
Sunday 29 May 2011

A perfect Sunday Brunch ~ Omelette with Marinated Grilled Asparagus, Sauted Mushrooms and Tahini-Miso Dressing

Kitchen Play List: Radio 2 ~ Steve Wright's Love Songs    

Sunday Brunch Breakfast Tray
We have a very busy afternoon and evening ahead so last night we decided to sleep in and then make a lovely Sunday Brunch. I usually only do 'brunch' when we have friends or family staying. But My Love deserves a treat and asparagus are a firm favourite. We picked up three large bunches of British asparagus at the supermarket the day before. They had just been reduced to 40p a bunch! Super bargain! lol. And they were a good colour and idea why they were reduced. 

So on the tray above is a good mug of decaf coffee, freshly squeezed orange juice, Tofu Omelette with Marinated Grilled Asparagus, Sauted Mushrooms on Wholemeal Toast and a drizzle of Tahini-Miso Dressing. Just delicious....

Most weekends we have an omelette with various fillings. The recipe I found on Susan V's I have never eaten eggs but my Mum loves omelettes and I spent years admiring the concoctions she came up with. So when I found this recipe I printed it off and had to try it. It took a couple of makings before my head would believe it wasn't eggs I was eating lol But that wasn't just me..My Love who shares my dislike of eggs had to have a few of them before the 'egg' issue left too. lol. So here is the link to the recipe on Susans site...

The Marinated Grilled Asparagus and Tahini-Miso Dressing recipes come from a very much loved and used cookbook by Isa Chandra Moskowitz Vegan Brunch

I strongly urge you to buy this book if you love brunching and the recipes are all good. We haven't tried one yet that we didn't like lol.

A thing of Thank you Susan V
Marinated Grilled Asparagus
(Recipe from Vegan Brunch/Moskowitz)

1lb Asparagus, woody ends trimmed off
1/4 cup/4tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup/4tbsp olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, grated
freshly cracked black pepper
pinch of salt

Marinate the trimmed asparagus in the remaining ingredients, in a lidded container for at least an hour or overnight. (We marinated ours overnight)

Grill the asparagus on a preheated gril; or griddle pan for about 8 minutes, turning once. They are better for having a little bite to them. (Or is that just me? Don't like them soft and slimey!lol) Divide amongst the omelettes and drizzle with the Tahini-Miso Dressing. 

Tahini-Miso Dressing   (This is half of the original recipe as it makes heaps!)
(Recipe from Vegan Brunch/Moskowitz)

1/4 cup/4tbsp tahini
1/4 cup/4tbsp water
1/2 tbsp miso
1/2 tsp balsamic vinegar

Combine everything in a blender and go to town. Blend until thoroughly combined. Drizzle over 

Thank you Isa! Your books rocks! 

So that was our brunch today and we felt very spoiled after we had finished but you have spoil yourselves sometimes, eh? I wish you all a lovely Sunday...

Enjoy! ~R~