
Sunday 2 February 2014

Rocket & Roses Morning Boost Chickpea Omelette (vegan & gluten free)

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

BBC Radio4 Desert Island Discs Podcast ~ David Gilmore

Sometimes there is nothing better than starting the day with a good breakfast. Today I did...I have fallen in foodie love with chickpea flour and the many ways you can use it. Having been a card carrying chickpea addict's a surprise to me that I hadn't looked more closely to this silky flour. I started to experiment with it when I started cutting down on my tofu intake and its also started to help with my elimination of wheat and yeast from my menu. It's a really amazing flour. Have you tried it? I make a great fritatta with leftover veggies that makes a fab breakfast for a few days as it keeps really well in the fridge.

Today though I decided to make an omelette. It was a 'fridge' omelette which means whatever was left in my fridge. I pulled out and prepped carrot, spring onion, green pepper and added a red chilli from the chilli pot. I also tossed in some pumpkin and sunflower seeds into the batter whilst the veggies cooked down in some coconut oil. It's really that simple. However, I am still mastering the art of folding chickpea omelette's but it's a learning process and more often than not it cooks beautifully in the skillet and then gets served up looking like a scramble. But the taste is amazing. lol.So please forgive today's photo effort as it was hastily taken in artificial light, in 3 seconds and I have no other excuses lol. It looked so good cooking away at this point and then folding lead to collapse so I didn't photograph that. But I's worth it because it tastes so good. lol.

The results are a great tasting omelette with the freshness of the veggies, boost from the chilli, savoury hit from the herbs and the slightly dense batter. Gets your day off to a great start and will keep you satisfied for hours.

At this point it looked as good as it Promise!

Rocket & Roses Morning Boost Chickpea Omelette   Serves 1-2
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

The batter: 

1/3 cup of chickpea flour 
1/3 cup of water 
1/2 tsp chia seeds 
1/4 tsp baking powder (GF baking powder)
1/4 tsp dried oregano 
1/4 tsp dried basil 

1 tbsp pumpkin seeds 
1 tbsp sunflower seeds

The veggies: 

1 carrot, peeled and thinly sliced 
3 spring onions, prepped and sliced 
1/2 large green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 hot red chilli, seeded and sliced 

1 tbsp coconut oil 

Mix the batter ingredients together and leave to blend whilst you prep and cook the veggies. The longer the better. 

In a skillet heat the oil and then gently saute the veggies for 5-7 minutes until the carrots are tender crisp. 

Pour the batter over the veggies and swirl the skillet for it to spread out and cover the veggies and toss the seeds on top of it. Then leave to cook for 5 minutes. Walk away..tidy up...go. Leave it be. lol. 

After the five minutes gently lift the edges up and start to lift up the omelette to fold and if you are lucky and succeed, leave to cook for a further 4 minutes. Then serve...or if it collapses turn as much over and cook for the 4 minutes. lol. Serve...


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Sunday is a fantastic one...
