
Saturday 11 February 2012

L's 'Rose' 1st Birthday Cake...

Hello folks...I'm very shortly going to be back blogging and I thank you for all your support and well wishes. It's been a pretty miserable couple of weeks but I think I am finally making some sense of it all and making peace with it. I still have many hospital visits to go and an operation on the horizon but I have to get well enough to have the op first! But that's a story for another day....

Last weekend was my littlest niece's 1st birthday and it was our honour to make her birthday cake. I say 'our' but I had no part in it except a few words of advice every now and then lol. The hard work was all My Love's and our other niece Noo (L's big sister who needed to help make L's and Mummy's birthday and I take no credit for any of the wonderful cakes that were made.

Littlest L's 'Roses' 1st Birthday Cake
It was also my sisters birthday so My Love made her her usual choice of cake..chocolate..chocolate..with some more chocolate and filled with fresh raspberries and strawberries. My sister was very pleased with her cake but dismayed when she realised she would have to share it! lol.

The cake was four layers of vanilla sponge and E-Man's Vanilla Sponge recipe was used as usual. They were sandwiched together with raspberry jam and a vegan fondant icing covered them...My Love almost broke a thumb when starting to knead in the pink colouring...and ended sat in the warm lounge with the bowl..patiently kneading until the colour was uniform. Not saying that our kitchen is an ice box or anything! ;o) But the icing was then placed over and smoothed out. A large number one in the fondant icing was the next order of the day and that was eased onto the top of the cake.

Pixie's handmade by My Love and
Noo very expertly applied the 'Pixie Sugar Crystals' next and then helped My Love place the beautiful roses and rose buds onto of the No 1. Pixies make excellent roses..don't ya know! lol. Noo carried them so was really too cute. When they had finished decorating they both looked over at me..waiting for my approval..and I was teary with how beautiful the results were...and maybe it was the painkillers making me soppy too?! lol. Ahem...

A very proud Noo with the
My sister and her partner loved the cake and it was enjoyed by all. So Happy Belated Blog Birthday little L...and just in case any of you were wondering why roses?...It's L's middle name and it just seemed to fit for her first cake.

Be back soon..thanks for hanging in there...Hope you are all having a great weekend?
