
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Rocket and Roses Blissful Dark Chocolate Dipped Physalis, Strawberries and Banana

Kitchen Play List:  Lenny Kravitz ~ Are You Gonna Go My Way Album

This morning I had some real messy fun in the kitchen. lol. I had a bag of Physalis or by their other name Cape Gooseberries...the lovely little orange coloured fruits that pop in your mouth with a sharp citrusy zing and come encased in leaves...some plump vibrantly coloured British strawberries and a perfectly ripe banana. Perfect just as they are in this form...but I had a rather delicious block of 70% Dark Chocolate and suddenly my mind went to the decadent place of these natures gifts dipped and rolled in melted chocolate. How could I ignore such a thought?? Seriously? lol 

So in a pyrex bowl over a slow simmer I patiently (Yes me...patient...I know! lol) let the broken chocolate block melt into a seductive sauce. I didn't add any other ingredients..just the chocolate...more perfection in it's own right! I prepped the strawberries by rinsing them and leaving them to drain....the Physalis by gently unpeeling the leaves and pressing them back to use as a handle and gently wiping the fruit...and the banana by peeling and chopping into generous chunks. I lined a large tray with parchment paper and then rolled each piece of fruit in the melted chocolate and then placed them on the papered tray to set. It didn't take very long for them to set as it's quite chilly here today. So after the photos were taken My Love and I sat with a couple of each and taste tested them for was such a hard 

Strawberries loving the spotlight..the Physalis hid behind their
The strawberries were amazing...juicy, full of flavour and combined with the chocolate -Wow!

Hmmm...not the greatest angle..but you can still see the lovely fruit lol
Physalis or Cape Gooseberry...tart and delicious
The Physalis were complimented beautifully by the dark chocolate. You still got the sharpness but followed by a mellowness...

Strawberries with the Banana your mouth watering yet? lol
The bananas were divine...the banana was perfectly ripe as I mentioned above and the chocolate had covered them completely so it was like eating a chocolate from a luxury box...only give me these anyday of the week! Fabulous. 

The perfect
Ah well...all good things must come to an end. But I really did have fun making these and testing them afterwards. Some may call dipping strawberries a throwback to bygone times..but I say 'an oldie but a goodie!'. I shall be making these many times in the coming years...and why not. The fruit is good for us and the chocolate I use is of high quality and not packed with preservatives and junk, I only allow a thin layer....better these than a box of chocs, eh? I hope you try them out...

Have kitchen fun! ;o) 
