
Saturday 24 March 2012

Princess Castle Birthday Cake for Princess Noo's Birthday Celebration

Birthday Celebration Play List:

Happy Birthday To You ~ various noise makers lol

Our lovely niece Noo celebrated her 3rd birthday yesterday and it seems like five minutes since she was born...but as she is years ahead for her three seems like she has been around forever. She is fun, loving, mischievous, intelligent beyond her years..and cute as a button. However if you were to ask my sister what she's like at the moment..I think she would say that the devil periodically sets up residence! lol. Testing her boundaries for sure..but as the Auntie I don't see that side much. Perks, eh? lol.

So it was as ever our honour to make the birthday cake for her celebration...and the requirements were a chocolate cake in the shape of a Princess Castle! O..K! No problem. lol. Note I can type this quite easily as I didn't have any part in the making of this particular cake. I have to confess I was a little more than relieved when My Love stepped up and took over complete design and making of this masterpiece. My Love really likes to design the cakes and the assembly and then it's usually over to me for the decoration and fine detailing. But this time it's 100% My Love's work and I think the results were fabulous.

The chocolate cake recipe was the recipe from C.P-D's A Joy of Vegan Baking, the filling was from Easy Vegan Cooking/Leneman. The turrets were mini vegan chocolate swiss rolls and the turrets roof was a vegan waffle ice cream cone which had been lightly glazed with icing water..then rolled in sugar crystals that My Love had coloured a pinkie purple. Then lighter pink sugar crystals were sprinkled over straight after so you got a sparkly effect on the roofs. Wafers were cut into shapes for the entrance and the windows and sugar hearts were placed around the piping work. All this hard work made for one beautiful cake and the little lady loved it..asking my sister at the end of the day.."Can I live in a castle like this when I grow up Mummy?" lol.

Princess Castle Birthday Cake
The finished cake before the interesting car journey to get it

Close up - you can see the detailing a little better..and of course the princess..which she did try and eat! Whoops! lol
For some reason that 3 candle just wanted to lean to the

Sadly my photos didn't pick up the sparkling of the crystals on the turret roofs. And you can see the Princess Hearts garlands.
The turrets were held in place by wooden skewers.

The Princess waiting to greet you on her draw Cute.
Princess Noo took one look at the Snow White and said..."No that's not Snow White..that's me..isn't it?" Of course

I thought My Love really did a fantastic job and the layers of chocolate cake was enjoyed by all except our Mum who doesn't like chocolate cake...and the one person who refuses to eat Vegan muck..ah well..his loss.

For Noo's birthday this year we found a Dressing Up Chest that had two princess outfits in along with a crown, slippers, gloves, wings?!? and princess bag. She sure as heck loved this prezzie and withing seconds of opening it..she was stripping off her party frock and had her poor Daddy helping her on with the princess ball gown. lol. So here are some snaps of Princess Noo...

Princess Noo in her princess ballgown, slippers, crown, gloves and holding her wand and bag.
Noo is somewhat obsessed with princesses, fairies and pixies. I have pixies living at my house, don't ya In the background you can just about see that Tinkerbell is on freeze frame on the family TV. lol. Family friends had bought her the Disney Fairies Box set for her birthday. Somehow I think both prezzies are going to get a lot of use. lol.

The castle candle is lit..sat on Mummy with Daddy next to them..and the rabble singing Happy Birthday for all our
A very happy smiley Princess Noo after the cake was eaten (wearing her gloves and sat on my knee!!!) with her Mummy in the background. Looking angelic..then she went out on the trampoline
So all in all it was a splendid birthday for little Noo and I even managed to have some time with the gang of little ones out at the trampoline...Bonus!!!