
Saturday 26 May 2012

National Vegetarian Week: Desserts

Lounge Play List:

Chris Cornell ~ Sweet Euphoria
Bowie ~ Oh You Pretty Things
Thunder ~ Everybody Wants Her
Bryan Adams ~ Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman
Thunder ~ Hand in Glove
Kelly Clarkson ~ Stronger
Natalie Imbruglia ~ Counting Down the Days
Skid Row ~ Piece of Me

NB: Please accept my apologies for the lateness of this posting. I spent an hour writing it and doing all the techno thingys I needed to , to bring you this desserts special. Only to have a gremlin at work in my computer yesterday and as I went to lost everything. Then my day got busy so am now up very early to re-write and get it done for you Very sleepy So later than is my dessert special..Gremlins..stay the heck away this time ;-) ~R~

In support of the National Vegetarian Week events that are going on all over the UK each day this week I have brought you some of my favourite recipes from Rocket and Roses archives. Today is the turn of the I am not the biggest dessert fan..I can enjoy one but I have always been a savoury kind of gal. But as I am surrounded by dessert loving junkies I find myself making weird and wonderful creations to try out on them. Yeah..they never To me the perfect dessert is one that doesn't take a lot of time to make. And a dessert that doesn't leave you feeling full...lighter is my opinion. So here are a few of my favourite desserts...

Rocket and Roses Blissful Dark Chocolate Covered Physalis, Strawberry & Banana
When I decided to experiment with melting chocolate and dipping things...I didn't realise just how much I would enjoy the The dark bitterness of the chocolate coupled with the sweetness of the fruit is a combination made by the And for me this is a simple to make...elegant to's light...the perfect dessert!

Dimply Plum Cake

Cake as dessert? I know..what was I saying about heavy puddings?? lol But no this cake is very light and completely delicious and a small slice served with a scoop of vanilla soy/rice ice cream and you have one lovely dessert. I even serve it as an afternoon tea offering..this recipe came about after The Great Plum Glut of No matter what I made with them..chutneys, sorbets, cakes, sauces...every time I returned home my lovely neighbours and/or friends had left me another large container in the porch..sheesh. It's a wonder I can still look at

Happy Lemon Haupia

I wasn't sure at all, the whole way through the making of this tart. I served this as a dessert when ML & I were joined by D & B for dinner which is always a good time. I can't adequately describe how much we all enjoyed this tart. The pastry remained crisp but succulent..the combination of the lemon and coconut in the filling was refreshing and light. When you want something just a little different I can't recommend this dessert enough..

Flourless Chocolate and Raspberry Torte
Oh.My.This.Torte! Sadly my bad photo of this torte doesn't do it the slightest bit of justice. I made this for a pals 40th birthday celebration and as her and her partner are both GF I wanted to find something she could enjoy and feel Well she was turning When making this I got a bad case of the hinkeys (technical is! lol) it was my first time using coconut oil as a setting agent. The making of it was ridiculously easy...almost too easy..I wasn't convinced it would turn out that well.

How wrong could one person be??? Very, very unbelievably wrong..that's how much. When we all sat down to eat this first there was silence..then came the comments nirvana..the perfect ecstasy..and a few other sexual references that I cannot publish To say it was delicious doesn't even begin to cover all. If you are a chocolate lover..well..even if you're not (as I loved this as much as my pals did!) spoil yourself with this won't regret it..and I can promise you will never be the same again!!

Mango, Pomegranate & Coconut Ice Cream
During the summer months the ice cream maker goes into full production..and the little ones can be found lined up along the kitchen surface squishing, squelching, mashing and generally making as much mess as humanly Then the machine gets This ice cream is more of a adult ice cream..and everyone who tried it..loved it.

Super Chocolatey Brownies (GF)

Brownies for dessert? Yes..after a light These were greatly enjoyed with a cup of coffee afterwards. They were also my first attempt at GF baking and I really wasn't sure I was getting it right. I made them for S & S who are GF lovelies. They were gooey and chocolatey and just plain lovely..and what was left was taken home for breakfast for the rest of the A

Rocket and Roses Pear and Ginger Dessert Pie - GF

I made this pie when I was experimenting with GF pastry. For some reason the flavours of pear and ginger came to mind and before I knew it I had this little lovely creation baked and sat in front of me. Served warm with melting vanilla soy ice was an event more than a


Chocolate Lover's Pudding with Physalis

I couldn't do a posting about desserts without using this I love it. But please don't get confused when you click on the is the right recipe but simply omit the raspberries to make the version above. I served these as a dessert option at our Pals' Christmas Dinner and they were a huge I have realised I make a lot of chocolate based desserts for my loved ones..completely surrounded by's completely lost on me..Oh I hope I gave you a good selection of veggie/vegan and some GF options? But there are many more recipes in my archive..should you need an alternative.

So that is my dessert round up..all be it..a little later than I'd planned but I got here in the end. As you lovely reading folks couldn't make up your minds..between desserts and my for that!! lol..I shall be posting my list of favourite recipes tomorrow.

Thanks for bearing with me and for stopping by...I hope your Saturday is a good one??
