
Sunday 9 February 2014

Rocket & Roses Savoury Vegetable Buckwheat Pancake to Share (vegan & gluten free)

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

The Pretty Reckless ~ Just Tonight 
Melissa Etheridge ~ When You Find The One
Chris Cornell ~ Thank You
Roy Orbison ~ Mean Woman Blues
Nickelback ~ Far Away
Garbage ~ Breaking Up The Girl
Freemasons ~ Uninvited 
Cat Power ~ Hate
Halestorm ~ Beautiful With You
Chely Wright ~ One Night In Vegas
Daniel Varsano ~ Satie: Sarabande #1
Buckcherry ~ I Want You
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band ~ Baby The Rain Must Fall
Adam & The Ants ~ Prince Charming

It has been a busy few days folks, how about you? I for one am relieved its Sunday although I wouldn't swap my family day on a Saturday for anything. It was my sisters birthday this week so yesterday ML was busy making her a chocolate birthday cake whilst my sister was at a ice skating birthday part with little Noo. Myles and Layla helped select the candles and the cake was festooned with them. The cake must have looked too delicious as a little while later little Layla appeared at my kitchen doorway with hands and face covered in chocolate. The cake looked like a hamster had been running around on top of it. lol. It was very funny although it was important to impress on her that this was a naughty thing. Seeing her large blue/grey eyes brimming with tears as she stood on a stool at the kitchen sink and washed her hands as I washed her chocolate chops was very nearly unbearable. lol What a sap of an Auntie I was yesterday..but..BUT..I held firm and talked to her about the importance of owning up to something which she then did. But she held firm in her belief of no apologies. lol. ML was able to salvage the remains and with a trusty hot spoon was able to somewhat cover the missing chocolate fudge. It all turned out well in the end and my sister loved her cake and they all had great fun blowing out the fire candles on top of the cake.

So to the you know I have been playing experimenting with gluten free flours...and loving it. By far my favourite, so far, has been the humble seed that is buckwheat and I have been testing out differing recipes. My first attempt was appalling as I tried a thin crepelike recipe from someone else's kitchen and after five attempts all I was left with was a pile of gloopy mess. Then I tried some more...and had failed attempts. So one morning I got up with the determination I was going to create my own buckwheat pancake recipe and so I did. I achieved the texture I wanted and enjoyed them for breakfasts with a few different toppings. But then I wanted to try out this idea of making the 'topping' part of the give the actual pancake some flavour. Now my buckwheat pancakes are robust and when combined with the veggies it makes for one 8" pancake and that is why I have called it a pancake to share. I personally cut mine in half and had the second part the next day. But I loved it and very much enjoyed the differing textures with the addition of the veggies. It's really simple to make too and I can honestly say I am enjoying my gluten free/sugar free breakfast and brunches..far more than the sweet ones of the past as I am most definitely a savoury orientated person than sweet.  I hope you give this one a try...

Rocket & Roses Savoury Vegetable Buckwheat Pancake to Share

Rocket & Roses Savoury Vegetable Buckwheat Pancake to Share  Serves 1-2
(Original recipe from Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

For the batter:

1/2 cup buckwheat flour 
1/2 tbsp chia egg 
1/2 tsp baking powder (gluten free)
1/2 tsp red chilli flakes 

For the veggie mix:

1/2 tbsp coconut oil
1 med-large vine ripened tomato, cored and chopped
1/3 yellow pepper, seeded and chopped
2 spring onions, finely sliced
1/4 cup frozen garden peas 

In a small bowl whisk together the ingredients for the batter and when thoroughly combined set the bowl to one side to allow the mixture to thicken. If it gets too thick add a little more more than a couple of tbsps. 

In an 8" omelette pan or small skillet melt the coconut oil and then add the veggies to the pan and saute for 5 minutes. 

Add the batter to the cooking veggies and quickly stir the mixture to ensure an even distribution. Then leave to cook for 5 minutes over a low heat. Go away...leave it! lol Gently edge around the pancake to loosen it and when fully lifting gently but quickly flip it over and leave to cook again for a further 5 minutes. Then serve...


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Sunday is a good one...I am going to have a fantastic one spent with my close circle of friends as I try out recipes on them for a cookbook I've been asked to review. And I'm sure there will be lots of laughs and a few games in there too...
