
Wednesday 24 June 2015

My Little Bucket Garden: Lush green leaves...

Rocket & Roses Garden Play List:

Beethoven Adagios

Indulge me a little please as I give you an update on my garden project. Kitchen time has been very little but hopefully that will change very in the meantime this is what I have been up to..

A little garden decor...

I just happened to have a couple of old nails in my garden wall and I found these hanging ornaments for £4. I like them very much. The yard is a little shabby right now but I have plans to brighten it up. And these ornaments are just the start...

This is the space in which I have to work...not tiny I know but just the perfect size for me

The five orange buckets along the back wall are all my courgettes and squashes. We are going to build a frame for them to grow up. They are thriving and can't wait to create some new spaghetti squash recipes. 

Flourishing bell pepper centre

I'm hoping that I can successfully grow some bell peppers. Some are doubtful because of the typical English weather we're having. But I remain hopeful as they seem to be growing despite the lack of heat..

Beetroot buckets...the two larger buckets have Rainbow Beets & Stripey varieties

We have a very boring selection of beetroot available here. So I knew I needed to try and grow some other beautifully coloured types...very excited about these as I am a beetroot fan. 

My first strawberries!

I made a choice not to grown fruits this year as I already have an established apple tree and cherry tree on the property. However I couldn't resist this hanging strawberry plant and the first fruits are already beginning to ripen. I know I won't have enough to cook they are going to be my gardening 'snack' treat...unless the birds beat me to it..

Marigold's make for good pest my french beans should be safe...

Years ago we found an old Irish sink at the bottom of the garden and we dragged it up to the yard. Now it is planted with some french beans and marigolds. The french beans will hopefully grow up to cover the wall...

Industrial shelving project...

We picked up these industrial shelving on sale and they have been fantastic. Our yard tends to be a wind tunnel so we needed something sturdy. It holds a grow bag with tumbling tomatoes and tumbling dwarf beans on the top. The other shelves are used for protecting seedlings until ready to be planted up and some of my herbs...

Two troughs of radish and some sunflower (Russian Giant) seedlings

As with beetroot we don't have a lot of choice when buying radishes. Recently we have been able to buy Mooli/Diakon as a weekly veg but rainbow coloured and anything more exciting just isn't an option. So I have two types growing and this one my Mum is eagerly awaiting to harvest. I am growing some Russian Giant sunflowers to give the yard some colour. I did have more than three pots...until my lovely nieces decided to liberate a pot each..

My herbs pt1

My first planted out herbs were fennel, parsley, lemon thyme, common thyme, oregano and chives....but that didn't quite satisfy my needs so...

...this happened. My herbs pt 2

A recently purchased washing up bowl (which turned out to be too big for our kitchen sink...) was filled and then Vietnamese coriander, dill, sage and tarragon were planted. And in my one remaining bucket I have a thriving common mint and a lemon mint. And now I also have an Apache chilli pepper plant on my kitchen windowsill..with an abundance of chilli buds.

It's been a very hospital dense time so I have been taking great comfort in my little garden. I take a moment in the afternoons when the sun is warm to sit out with a drink and soak in some much needed VitD. Happy moments can happen wherever you are if you allow them to happen...

Thanks for loyally stopping by everyday folks...I will be back with a recipe posting very soon. 
