
Friday 8 November 2013

My sisters vegan Wedding Cake...Yep..todays the day...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Wedding tunes play list on It had to be done. 

Yes is the day. My little sister is marrying her fiance...they have been together since they were kids. They now have three of their own...the beloved little ones I regularly mention in my postings. This morning is a mess of hairstylists, make up and nail varnish as we go through the production line of getting scrubbed up for the big day. ML and I are also packing furiously so we can leave first thing in the morning for our holiday in Cornwall. lol.

Over the last few weeks ML has been planning and designing their wedding cake. They asked ML to make and we were very happy to oblige. They asked for a bottom layer of fruit cake and two top layers of chocolate cake. The colour scheme was ivory and burgundy and they had already picked up cake toppers that are freakishly like them. lol. Voodoo

Beautiful, no?

Not a bad job, eh? ML has every right to feel pride for this sister and fiance love it. 

Close up of the happy couple...

Seriously the likeness is very I think they finish off the cake perfectly....

An ariel

And lastly.....

Attention to detail....

Every single edible pearl was placed by hand...and ML said it was quite Personally I would have lost my mind..not being patient at The cake board was made by our late Grandad for my first wedding and now I'm passing it down the family if they wish to use it. And also it's great to have something of him there....

So now I've just had my hair and purple fasinator sprayed into place..nothing short of a hurricane is moving this sucker. lol I had better publish this and get my ass moving...

Sending out love and happiness to my lovely sister and her soon to be hubby.  I wish you a long and happy marriage...filled with love and happiness and most importantly...laughter! 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Friday is as splendid as mine....
