
Wednesday 2 October 2013

Setbacks there have been a few...but too few to mention! But I will

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Maroon 5 ~ Until You're Over Me
The Fratellis ~ Doginabag
Sinatra ~ Witchcraft
Airbourne ~ Running Hot
Chris Cornell ~ Can't Change Me
Buckcherry ~ Pride
Julia Mcinally ~ Lonely Boy
Caro Emerald ~ Dr. Wanna Do
Uh Huh Her ~ Run
Anna Nalick ~ Wreck Of The Day
Brandi Carlile ~ Looking Out
Sandi Thom ~ The Last Picturehouse
Thunder ~ Another Shot Of Love
Texas Hippie Coalition ~ Pissed Off and Mad About It

Attractive, no? lol

Hello you lovely loyal people....I find myself once again having to apologise for my absence. My big plans for a re-launch recently, flopped big time as you will have no doubt noticed. I hope you cruised all my archives and enjoyed the recipes that are waiting there for you. The main reason for this has been many, many techno problems at our end. Then when we waded through those...we hit major formatting problems. BIG problems so we have had to slowly (think walking through knee deep molasses!) get through those too. To use another cliche...its been a extremely large bitch learning curve for both myself and the webmaster. And I can comfortably say apart from one issue, we are there. Phew!

Then I had a somewhat troubling backslide health wise and what i thought was just a common lurgy turned into something else entirely. Therefore I have been wiped out and sadly had no energy to deal with the blog. So treatments and Docs appointments not withstanding I should be blogging again in the next few days. But it does mean I've had more time to catch up on my reading and movie watching. Currently have The Perks of Being A Wallflower..playing in the background as I have wanted to watch it for a while.

Many, many, many thanks to you all...for remaining loyal...

I hope that your week is going well and you are settling into Autumn if that's what is happening in your part of the world. I am...I love it and all that comes with it.

I'll be back soon...
