
Wednesday 12 March 2014

Yeast-Free Pumpkinseed Teff Sandwich Bread topped with Cashew Cream Cheese & Cucumber

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Paolo Nutini ~ These Streets Album

So far it's been as very busy week..Monday was hospital based and also I was enjoying celebrating my 7th Civil Partnership Anniversary with ML. We had a lovely day together and after the hospital treatment was over, we got in the car and disappeared for the rest of the day. ML bought me a beautiful white rose bouquet although I'm not sure how I should take the fact it was also displaying purple I do hope that wasn't a personal message. However the bouquet was beautiful and I am a sucker for white roses...hence the Roses part of my blog's name. In the evening we sat down together to watch About Time and laughed and shed tears for the two hours that followed. Tuesday was also a great day because I had the company of little Layla for the day and we were joined by my pal Ann for the day. So we caught up as I cooked, shared lunch and then we took the opportunity to take a stroll in the beautiful spring sunshine. We pootled down to the local Country Park and let Layla run riot in the parks there. I don't think Ann's back will ever be quite the Then it was time for another stroll down to the parks cafe and we put some chairs next to the railings of the duck pond and watched the Tufty ducks swimming in the water, other ducks cleaning themselves and having a splashing good time. However I kept a careful eye on the swan and the geese...ready to beat a hasty retreat should they decide to pay us a visit. Did I mention I have a slight bird phobia...well anything with I was very brave. Then it was time for another stroll down into another part of the park where we turned into Ninjas when we walked into a walk of bugs. lol. And as Layla had been such a good girl she was allowed another time in the play area as we made out way back. The four legged fella Archie joined us and was also enjoying the sunny weather and the stroll even if he did keep trying to tie us all together the little scamp. As you can see I have been busy having a good time so please forgive me for being away from the blog for a couple of days. 

I have been experimenting with Gluten Free bread products again and as's been a somewhat vexing experience. lol. But I think I am getting better at it. This time I tested out a recipe that is the creation of Kim over at Affairs of Living blog and for her awesome post about this recipe please click here.  I made one adaption by replacing the Xanthan Gum with Pysllium Husks...straight swap..same amounts. I made this decision after researching the whole Gum issue and I had been using the mighty Husks without any gut problems. 

As always I struggle mentally with the amount of ingredients that goes into gluten free recipes but I sucked it up and got busy making the flour It's a very easy recipe to make and you spend more time measuring things out than you do anything more technical. However where Kim states you will have need of a sturdy spatula as the dough will be very thick...I didn't achieve that. I had a thick batter but I went with it and scattered pumpkin seeds liberally on top and popped it into my oven. And 55 minutes later I removed something that actually resembled a loaf of bread! *cue happy dance* I had the best will power as I was able to leave it to cool completely before cutting off a slice or two to test. I made a batch of cashew cream cheese to spread on it and topped it off with good old cucumber. You really can't go wrong with that combination eh? The bread's texture was really good and the flavour was a little sweet but greatly enjoyable. When topped, it hit a new level entirely and I devoured my test piece. I can't wait to try a slice toasted to see how it holds up.

Kim's Yeast Free Pumpkin Seed Teff Sandwich Bread

Yeast-Free Pumpkin Seed Teff Sandwich Bread   Makes one loaf
(Recipe from

1 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1 cup + 2 tbsp teff/ragi flour
1/2 cup arrowroot starch/flour
1/2 cup tapioca starch/flour
1 tbsp coconut flour
1 1/2 tsp bicarb of soda
1 1/4 tsp xanthan gum or guar gum (I used Psyllium Husk)
1 tsp salt or Herbamare
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 
2 tbsp finely ground flax seeds 
1 1/2 cups water
2 tbsp olive oil or rapeseed oil

Preheat the oven to 350'F/180'C/Gas Mark 4. Generously oil (or line) a 9 x 5 loaf tin. Sprinkle the pumpkin seeds on a cookie sheet and place in the oven and let bake for 10 minutes whilst the oven heats up. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly.

In a small bowl whisk together water, flax and apple cider vinegar, and let sit for 10 minutes. Then whisk in the oil and stir to mix. 

While the flax absorbs the water, place the cooled pumpkin seeds in a blender and blend until you have a fine powder, like flour. Place in a bowl, and whisk together with teff, arrowroot, tapioca, coconut flour, Gum or Husks, salt and bicarb soda. Create a well in the centre, and add flax-water mixture, stirring to mix with a whisk, then changing to a sturdy spatula or a wooden spoon. Dough will be very thick!

Place in the prepared loaf tin and press into a loaf shape with a spatula. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and press them lightly into the surface. Place in oven immediately and bake for 50-55 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then turn out on a rack and finish cooling. Let cool completely before you slice, if you can, or wait at least 10 minutes. 

For cider vinegar subs and for the nutritional info please click the link above for Kim's original post. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your week has started really well..and you have enjoyed happiness in many ways...

Proof of the sunny adventures...Ann and Layla playing assault course styley


NB: This recipe is not mine so I take no credit for it whatsoever. It is the hard work and creation of Kim @ I thank her for a great recipe. ~R~