
Friday 3 October 2014

Rocket & Roses Spiced Red Cabbage Stuffed Crunchy and Sticky Dumplings (vegan & gluten-free)

Rocket & Roses Kitchen Play List:

Nerina Pallot ~ Patience 
Glen Campbell ~ All I Want Is You
Jennifer Lopez ~ You Belong To Me
Stevie Wonder ~ My Cherie Amour
Dianna Krall ~ Almost Blue
Half Moon Run ~ 21 Gun Salute
KORN ~ I Alone Break
Bobby McFerrin ~ Circlesong 1
Shakira ~ Un Poco De Amor
Auf Der Maur ~ Overpower Thee
Bowie ~ This Is Not America
The Union ~ Obsession
INXS ~ Need You Tonight
Rival Sons ~ I Want More

Now these little dumplings may not be the most beautiful looking things but what they lack in appearance, they sure as heck make up for in taste. They were an experiment..that I had to have two attempts I take no credit for the actual dough recipe as that was the creation of the folks at and I will let you visit their excellent site for the recipe. I used the alternative recipe using millet flour and I also had to sub out Xanthan gum for psyllium husks as I don't like the gum. I would be a liar if I said that finding gluten-free dumpling making was a's not. In fact it is very challenging but I am committed to finding or creating the perfect recipe. And if that means I am eating dumplings a be it. lol. Life's hard. I used my tortilla press to form disks that I then cut out a dumpling circle ready for stuffing. For me right now this is far easier then rolling out large amounts of dough. However my first attempt with half of the dough...not good! lol. The taste was just fine even if the assembly was a little annoying. Not a task for a person who is patience challenged. lol But we did manage to get 8 dumplings which I steamed then finished by toasting them in a skillet (my preferred method) but sadly the dough was way too thick and although they were well cooked on the outside...the dough was practically raw on the inside. But both Ann and I agreed they were worth another run at it...

...which is what I did this morning. The remaining dough I had stored in my fridge inside a sealed plastic sandwich bag. It was a little crumbly but once you started kneading a golf ball sized amount between your hands it came together again. I chose the tortilla press once again and by using the smaller amount of dough and a little extra strength when pressing (stop laughing Ann!) I had 8 thinner disks awaiting fillings. Yes, the dough is very tricky to manoeuvre and you have to be very speedy. Yes, there were tiny little splits in the dumplings but I just went with it. I steamed them for about 10 minutes in my skillet and then removed the lid and pan fried them (oil-free) on all sides. This left me with a sticky but crunchy dumplings which was cooked nicely. 

Now the filling was simply vegetables that I love and have in my fridge and stocks all the time. I chose Chinese 5 Spice as the added kick to the filling which was already stuffed with chilli, ginger and garlic. The texture from the brussel sprouts, red cabbage, shredded mangetout and carrot noodles worked perfectly. I could've just eaten the filling straight from the skillet...Oooops! Thankfully Ann was there to stop me. I served the dumplings with a simple peanut/lime dip and a dose of Braggs although you could use Tamari or Soy Sauce if that's your wish. (Lucky ducks! lol) If I were serving them up for guests I would definitely add a simple salad to enjoy them with but as it's just me today...I'm gonna dip and enjoy! 

Rocket & Roses Spiced Red Cabbage Stuffed Crunchy and Stick Dumplings

Rocket & Roses Spiced Red Cabbage Stuffed Crunchy and Sticky Dumplings  Makes 8
(Filling - Original recipe from Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen. Dumpling dough -

1/2 a serving of alternative dumpling dough

1 tsp rapeseed oil
1 onion, quartered and sliced
4 garlic cloves, micro-grated
2" piece of fresh ginger, micro-grated
2 hot chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
8 brussel sprouts, trimmed and very finely sliced
1/4 small red cabbage, main stalk removed, very finely sliced
6 mangetout, trimmed and very finely sliced
juice of 1 lime
handful of carrot noodles or grated carrot
1/4 tsp Chinese 5 Spice 

Using whatever method you prefer...make 8 circular pieces of dough approx 4" round. Set to one side, covered in a damp piece of kitchen towel or cling film. 

Heat the oil gently in a small wok and then add all ingredients and stir fry until the cabbage is tender. Remove from the heat and set to the side to cool off a little. 

Put a cast iron skillet over a med-high heat to be ready for steaming. 

Take one disk of dough and place in the palm of your hand. Spoon a heaped tsp of filling into the centre and briefly brush the edges with water. Then quickly fold the edges together and press the dough together all the way around the half moon shape. Very gently try to press any little tears that happen. Place the dumpling to one side and repeat until you have 8 dumplings. 

Place them into the hot skillet and add some cold water into the pan and cover immediately. You need to steam them for 10 minutes so will need to keep adding water to the skillet. At the 10 minute point remove the lid and allow them to toast, carefully pulling them apart from each other (sticky little suckers!) and browning off each side. This will take approx another 10 minutes. Serve hot or cold with your choice of dips and salad. 


Thanks for stopping by and I really hope you are all enjoying that Wehoo its the weekend feeling? Tomorrow we are celebrating my Mums 5 Year Remission from Cancer so there will be Hot Pink balloons (shes love Pink...I didn't get that gene! lol) and her favourite dish for lunch followed by Ice Cream Sundaes (her favourite) We are all so happy....


NB: The filling recipe is entirely my creation and I have no problem with you using it or sharing it. I simply ask you to give credit where it's due as I always try too. The dumpling dough recipe is the hard work and creation of and theirs alone. I thank them for sharing a great recipe. Many thanks...Namaste ~R~