
Tuesday 20 March 2012

Be Back Soon...

Workroom Play List:

Doris Day ~ Night and Day
Rachmaninov ~ Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
Shakira ~ Underneath My Clothes Acoustic
George Harrison/Jools Holland Band ~ Horse to Water
Don Williams ~ Pretend
K.D Lang ~ Crying
The Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band ~ Heat of the Sun

Image from the web - I take no credit for it's creation
I am bring you interesting postings at the moment and I am certainly aware it's been a while since I've given you a decent food posting. And for a food based blog that's not so good, eh? And my pain levels at this moment are at such a level I am struggling to keep my thoughts together and the pain relief I'm having to take isn't helping. Seriously..a keyboard can hide the slurring perfectly. lol

Tomorrow I have the 'big' appt at the hospital and I have no idea what the outcome is going to be and what shape I'll be in. So I have reluctantly taken the decision to take a few days off from the blog. I will hopefully be back at the earliest on Friday or the latest Sunday. However if I'm admitted to hospital...My Love will post something up to keep you all informed.

You have been so loyal and stopping by everyday in such high numbers I am humbled. And feel bad asking you to be a little more patient. As ever I will keep my promise of providing my usual content as soon as I am able.

So I hope you all keep on enjoying the lovely spring weather we are having right now. And I hope the rest of your week is a good one. Please feel free to keep the comments and emails coming as they are all gratefully received.

I am away to lose myself in some music..movies..or books. Or all

Be back soon...~R~