
Thursday 19 December 2013

Bobbie's Balsamic-Dijon Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Airbourne ~ Stand and Deliver
Cat Power ~ Willie 
Pavarotti ~ "La ci clarem la mono"
Guns N Roses ~ Word Up
Nurel Lita ~ Kafez
Foo Fighters ~ Razor
The Thompson Twins ~ Roll Over
Escala ~ Palladio
Megadeth ~ Symphony Of Destruction
The Gossip ~ Standing In The Way Of Control
Janiva Magness ~ It's Your Voodoo Working
Madonna ~ Give It To Me
Nicola Benedetti ~ MacMillian: From Ayrshire (Violin)
Alisha's Attic ~ I Won't Miss You

SPROUTS! Woo! Oh stop running away..they are little globes of green goodness and if cooked properly they taste just great. I love them and they are right up there with broccoli as my favourite veggie. I could eat them for every meal...every day. However I will admit if someone served me up sprout slush I would maybe refuse to..out of respect for the beautiful vegetable they can be. I still can't believe that people still boil them...I have never done that. I have had a steamer in my kitchen no matter where I have lived. Ranging from the little metal pop out steamer attachment designed to fit into saucepans to my current magnificent 4 layered and freaking ginormous stove top steamer. Yes...I am and always will be, a steamer gal. 

For me steaming allows me to control the amount of cooking my lovely veggies have. And also that is exactly how I prefer my veggies...steamed to 'just' tender with plenty of crispness still there. The only exception is potato...I do not like a crispy potato..or should that be crunchy? lol. I roast veggies for High Days and Holidays as a treat but I have never, ever, at all roasted my sprouts. I have added them into various dishes and made salads with them but otherwise they are steamed and devoured. lol. So I was quite shocked by the fact I was even contemplating roasting any at all. I had seen many recipes but none of them really caught my interest...and then I found this one. For the original recipe from Bobbie and her Vegan Crew simple click here. Once again I followed the link through to her site from a Pin on Pinterest and really enjoyed reading her post and her blog is really interesting so I urge you to take a look @ 

The recipe is very simple to throw together...a case of prepping sprouts and a little whisking together of the roasting dressing. And 20 minutes later you have a dishful of roasted sprouts. Now why did Bobbie's recipe spark me when many others haven't? Well Balsamic is the honest answer. I adore the lovely inky vinegar so that hooked me...then having enjoyed Mustard Sauce with pasta this weekend which was a breakthrough for me, the Dijon made me curious. I also had a bag of sprouts sitting on my counter waiting to be used...

I was busy readying my kitchen for the Friends Christmas Dinner Party on Friday. I will be pretty much living in my kitchen from Wednesday I love it. But whilst I was busy I was very much enjoying the smells coming from my oven. At the 20 minute mark my sprouts were exactly the texture I like them...still with a slight crispness. So I removed them from my oven...and then took a hasty photograph (I said I was very and left them to cool for me to try one...Ha! 

My first test was crisply succulent...I know, but it was. The dressing had reduced to a sticky sauce and coated the sprouts very well. The flavour was mellow and intense all at once. As you bite into the sprouts you get the sprout goodness then as you chew the combined flavours sweep across your taste buds. I never thought I would ever say this...but I really did enjoy roasted sprouts...well these ones anyway. When I sat down with a drink a little while later I found myself having an early lunch and just couldn't stop eating them. lol. So yes..definitely a hit. 

Sticky and roasted Bobbie's Balsamic-Dijon Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Bobbie's Balsamic-Dijon Roasted Brussel Sprouts    Serves 4 (or 1 LOL)
(Recipe form 

12oz Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved 

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 
2 tbsp Dijon mustard 
1 tbsp olive oil (I used canola/rapeseed)
2 tbsp water
salt and pepper to taste 
1/2 tsp maple syrup or agave syrup (optional) (I used maple)

Heat the oven to 425' and have a baking dish close to hand. 

Whisk dressing ingredients together in a med-large bowl until thoroughly blended. Add the sprouts and stir well to coat. Then pour into the baking dish and even out. Place into the oven and roast for 20 minutes, stirring at the half way point. Then serve...(if you get the chance!) with a great nut roast...


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Thursday has been a good one..mine has been spent making Desserts for my pals with Ann by my side keeping me going. Thank you Ann xx


NB Many thanks to Bobbie over at The Vegan Crew for a great recipe and tempting me into the roasted sprouts realm. This is not my recipe and therefore I take no credit for its creation. It is the hard work and creative efforts of Bobbie and Bobbie alone. ~R~