
Monday 30 December 2013

Vegan Canape Board

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Chris Cornell ~ No Such Thing
Joan Jett ~ School Days
Madonna ~ Forbidden Love
Cyndi Lauper ~ Hymn To Love
Sarah McLachlan ~ Building A Mystery (Live)
Nirvana ~ Territorial Pissings
Gotan Project ~ Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre)
Jamie Cullum ~ 21st Century Kid
Lady Antebellum ~ Singing Me Home
Jason Collett ~ Blue Sky 
Plant & Kraus ~ Nothin'
Blondie ~ Hanging On The Telephone
INXS ~ Beautiful Girl 
Beth Hart ~ Forever Young

Canapes look great served on a board, left on a table for people to enjoy...

When my health is good I often invite loved ones round for dinner parties. I find the organisation easy and the creating of the menu's peaceful. The cooking for these events is often exhausting but I enjoy that. My theory is...if I'm gonna be exhausted than better it be for hard kitchen work than simply breathing!...hey it works for me. lol. This canape creation started with the making of Chestnut & Lentil Pate...and the thread spun from there...

So in the mini pepper boats is Chestnut & Lentil the red chicory leaves is plain hummus with carrot strips and lastly the hollowed out thick slices of cucumber is a simple plain vegan soft white cheese sprinkled with chives. The cut cherry tomatoes have freshly ground black pepper to bring out their sweetness.

If a board doesn't suit you then setting out on a plate, to hand around, works well too...

My rule for canapes is to keep it simple...this board/plate took 5 minutes of preparation and looks very attractive if I do say so myself. lol. Hosting parties can actually be good 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Monday is going well?


NB: The Chestnut & Lentil Pate is not my recipe and is the creation of Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero.