
Sunday 12 January 2014

Brunch: Rocket & Roses Brussels Sprout & Chickpeas with Oregano on GF Toasts

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List

Chopin Nocturnes play list

I'm sorry but I always get a perverse little chuckle when I am writing up the sprouts recipes. For me they are foodie heaven but I know so many people who react like a spider just fell in their lap when confronted with them. I try and be, really I do! But as sprouts and cabbage of all varieties are one of my most favourite foods I struggle. Although I admit I have had some shocking examples of sprouts and cabbage dishes cooked for me over the years but that is rarely the vegetables fault and the blame is the cooks. Now I have previously stated I could eat sprouts, chickpeas and broccoli at every meal and believe me, I am serious about that. lol. This morning was a prime example.

I slept in after a shocking night and was feeling a little fragile and when confronted with the need to eat something..well..I was a little resistant. I stood at my fridge gazing at the veggies sat there and the only one that kept catching my eye was a bowl of sprouts. I had enjoyed some leftover roasted sprouts and butter beans on toast a couple of weeks ago as a last minute breakfast and I also needed to steam some other veggies for a recipe I was testing later in the day. Minutes later I found myself chopping veggies and draining chickpeas. Once my other veggies had finished cooking I threw my sprouts and chickpeas in the steamer. I love steaming chickpeas as they go soft and creamy. I toasted off two small slices of GF bread and waited patiently for everything to finish stomach was now ready for food and was I tossed the cooked sprouts and chickpeas with a good grating of black pepper and rubbed a good pinch of dried oregano over them too. Now if you are lucky enough to have fresh oregano..go for it you lucky thing. 

The results were beautifully tender crisp and delicately flavoured sprouts and wholesome creamy chickpeas that mashed down well on the cuts of toast. The pepper gave it a hit and the oregano rounded out the flavour perfectly. I loved every bit of it...a brunch recipe I shall enjoy a lot. Go on...give it a try...sprouts cooked correctly are divine. 

R &R Brussels Sprouts & Chickpeas with Oregano on GF Toasts

R&R Brussels Sprouts & Chickpeas with Oregano on GF Toasts     Serves 1 
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen) 

2 small slices of Gluten Free bread 

10 sprouts, peeled and quartered 
1/2 tin of chickpeas, rinsed well and drained 
freshly grated black pepper to taste 
generous pinch of dried oregano 

Place the sprouts and chickpeas in a steamer and allow to steam for 7 minutes. Toast off the bread and place on a plate. When the sprouts are just tender place them and the chickpeas in a bowl and grate black pepper and rub the oregano over and stir to ensure even distribution. Then spoon onto the toasts and serve...


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Sunday is very good to you..mine shall be spent cooking and then snuggling up to watch my newly acquired bargain price American Gothic boxset...woo! lol.
