
Monday 30 May 2011

Homemade Muffin Pizzas

Kitchen Play List: Utter chaos! lol

We had a busy morning in the kitchen with the little ones on Saturday. Last week I had promised them that we could make pizzas for lunch. And I was going to make the bases and then life happened..a lot of it. I was thinking it through and thought about the size of pizzas I would need for them and I was drawn to the idea of using English muffins as the base instead. So that is exactly what I did and they were a huge success. The little ones enjoyed chopping and squishing their toppings and I even got M to eat onions! And usually they don't get anywhere near his food!

I laid out the bases on a baking sheet and in a bowl I squeezed some tomato paste and with a mini whisk I got N to stir as we grated some garlic into it. Then we measured in some oregano and she stirred again. My Love had M busy slicing mushrooms and choosing peppers. I thinly sliced a small red onion and M was eager to have some of the 'circles' on his pizza and he also wanted mushrooms too! So with the topping ready, we let them choose what they wanted. I had some mozzarella 'cheeze' (soya cheese) to go with them too.

M chose tomato base, some cheeze, onion circles, mushrooms, red and green pepper, slices of tomato and a little more cheeze.

N chose tomato base, some cheeze, onion circles, mushrooms, slices of tomato and a little more cheeze. She's not a fan of peppers like her Mum. lol.

My Love had the same as M and my sister had the same as N. So big kids and little kids were satisfied. lol

I then baked them in the oven at 350'F/180'C/Gas Mark 4 for 15 minutes.

They were devoured!! lol.

Little Ones Pizzas...4 on the left with pepper..4 on the right without. Everyone was happy. 
I was really pleased that they enjoyed them as much as they did. Was chaos but very happy chaos. lol