
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Plums are taking over my world!

Plums...Plums...Glorious Plums..Nothing quite like them for filling ya tums! lol
At the weekend our very lovely and very generous neighbours passed us several bags of plums over the wall. There are a few varieties and I have to say I felt a little overwhelmed by the amount...especially as we had purchased a large box of them from the shops the day before. lol. Yikes...plum overload. We gave our pals D & B some to take away with them on Sunday but I am still left with many of the beautiful jewel coloured fruits. Life's hard, eh? lol

So yesterday I did some research and found five recipes I want to try with them and I am hoping to create one of my own for Rocket and Roses. Which means today I am busy recipe testing and creating and I will be back tomorrow with some results. 

I take no credit for the beautiful photo above as I pulled it from a Google image search...but it was the closest to the ones I am using today.  (Thank you to the person who took the photo!)

I will also be back tomorrow with an update re: Gooseberry & Ginger may be great but I do have a feeling it's going to be more to My Love's taste then Who knows? lol

OK I am away to do battle with the plums...I'm going