
Monday 22 August 2011

Happy Sunflower Monday!

We seem to have grown the newest species of Sunflower...the trifid variety. Seriously I have never seen a sunflower ever grown this big and have this many buds...they just keep coming and coming. Not that I am complaining as it was my idea to plant them...I love the bright, happiness inspiring beauties. It was just a shock! lol. 

I have a busy 'errands day' today so I have made a photo posting with an update on our lovely sunflowers and I hope they make you smile as much as they do us. My Love was outside weeding and generally tidying the front garden and kept getting disturbed by people passing, who wanted to stop and say how much they were enjoying them! lol. Nice, eh? Not like some snarky builders who were doing some work on our neighbours house...who during one of their many tea breaks...stood next to their van and commented "God damned bloody hippies living there obviously!" Charming..and I don't object to being called a was the way he said it..foolish man. was nice to know, that they are appreciated by others lol. And I have to say the little boy who walks past everyday with his Mum, makes me smile alot when he stands and rests his arms on our walk and stands gazing lovingly at them whilst his Mum catches up with him. 

We are doing our bit to keep the Bees happy...these sunflowers have constant can just spot one on the bottom right of this is there! lol
Vibrant and beautiful blooms
My Loves arty shot! lol
So as you can see they are blooming well...I hope you enjoy them as much as our passing neighbours and more importantly the local Bee 
