
Saturday 8 March 2014

Rocket & Roses Roasted Root Veggie Soup

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Harry Connick Jr ~ My New Orleans Album

Today we have throw my Mum a pre-birthday lunch as we won't see her tomorrow on her actual birthday. It's been a lovely day and ML, my sister, my Mum and the little ones have enjoyed every second of it. My Mum requested a lunch of soup and pizza this year so that is exactly what she got. Her only specific request was that the soup be filled with winter veggies and I was happy to oblige as I had a stock of root veggies and a butternut squash waiting to be used.

It was a very easy recipe and I simply peeled and chopped the veggies, tossed them in a mix of sunflower oil and garlic infused olive oil and then threw them into a hot oven...obviously on a couple of baking trays. lol. When you have such good ingredients and simple divine natural flavours, to mess with them is a crime so all I added to the roasted veggies was some light veggie stock and salt and black pepper to season them. Now the amount of oil will most likely surprise you when you read the recipe but I only used that amount to ensure a good covering on the veggies but I strained off the excess when moving the veggies from the bowl to the baking trays. The choice is yours though...use a lot less if you feel the need. As this was a High Days and Holidays dish I wasn't too worried.

Mum loved the soup..Noo gave it a 101/10 lol..Myles a 2 million (not to be outdone by his sister,eh? lol)..and my sister wanted seconds but settled for her mini heaped with toppings pizza instead. lol. Most definitely a it when that happens...

Rocket & Roses Roasted Root Veggie Soup

Rocket & Roses Roasted Root Veggie Soup   Serves 8
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

4 large parsnips, peeled and diced 
4 large carrots, peeled and diced 
1/2 med swede/rutabaga. peeled and diced 
1 small butternut squash, peeled, de-seeded and diced
3 large potatoes, peeled and diced 
2 large onions, peeled and quartered 
3 tbsp sunflower oil 
3 tbsp garlic infused olive oil 
2 litres veggie stock 
Himalayan salt to taste 
Freshly cracked black pepper to taste 

Pre-heat the oven to 350'F/180'C/GM4 and line to large baking trays with parchment paper. Set to one side. 

In a large bowl place the chopped veggies and drizzle over the mixed oils and stir the veggies until they are all coated. Using a slotted spoon, spoon the veggies onto the lined trays and shake until they are evenly spread out. (It's up to you if you drizzle over the remaining oil from the bowl but I didn't...) Then place in the hot oven and roasted until the veggies are tender. Remove from the oven to cool. 

Place the veggies in a large soup pan and pour over the veggie stock and then using a hand blender, blitz the soup until it's smooth. Season with the salt and black pepper to your taste. Heat the soup, gently over a low heat until ready to serve. 


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Saturday has been a great one too...
