
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Rocket & Roses Beetroot & Carrot Soup

Kitchen Play List: Robert Plant & Alison Kraus ~ Stick with Me Baby
                                     Damien Rice ~ Cannonball
                                     Billy Joel ~ Piano Man
                                     Doris Day & Jonnie Ray ~ Just The Two of Us
                                     Rogue Traders ~ Voodoo Child
                                     Skid Row ~ Monkey Buisness 

This house is a beetroot loving house. I love it all ways; pickled, natural, raw, grated, roasted and in things. My Love is not a fan of the vinegary kind. But it was a great joy this week when I was given 3lb of organic beets for my mystery ingredient. The supermarket had them marked down to £1.35 for the 3lb instead of the £5.40 they should have been. Bargain!! 

I had looked at making some salads with it....nice but it wasn't hitting the spot. I thought about roasting them and slicing them for sandwiches...again good but still wasn't feeling it. I kept getting drawn back to the glorious beetroot soup. But all the ones I've made in the past have been a pain to make..with all the 'must do this' to make it authentic. But I'm not after that...I just want a simple beetroot soup that tastes good and is easy to make. 

So I set to with the beetroot mountain and 'gloved up' and this is the recipe that I came up with. My sister was here for lunch so the three of us sat down to test it. The soup was a good texture...the taste was sweet as you would expect for a beetroot and carrot soup but also had that savoury hit that it needed. We all enjoyed it...and the colour was beautiful...however I was glad we wasn't serving it to the little 

Rocket and Roses Beetroot & Carrot Soup
Rocket and Roses Beetroot & Carrot Soup 8 servings
(Original recipe from the Rocket and Roses Vegan Kitchen)

3lb beetroot, peeled and diced
4 large carrots, peeled and diced
 1 tbsp olive oil
4 large cloves garlic, grated
2 large onions, roughly chopped
2.5 litres veggie stock
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
4 bayleaves
salt and pepper to season, to taste

In a large soup pan heat the oil and saute the onion for 5 minutes. 

Add the beetroot, carrots, garlic to the pan and saute for a further 5 minutes. Stirring frequently. 

Add the stock, lemon zest, juice and the bayleaves to the pan and stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper.

Bring to the boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 45 minutes or until the beetroot is tender. Then remove the bayleaves and blend until smooth. Re-season if this is your wish and serve. 

Enjoy! ~R~