
Monday 28 March 2011

Two of my favourite things!!

This weekend My Love and I escaped for a few hours visiting Garden Centres..(I feel so grown up!! lol) find rare seeds and seeded blue/purple potatoes to go in the veggie garden. I usually glaze over as My Love reads every packet of seeds on offer! I am always grateful for the distraction of the other side of the garden centres....the china, kitchen stuff and other random knick knacky stuff.

We didn't find the blue/purple potatoes as that seems to be an impossibility in England. But in the last garden centre of the day we did find the most amazing plant pot in the clearance section, so it was very cheap too! Always good when you are on a budget. 

Those of you that know me will know that I collect teacups and saucers and espresso sets. And have a small collection of mugs too.  I also love Gerberras...they are my favourite flowers, closely followed by white roses and daffodils. My Love had come home from work with this red gerberra plant last week and it had been sat in a plastic container waiting for a new pot. 

I wanted to share this with you as I'm starting a little section of my blog called Teacups and Smiles...and this is the first part.

The perfect pot plant holder (and colour) and the perfect plant! lol. A simple thing but it makes me smile....