
Sunday 27 March 2011

Spicy Roasted Parsnip and Carrot Soup

Kitchen Play List:   Sara Sant'Ambrogio (Cellist) ~ Dreaming

After all the parsnip recipes I have made this week, I still had six of the little blighters sat in the bowl. So I turned to the internet for one final recipe to use them up. I searched through many pages and then finally found one that sparked my interest. It was simple, looked tasty and I knew My Love would like it. So I printed off the recipe and got cracking...

The results were an easily made but decadent soup. The smell of the roasting veggies and spices took over the kitchen, my workroom and the rest of the house! lol. Once everything was blended together the soup was silky and smooth and tasted divine. A very excellent way to finish off the bargain bags of parsnips indeed. 

Spicy Roasted Parsnip and Carrot Soup Serves 4
(Recipe from GoodFood/BBC website)

2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1 large onion, peeled and cut into eighths
2 garlic cloves
675g mix of parsnips and carrots, peeled and diced
2 plum tomatoes, quartered
1.2 L veggie stock
1 tbsp lemon juice

Pre-heat the oven to 425'F/220'C/Gas Mark 7 and line a baking sheet with parchment.

Add the oil and spices to a mixing bowl and grate in the garlic cloves and then mix again. 

Prepare the veggies and add them to the oil/spices and stir well to coat all the veggies. 

Spread the coated veggies out over the baking sheet. Roast for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly. 

Place cooled veggies into a blender with half of the veggie stock and blend until smooth. 

Place the puree into a large saucepan along with the remaining stock and the lemon juice. Heat the soup and serve.