
Monday 1 August 2011

The Little Ones Jam Tarts

Kitchen Play List: BBC Radio 2 and lots of giggles

On Saturday we ,once again, had the pleasure of my sister and her little ones company. We had a busy morning of kitchen fun planned for the little ones so my sister could have a couple of hours peace...or so we hoped. But as the saying goes...'The best laid plans....' lol. My Mum had also dropped off our other nephew J to join in the fun and it's a rare treat to spend time with him so the house was full of little ones...heaven. lol. Little N was feeling poorly but did try and keep up and she did a very good job at smushing the strawberries for the Strawberry and Choc Chip Ice cream then admitted defeat and snuggled up with her Mummy and her sister on the sofa. So that left M & J to make the jam tarts with My love and I.

On the left Team J's Strawberry Jam Tarts....On the right Team M's Blackcurrant Jam Tarts
It was quickly evident that the boys wanted a we separated into two teams...My Love & J and myself and M. We were soon greasing tarts trays and cutting out the pastry and I have to say we won the cutting and placing race...Go Auntie R and M! lol. Then it was jam time and we had juicy blackcurrant jam and Team J had strawberry. There were a few disasters as the jam was being placed in the tarts so the boys sensibly called off the race. Until they realised how much leftover pastry there I suggested we roll it out and cut out little tops for the tarts. They both loved the idea of little star tops and then the race began a new...and Auntie R rocked it and made M very happy as the last of the stars got placed and we were the winners...phew! So much pressure for jam tarts!! lol But we all had fun and lots of giggles along the way. 

The little ones were very disappointed when they realised they would have to wait until the tarts had cooled down before they could try them. And they kept a constant vigil by the cooling tarts and I heard a bit of blowing going Cheeky monkeys. 

"Are they cool yet Auntie R?" lol
When it came time to leave, J went home with a box of tarts to share with his Dad and M went home with a box to share with his Mum and Dad and little Noo...for the weekend. 

I used a standard vegan sweet pastry and made it the day before so all we had to do was roll it out on the day and used reduced sugar jams. They were baked in a preheated oven at 180'C/350'F/Gas Mark 4 for 8 mins then switched the trays around and baked for a further 5 minutes. Leave in the trays for 10 minutes and then transfer them to a cooling rack to cool completely and then...if you are like the little ones..devour three in one sitting! lol. 

Happy Baking!
