
Friday 3 February 2012

Well..didn't see that coming...

Hello folks....the mood around the Rocket and Roses Kitchen this morning can easily be summed up by the following....

...we are two people walking around our home in stunned silence. Yesterday I was at the hospital..going for pre-op testing..I thought! Only to be confronted by a whole new set of concerns. Bad concerns...very bad. I really aren't ready to lay them out for general knowledge as My Love and I need time to let it sink in for ourselves and accept the rough road a head.

So I ask you to give me the weekend to do the work that I need to accept this new development in my health and find my inner warrior once more to start a new fight.

My commitment to starting a Macrobiotic eating style is still strong and I am hoping to get that started over the weekend. So there will be recipe postings coming soon..I promise.

Once again...a huge THANK YOU for sticking with me and stopping by each day. I just need a little more time to go from WTF? to TTFA (Time to Fight Again)...

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend...I'll be back soon...
