
Monday 7 July 2014

Rocket & Roses Griddled Veggie Skewers with Fresh Thai Inspired Sauce

Rocket & Roses Kitchen Play List:

Amy LaVere ~ Anchors & Anvils Album

I am safely back at the homestead after a week spent with ML's family up at the Lake District. I do forget just how breathtaking that area of England can be and how truly small you can feel being amongst the mountains and lakes. I've had many lovely moments during the week and also one truly terrifying one..scenic route my ass eye ML! were all together because ML's brother and his family were visiting from South Africa. My overwhelming memory will be watching ML sharing laughs with our little nephews who are both smart as a whip, funny and utterly adorable. We've only been home a few days and we already miss their cheeky little faces. 

This weekend we have struggled to get ourselves back into our regular routine and so we have been enjoying a weekend of doing 'other' things instead. This morning we found ourselves sitting in the movies waiting to watch the new Transformers film. Very random but also good fun in the big budget special effects kind of a way. Sometimes you have do different things in life. However I don't think we'll completely get ourselves settled back into our routine this week,  as we are packing up and going away again this coming Friday for a long weekend. Because of this, whilst I'm away, I will be posting up the results from serious vegan chocolate experiments I recently tested for you to enjoy. But to get the week started I am all about the healthy and savoury recipe I created recently...

After making my first Suma Bloggers Network order I was able to use brown jasmine rice for the first time. I was intrigued because I had never heard of it's existence before and to be's just brown rice. lol. I love brown rice so that's no bad thing but it certainly didn't have a clear difference like the first time I used short grain brown rice. I cooked off a batch in my rice cooker and decided to use it as a great wholesome base for a flavour packed veggie dish. And I'll admit it...I was desperate to create a recipe that I could use my nearly purchased fancy wooden Cut veggies soaked and dredged in a great sauce came straight to mind. I didn't have a lot of time for my veggies to soak this time but next time I make this I will put them into soak the night before and leave them in the fridge until ready to cook off. I wanted the spirit of Thai flavours in the sauce and used my favourites. The aromas coming from the hot griddle and the saucepan as the leftover sauce cooked down...delightful! 

The brown jasmine rice was as I described above..good old wholesome brown rice. The veggie mix was a great combination with the differing textures and fresh flavours. Now the sauce was something else and really kicked up the flavour levels. The comforting coconut milk with a little heat from the chilli, citus slice from the fresh lime juice and the savoury element from the garlic, ginger and peanuts made a sauce that I would happily eat again and again. I think the combination of all three made a great dish...phew! 

Rocket & Roses Griddled Veggie Skewers with Fresh Thai Inspired Sauce

Rocket & Roses Griddled Veggie Skewers with Fresh Thai Inspired Sauce  Serves 2-3
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

For the sauce:
3 garlic cloves, micro-grated
2" piece of fresh ginger, micro-grated
1 Birds Eye red chilli with seeds, finely chopped
1 lg spring onion, finely chopped
1 stick of lemon grass, trimmed and minced
1/2 tin of coconut milk
1/2 tsp agave syrup 
1 kaffir lime leaf, finely minced
3 tbsp Whole Earth crunchy peanut butter
juice of one large fresh lime 
2 tbsp fresh coriander leaves, chopped
small handful of coriander leaves torn for scatterings over finished dish 

Veggies for skewers: 
1 large courgette, cut into bitesize chunks
1/2 large red bell pepper, cut into uniform chunks
1/2 large orange bell pepper, cut into uniform chunks
4 small shallots, peeled and cut into halves
6 red radish, trimmed and halved
9 sugar snap peas, trimmed and halved
8 baby sweetcorn, trimmed and cut into chunks

cooked warmed brown jasmine rice - amount is entirely your decision

In a shallow flat dish place the prepped veggies and set to one side. In a jug whisk up the sauce ingredients and then pour over the veggies and mix to coat them evenly. Cover and leave to soak for as long as you can. (I left mine for an hour...but as I stated time overnight!) 

Set a griddle pan to heat over a high flame as you carefully place the veggie pieces on your wooden skewers. Once the pan is smoking hot place the veggie filled skewers down on the griddle and turn every 4 minutes until the veggies are tender/crisp. Keep warm the cooked skewers warm until they are all cooked. Whilst they are cooking pour the leftover sauce from the baking dish into a small saucepan along with any broken pieces of baby sweetcorn and heat gently until the sauce has reduced by half. 

To the warmed rice on a serving platter, resting the cooked veggie skewers across the top. Then pour the warmed sauce over the skewers and scatter with the remaining coriander leaves. Serve...


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your week has started well...


NB: This is my creation and I have no problem with you using the recipe or sharing it. I just ask that you give credit where it's due as I always try to. Many thanks...Namaste. ~R~