
Saturday 20 August 2011

Chocolate Cookie Slice

Kitchen Play List:  BBC Radio 2 and lots of giggles...and oooh'

I have ducked out from the family fun that is going on in our house this afternoon. My sister and little daughters are crashed out on the sofa catching up on some much needed sleep and My Love and our two nephews are battling it out on the Wii playing Scooby Doo and now Star Wars Lego. So I am surplus to requirements so I have come to photograph and write up todays 

Chocolate Cookie Slices
Last week little N chose to make Chocolate Cookie Slices and to be honest they looked like a lot of fun. So this morning we had the three little ones in the kitchen breaking up white, dark and milk vegan chocolate bars and vegan wholewheat biscuits. Then the kitchen was a heavenly smell of blended pots cooking away on the stove top. In a large one I had Marinara sauce bubbling away and in the other I had water bubbling with a bowl of chocolate melting sat on top. Smelt so good! lol. 

Chocolate Cookie Slice pre-sliced
This recipe is rich and a little goes a heck of a long way and it's fun to make with the kiddies. The only accident was My Love grating a knuckle and the boys found it hilarious that there was blood Bless em. lol. All took turns breaking up, stirring up and then mixing up and then the mixture was poured into the loaf tin and put in the fridge to set. It was a long two hours let me tell you! lol. 

The results were delicious and rich and a heady chocolate hit. It sliced very easily and looked impressive once sliced.  I think as a rare treat this is one recipe I'll be making over and over.
My sister suggested that it could stand to have a little something else in it...I suggested raspberries and got smiles from everyone. So I shall try it next time I make this.

Little Noo couldn't choose a photo so asked if all could make an appearance...and why not I say? lol
Chocolate Cookie Slices Makes 1lb loaf sized lump lol

150g/5oz plain vegan chocolate
150g/5oz 'milk' vegan chocolate
130g/4 1/2oz vegan margarine
90g/3 1/2oz wholemeal biscuits
90g/3 1/2oz vegan white chocolate

Line a 1lb loaf tin with parchment paper and set to one side.

Break the milk and plain chocolate up and place in a glass bowl along with the margarine. Place the bowl over a simmering pan of hot water. Do not sit the bowl diretly in the water as this will kill the chocolate. Stirring constantly, melt the chocolate and margarine until it's a smooth and silky sauce. Take off the pan and set to one side to cool.

Grate the white chocolate and add this to a large bowl and then break up the biscuits and add to the same bowl. You don't want crumbs...small pieces. 

Add the cooled chocolate sauce into the bowl with the white chocolate and biscuit pieces and mix thoroughly to combine. Pour into the lined tin and smooth over roughly. Cover with cling film and put in the fridge for a minimum of two hours. 

It slices very easily with a straight edge sharp knife but will melt quickly in a hot room so keep chilled until ready to serve. 

One last photo...just Stop drooling! lol
Enjoy the messy