
Friday 14 February 2014

Valentines Soup: Rocket & Roses Beet Green, Cauliflower and Leek Soup

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Harry Connick Jr ~ When Harry Met Sally OST Album

Happy Valentines Day one and all..however if you abstain from this romantic notion...Woo! It's Friday! lol. I myself am spending my day looking after my littlest niece and we will be finger painting and playing with dough. This evening ML and I are going on a date to see the comedienne Lucy Porter at our local theatre. As going out for dinner together is an impossibility these days and neither of us drink alcohol so we couldn't go for a romantic meal. So we had to think outside the box and decided upon getting tickets to something. I'm really looking forward to it as I love comedy and crave the healing effects of laughter. May not be the evening of choice of many on this loved up day but for us it's perfect. Whatever you folks are up to this evening..I wish you love and happiness. 

Last Sunday I asked my close circle of friends around for the afternoon/evening so I could test out recipes from a cookbook I am about to review. We had a great time and the food wasn't half bad either! Although there was a lot of gasps as we tested out two Piri Piri sauces with the starter. For the main course I had to peel 12 beetroots and unusually for the shops around here, they had lush stalks and many leaves attached. Instead of sending them off to the compost I decided to keep them and make 'something' with them later...

ML brought me a couple of organic leeks back from the supermarket (who says romance is dead? lol) and I already had a splendid large cauliflower waiting to be used. These two veggies with the beet stalks and greens seemed to me to be a great combination and the inspiration for this soup was fired up. Now I urge caution here...make sure you wash the stalks well as after 30 minutes of washing and rinsing mine I was still finding hidden soil. I found myself tossing in caraway seeds and chilli flakes and a bayleaf and hastily scribbling down the ingredients used. The final two ingredients were haricot beans and veggie stock. 

I loved the beautiful colour that was the end results of this recipe, so vibrant. The flavours are a powerhouse with the earthy tones from the beets and leeks and gentle heat from the spices and wholesome beans. I chose to blend this recipe which I know is unlike me as I am by far a chunky soup person but I just felt this recipe would be better for it. And I stand by that..this soup was silky smooth and very enjoyable.

R & R Beet Green, Cauliflower & Leek Soup

R & R Beet Green, Cauliflower and Leek Soup       Serves 4
(Original recipe from Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

1 tbsp coconut oil 
2 organic leeks, cleaned and sliced 
9 oz beetroot stalks and greens, chopped
1/2 med/large cauliflower, chopped up
1 bayleaf
1 1/4 tsp caraway seeds
1/4 tsp red chilli flakes 
1 14oz tin of Haricot beans, rinsed and drained 
1250ml veggie stock 

Heat the coconut oil in a large saucepan and then gently saute the leeks until they begin to soften. Add the beets and saute for 5 minutes, stirring often. Stir in the caraway seeds, chilli flakes and bayleaf until they are evenly distributed. Then add in the cauliflower and haricot beans and stock. Stir well and bring to the boil, cover and reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes. Remove the bayleaf and then using a hand blender blitz the soup until it's smooth. Serve...

And yes..I bought this dish just for the hidden Yum!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Friday is a very happy one...filled with laughter...
