
Sunday 7 August 2011

Sunday Brunch: Puttanesca Scramble with broccoli and wholemeal bagel.

Kitchen Play List: BBC Radio 2 Steve Wright's Sunday Love Songs

Blimey, it is busy in my kitchen this morning! I am making Lemon Basil Pesto Paninis for a picnic lunch...and I forgot to roast my veggies yesterday and make the pesto! Ooops..rookie mistake. lol. But it does prove my point that they can be made on the day...ahem! lol. 

We are meeting with friends at a local Hall and Gardens and my friend is playing with a brass band for the first time in public. So we shall be watching him with great pride and praying that the weather stays...well...dry. Given up on hoping for's been raining for the last three days and today is grey and overcast. So we shall be taking our wellies and large brollies and stashing them in the boot of our car...just in case. lol. Then after the afternoon fun we are jumping back into the car and going to support my little brother ( I say little...he's 26 and 6ft 4" and plays Ice Hockey! lol) who is playing in a match with his Ice Hockey team...Go Stormers! It's great fun so we always try and get there to support him and them...Go Stormers!

At the same time I have been cooking our breakfast...and it needed to be a filling one today as we don't really know when the picnic is planned for but we are assuming after the band has played so it could be a while before we eat again. My Love is currently grating carrots for me, which will then be made into carrot salad to sit on top of some mixed leaves and cucumber to be eaten with the paninis. We are taking some fresh berries for our 'sweet' option and a Nak'd raw food bar. And plenty of water to drink. We seriously cannot afford the Hall & Garden resturants prices..

Puttanesca Scramble with broccoli and wholemeal bagel. And a strong black coffee in the mug with the spaghetti slurping

Anyway back to breakfast...taking a look in our fridge we agreed we had all the ingredients for Isa's Puttanesca Scramble and I needed some green with my scramble and pulled out a head of broccoli. So I simply cut the head into very small florets and rinsed it well and added it at the garlic/oil stage of the recipe. It still had a little bite to it which added texture and we both enjoyed it. We had a toasted wholemeal bagel to go with it. My Love had the scramble spooned over it and I had mine lightly vegan margarined and on the side. Click on the link below for the scramble recipe.

We really enjoyed the breakfast but we are not enjoying the view from my workroom windows...the clouds are descending and the sun is nowhere to be found...we could end up having a car picnic in glorious surroundings lol. British summer time at it's best. 

Happy Sunday folks...