with making Bites...sweet little somethings for when that sweet tooth kicked in. And these were my first attempts..and we enjoyed every single's a project I am going to return to when I'm back in the kitchen...much to my blender's doubt. lol

So there we have it..what an epic posting this turned out to I hope you enjoy and maybe make some of my choices...I would be happy to hear how you get on. Feel free to email me your thoughts...

OK off to rest my fingers now.. ;o) Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Sunday is being great to you...
