
Friday 13 June 2014

Suma Bloggers Network

You know that feeling when you have something to tell...but you know you can't? Well I have had that for a few weeks now but now I can finally tell you lovely folks. I have been asked to join a panel of bloggers to create recipes for the people at Suma Wholefoods. They are a great source of products and I have personally used their products for years.

'Suma is the UK’s largest independent wholefood wholesaler/distributor, specialising in vegetarian, fairly traded, organic, ethical and natural products. We are a workers’ co-operative committed to ethical business.' taken straight from their website.

Every two months I will be able to select a number of products to get creative with and then I will be posting the results on my blog and they will in turn post it on their network. I am one of 12 right now and if you follow the link down to the right of this posting you can go and check out the other members.  I am very proud to be a part of this network and I hope to be a contributing blogger for some time to come. I can't urge you more strongly to go to their website and check out the varied range of products from food basics through to clothing. I can easily get lost for hours on their site. lol. So...phew...finally been able to share with I had better get creative ready for the first deadline. 

Many thanks to Amy and the folks at Suma Wholefoods for this great opportunity..

Happy Friday all..
